Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

We are still searching it.

About Us

We are unashamedly Southern Baptist.  While raising and supporting wife, family, and property as a Christian, Jim never fully committed himself to the universal call of God to follow Jesus fully.  Finally one day while spending time with sister Janice, who was dying with cancer, he heard from God through Janice, "When is it enough?"

It was enough that day.  After making preparations to complete one last project near where he would return to school again, now was the time to complete a formal education at Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute near Hendersonville, NC.  Jim served on the board of directors at Fruitland. from 2008 - 2012.

Jim is a member at Holly Springs Baptist Church near Broadway, NC.  Jim was licensed into the Gospel Ministry there on March 11, 2007.  He was ordained into the Gospel ministry there October 11, 2008.  Jim is endorsed as a chaplain by the North American Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.  He served as a workplace chaplain for several years and presently serves as chaplain for his local fire department.

Rachael is faithful to her family and friends.  Though her health has been an obstacle in the past, she gives God all the glory for her ability to support wherever she and Jim might be called.

Rachael is the minister in the family.  She has a card ministry for all who come to her attention.  If a baby is born and she knows it, there appears a baby shawl.  If someone feels down, there appears a homemade mountain apple pie.

We love all the churches where God has brought His message through us.  He always brings His message to us first.  We love to tell His truth.  He continues to bless us with every new breath He gives.