Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

If They Don’t

Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things kwhatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: lfor this is the law and the prophets.” [1]

I.   Observation

          A. Consistent

          B. Contrary

II. Ownership

          A. Commandment

          B. Condition

III. Otherwise

          A. Conclusion

          B. Commitment

Introduction:  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  We are at the end of another calendar year.  We are carrying the memories of what we have experienced with us into 2022.  The saying that we understand as the “golden rule” is known in many of the world’s religions.  Yet somehow we have taken a different approach of how to deal with each other.

Today we will hear the last message of 2021 from this pulpit.  It would be wonderful if we could carry this message into next year and forgive the things done that we perceive to have been done against us.  If we can do that, 2021 will be remembered as a great year.

The actual words of the scriptures that Jesus used as instructions of how to live in a civil society are different than what we so often quote.  That does not change the truth that is meant in what Jesus told us.  It is not a conditional expression.  It doesn’t depend on what others do to us.

It is an imperative or an authoritative command.  Many people in this generation consider rules as things that are unnecessary because they had no input in the making of the rules.  The idea of an imperative is an outrage to those who have no god except themselves.

If a person truly is a Christian; that person has decided that there is a God who created all things and He has a Son who decided to follow His Father’s will to come here and save us from that which we have chosen for ourselves.  If a person is a Christian; that person has no dependency on the actions of others of how to behave.  The only person that a Christian answers to is Jesus.

If a person is a Christian then Jesus Christ is the role model.  How Christians allow relationships with others should only depend on love and not if someone didn’t live up to their expectations.  If a person is a Christian the imperative to treat others the way you would want to be treated is a blessing and not an overwhelming obstacle.  If a person is a Christian that person will know the truth and the truth will set that person free from anger towards others and the hatred of others that often lasts long after the person whom you hate has left this life.  What a shame!  Do you want to be free from that?

Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.  There was a man who wrote other words in a song.  He said, “Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy of you try.”  The world listened.  The man didn’t actually say that there is no heaven; John Lennon only suggested that you might imagine that.  His suggestion was not an imperative yet the world listened and agreed.

Imagine this though; imagine a heaven where there is no hate.  Imagine a heaven where the only thing we care about is caring for the needs of each other instead of caring how others are treating us.  Imagine that!  If a person is a Christian then Jesus Christ is in them.  If a person is a Christian then the Holy Spirit is guiding them.  If a person is a Christian then all this hatred will end when all this ends and we will be with those who have gone to heaven already.  If a person is a Christian then we will not carry hatred there when we go to heaven.

Scripture:  The scripture today is Matthew 7:12.  Please stand if you can for the reading of God’s Word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Luke’s account of this imperative from Jesus is also found in Luke 6:31, “ And nas ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” [2]  Further into the Luke account Jesus actually explains how secular people relate with each other.  Luke 6:32 “oFor if ye love them which love you, what pthank have ye? for qsinners also love those that love them. 33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what pthank have ye? for qsinners also do even the same. 34 rAnd if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what pthank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35 But slove ye your enemies, and do good, and rlend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and tye shall be the children of uthe Highest: for he is xkind unto the unthankful and to the evil.” [3]

Our text today is preceded by a rather long imperative from Jesus.  Listen as we hear Matthew 7:1-12.  If we fall into the trap of what my Uncle Albert used in his joking way of coming into a room, these verses are what you might do when you are considering the question, “Who’s winning, the goods or the bads?”

To decide who is worthy of your acceptance as being a good person means that you have judged them in your mind.  Jesus said to be careful because that type of judgment would come back to haunt you.  Looking to find fault in someone so that you can count yourself above them is the idea about finding that speck in somebody else’s eye that you might correct in them.

In verse six it is still going to judgment.  The idea of giving to dogs and pigs is not so say that it is wrong to care for animals.  It is wrong to choose evil over caring for others in need.  That will come back to bite you.  Also if someone has judged you and decided that you are not worthy of their love, nothing you do will change that.  Only if they accept Jesus and receive guidance from the Holy Spirit will they be changed.  It is God’s business!  So, if you throw away everything you have in an attempt to win over those who reject you and what they see in you, that is wasting what God has given you for His glory to win souls for Him.

Verse seven; ask; never demand!  Seek; never expect things to come unless you are willing to go and find them.  Knock; never expect an opportunity to come your way unless you raise attention that you are willing to receive what is offered.

Verses eight and nine explain how good fathers relate when their children  ask, seek, and knock.  If a righteous earthly father responds to his children’s needs even though mankind is born with an evil intent, can anyone imagine how much our Heavenly Father gives us.  When we ask because we know our need for forgiveness God responded by giving us His Only Begotten Son. When we seek Jesus we are guided to Him.  When we come to a closed door and we pray and get His attention things happen.

In verses nine through eleven we understand the difference between how to world is responding to true need and how God provides.  Society is handing out rocks for food, snakes for fish, and death for children.  God is still giving us perfectly because not only does he provide the things that we need, He is the one who gives us the need in the first place.  Because God so loves us therefore whatever we see that we would expect from others, that is what we should give to others regardless of what they give to us.

That first part of verse eleven is an observation on our part.  We see all the things that are consistent with what we would accept from others.  And yes a blind person knows in his own conscience what he/she feels is the right thing to do.  Christian or not, everybody knows how it feels when somebody lets you down.  The thing here is to be consistent to return not what others have done to you but what you would rather that they would have done.  Anything else will make you a slave to anger and hatred.

I can’t think of anything more pitiful than to hold onto your hatred of someone longer than the person lived.  There are people who remember with hatred things that someone did to them and it continues to cause them pain long after the person has died.  The person is dead!  How sick is that!  It is absolutely contrary to what Jesus expects.  It is not how we will act with each other when we get to heaven with each other.  Why let it poison you here now?

Whatsoever ye would do!  Do ye even so to them!  The imperative there is not to the other person.  Whatsoever you would have done to you; do you!  So who owns the commandment or imperative?  YOU!  There is nothing here about waiting to see or sizing up the person before you decide how you will act towards another person.  The condition depends totally on whether you will or whether you won’t be affected by the actions of others.

Once a person has made up their mind to reject you; unless confession and repentance happens, there is nothing you can do about their action towards you but you must not let their action force your action.  The ownership is yours of how you respond and nobody carries that blame hatred of others and how you respond to their ill actions of you but you.

And there lies the question of the message today.  What happens when others don’t do this towards you?  If they don’t; does that relinquish the imperative of the golden rule?  Is there ever an otherwise?

There just past that colon is the conclusion to the imperative.  There is no otherwise.  If they or whoever it is decides not to follow the golden rule, they are certainly not in the minority now.  People are committed to having their way even if it kills everyone who gets in their way.  Yet there will be that one that God will lead you to that needs a Christian. 

This law is not history.  Jesus said it is the law.  It remains His law and that is the conclusion or as they say, that is that!  Not only that but it is also of and for the prophets.  In other words it was then and it shall always be.  Jesus was totally committed to this rule up to death on the cross and beyond.  How He acts towards us even when we are so resentful of Him must strengthen our commitment towards whosoever will.

Prayer:  Let us pray.

Invitation:  People have a notion that if they make a promise to their self at the beginning of a new year that they fully intend to keep that promise.  The truth is though things beyond our control often cause those good intentions to vaporize.

God does not vaporize and neither do those things that He gives us that are good.  The things that vaporize and go away are the plans that we make without God.  His plan is for us to become new creations that can keep those promises to ourselves which we make in His will.

There will be things beyond our control again in 2022.  There will be those temptations that God allows to test our faith and make us stronger.  It is God’s will for Christians to follow the Golden Rule.  Will you?  It is totally your choice to keep your faith in Him no matter what happens and no matter who does not keep theirs.

k Luke 6:31.
l See ch. 22:39. 40.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mt 7:12). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
n Matt. 7:12. Tobit 4:15.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Lk 6:31). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
o Matt. 5:46.
p Ecclus. 20:16. ver. 33, 34 (Gk. and English).
q Comp. Matt. 5:46, 47.
p Ecclus. 20:16. ver. 33, 34 (Gk. and English).
q Comp. Matt. 5:46, 47.
r Matt. 5:42.
p Ecclus. 20:16. ver. 33, 34 (Gk. and English).
s ver. 27.
r Matt. 5:42.
t So Matt. 5:45.
u See ch. 1:32.
x 1 Macc. 6:11. 1 Pet. 2:3 in the Gk. So Matt. 20:15.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Lk 6:32–35). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.