Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Seventh Cry From The Cross

Into Thy Hands

Luke 23: 46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.[1]


Introduction:  In the middle of His seven cries from the cross, Jesus cried out My God, My God.  Jesus earlier referred to God as Father when He asked forgiveness for us for not knowing that what we are doing is against Him.  We have been through all of these sayings and I pray that we have learned about Jesus the Son of Man as He went through things that we are due because of what we do but only He fully realized the deep rejection that we live with and take for granted.

There is a progression to His sayings as the day went by and the gospel accounts must be searched to find the whole truth because no single gospel account includes all seven sayings.  The crucifixion started with Jesus asking our forgiveness.  Next He gave assurance of salvation to that one who was hanging beside Him on that other cross.  It was still light enough when Jesus saw His mother and that one He loved.  It was then that He made sure that John took care of Mary and that Mary had someone familiar to be with.  In that account we also should learn that He wants us to take care of each other.

When the darkness came, Jesus felt a difference in that familiar presence that was so dear to Him.  It was totally dark when Jesus cried out My God, My God.  The familiar presence was different and so was the way Jesus spoke to His Father, His God.  Now there was not that familiarity.

He felt thirst even though He is the one who gives us living water.  We in our sin should also thirst for that which can only quench our deepest thirst.  Yet we seem to seek all except that which fully satisfies.

The darkness was about over when Jesus cried out, “It is finished.”  The bridge across the divide that separates us from our Creator was completed there on that cross that crossed the bottomless chasm.  But all was certainly not over, our eternity begins when we accept that which God did by sending Jesus.  Our eternity begins when we accept that priceless gift that we cannot pay for but must be accepted freely.

Jesus had one more thing to do that day and it is the same thing that we all must do if we truly trust God.  Jesus always knew God was His Father.  For those few hours the relationship seemed darker, but now Jesus felt that familiar presence again and He made a public profession.  Yes Father!  I do absolutely trust your will for my life.  I absolutely commend all that is within Me to You dearest heavenly Father.  Take all of me.

Scripture:  The scripture is Luke 23:46.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  The title of today’s message is from Jesus’ last cry from the cross, Into Thy Hands.  We will break down three words.  I commend me.

Follow as we read from Luke 23:44-46.   “44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earthb until the ninth hour. 45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. 46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.” [2]

While this was going on and the sun was about to reappear, the veil or curtain that separated the inner chamber of the temple from the outer part was torn.  Matthew’s gospel account gives more detail to this tear. 

Matthew 27:50–53 (AV)

“50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

The veil was ripped open from top to the bottom.  From heaven to earth, not the other way around.  God was in control when that which divided The Creator from His creation was ripped open.  It took the perfect sacrifice to do that.  It took Jesus!

SO what can we do?  What must we do?  We must do that same thing that Jesus The Son of Man did when He surrendered and commended.  That is my responsibility and yours.  I can’t do it for you and God won’t either.  Jesus said I commend My Spirit.  So must we all commend.

1:      to entrust for care or preservation

2:      to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice

3:      to mention with approbation: praise verb intransitive: to commend or serve as a commendation of something [3]

Commend is a verb.  An action word.  It takes a response.  You have to do something.  Who does it?  Jesus said I.  Who does it for you?  Nobody but you.  I commend.  That which I value above all else that makes me who I am, that part of me, my spirit, me!  That is what I trust You with God!  Because I understand that I have exhausted all my efforts to take care of who I am, Now I am ready to give all I am to You Lord.

I know everyone has seen or heard that commercial about the good hands people.  But I am here to tell you that there is no insurance that has hands good enough for you to trust your soul with.  Only God!

Jesus felt what we should feel while He was carrying our sin during that dark part of that day.  Yet during that dark period even Jesus asked why. 

We men seem to have a tougher time trusting someone to take care of that which we most value.  If my truck is messed up, I don’t want to leave it with someone I don’t know.  In fact I’m kinda obnoxious because I actually used to work on cars for a living.  If somebody is going to fix my airplane, I am going to ask a bunch of questions because the FAA won’t let even the owner do but so much work themselves.  The mechanic has to be certified by the government.  Well who trusts them?  Not me with the thing taking me into the sky.  I want to know!  I’m going to ask a bunch of questions.  When they’re through, I’m going to take a quick short flight before venturing out too far.  See, I have to know that I can trust that thing that I am commending to someone else.

Now for Jesus, the asking was over.  The trust is as strong as it ever was.  Jesus knew whose hands He could trust and He was ready to place that trust in those hands.  Into Thy hands I commend my spirit.  The next few words are very important so please do not just read over them.  Jesus gave up the ghost.  He gave up His life!

It’s not enough to tell Jesus that you know He died for your sins.  It’s not enough to tell God that you accept eternal life from Him.  No!  Now you have to do the thing that is impossible unless you really trust Him.  You have to give up all to Him.  Give up.  Otherwise it’s not over.  You can’t keep any part of yourself from Him.  Give it up or it’s not over!


Invitation:  I commend Me.  That is what Jesus told his Heavenly Father.  What is your response to that?  You can’t hold back that little piece of anger towards that one who you think is against you anymore.  They don’t know you!  Only God knows you.  You don’t even know what you are capable of.  Give it up!

Jesus gave that up when He asked His Father to forgive them who didn’t know what they were doing.

Pray for that one even if there is guilt, if they are ready to admit their misgivings.  Jesus did for that one beside Him that day and promised him eternity with Him that started that day.

Take care of each other.  Especially family.  Church family.  Yeah I know there are some aggravating folks in here.  We’re family.  Let’s take care of each other.

Next, own your sin.  Confess it.  Jesus carried it for you on His cross.  Now it’s time for you to carry yours.  Do you want to feel God’s glance?  Confess that you are wrong and ask Him to help you to repent.

You may not even know it but you can believe this, there is a thirst inside you that only He can quench.  Ask Him for that living water that only He provides.

Your taking care of that which He wants to, can only stop when you say it’s finished.  Is there any speck that you are still trying to control?

Finally!  Trust God!  Only God has hands that you can trust you with.  Nobody else.  Especially not you yourself.  I commend me!  To God!  Do you.  Are you really ready to give up and walk?

That is the question and today is the time.  There may be no more time and it is all up to you.  Nobody told Jesus when to commend His Spirit and no preacher can tell you.  So it’s up to you.  Please consider your walk with Him as we sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., Lk 23:46). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

b earth: or, land

[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., Lk 23:44–46). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

[3] Merriam-Webster, I. (2003). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. (Eleventh ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc.