Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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Zechariah 9:9  dRejoice greatly, O edaughter of Zion; eShout, O daughter of Jerusalem:

fBehold, gthy King cometh unto thee: hHe is just, and ||having salvation; fiLowly, and kriding upon an ass, fAnd upon a colt the foal of an ass. [1]


I.   Rejoice

     A. Celebrate

     B. Exuberate

II. Resound

     A. Communicate

     B. Emanate

III. Reveal

     A. Illuminate

     B. Emancipate

Introduction:  People around the world understand today this is Palm Sunday.  Few people know what that means.  Even fewer people are celebrating the fact.  The disciples, who had been with Jesus throughout His three year ministry, should have known the prophecy.  They were taught Zechariah’s prophecy.  Those who laid their clothes and palm branches for Jesus’ arrival were in great celebration.  Did they know the prophecy?  Why else were they there?

In preparation for this message my mind was set on speaking of a different theme than this particular scripture we will consider today.  Here is a short version of what first came to mind which will be expanded and expounded later on.

The adoration shown to Jesus on Palm Sunday was predicted and it was an awesome day.  However, in one week’s time Jesus’ fame went from adoration to rejection.  We know about that and we are angry as we remember how many people turned against Jesus in that week.  We, like Peter, are quick to think that if we had been there we would not turn away in disgust as those people did.  Not us!  We would never be swayed from adoration to disgust.

Truth is though, there is a legitimate reason why people acted the way they did towards Jesus.  We are supposed to be disgusted with sin!  Yet we are not!  When Jesus carried the sin of the world even God the Father looked away.  We like to forget that Jesus had to carry our sins as that scapegoat we spoke of a few weeks ago.  That scapegoat was driven from the camp.  It was so disgusting that people looked away.  For that brief time on earth Jesus was indeed The Man of Sorrows because He had to be rejected to fulfil the prophecies.  If we had been there we would have acted like everybody else.

We should be disgusted at the sin that we carry.  Instead we refuse to allow Him to shoulder for us that which we should reject.  That is what we who are Christians should be doing.  That is why Jesus came.  Jesus took it all and now He is where He rightfully should be.  We will be there with Him too one day not because we love Him; not because we are better than those who turned their backs; only because He took our sin and now He is our Lord.

Well that would have been the message for today if I had my way.  That will preach later.  Zechariah’s prophecy kept getting in my head no matter how much I tried to study for that other message.  After I finally settled that God brought me to today’s message, Zechariah 9:9 kept coming up in everything I read and heard.

One last point ties the two messages; if you allow God to have His way with you, He will.  Occasionally there will be that side trip which He allows.  You will think that you are going the way He wants you to go and that little inkling will trouble you until you finally realize the detour you have in mind is not God’s path.  He will allow you to travel along for a while but if you have truly and finally surrendered to His will, He will let you know who the pilot is.

Jesus never bragged of what He did.  Jesus always gave glory to His Father.  Now Jesus is in His rightful place beside our Heavenly Father.  We can call God our Father only because of what Jesus obediently did.  The Holy Spirit will guide you when you think you are in control because without being led all we can do is wander in the wilderness.

Scripture:  The scripture today is Zechariah 9:9.  Please stand if you’re able.

Prayer:  Let us pray.  Be seated.

Message:  In Luke 19 Jesus and the disciples arrived in Jericho.  Zacchaeus was up in the tree.  They went to Zacchaeus’ house where Jesus taught them with parables.  He spoke of the nobleman and the three stewards who had increased that which the nobleman left in their charge.  The first profited tenfold, the second fivefold, and the third folded the one pound of wealth in a napkin and it grew no profit.  Matthew’s account records a similar parable.  In both cases the third man that didn’t invest wisely was discarded as useless.  Luke’s gospel goes on to record the validation of Zechariah’s prophecy of Jesus acquiring the donkey colt.  The Prince of The King rode into Jerusalem victoriously fulfilling the prophecy.  Luke 19:28-40,  “28 And when he had thus spoken, nhe went before, oascending up to Jerusalem. 29 And it came to pass, pwhen he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, 30 Saying, Go ye into the village over against you; in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, and bring him hither. 31 And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him. 32 And they that were sent went their way, and found even as he had said unto them. 33 And as they were loosing the colt, qthe owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? 34 And they said, The Lord hath need of him. 35 And they brought him to Jesus: rand they cast their garments upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon. 36 And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. 37 And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and spraise God with a loud voice for all the tmighty works that they had seen; 38 Saying, Blessed be uthe King that cometh in the name of the Lord: wpeace in heaven, and glory in the highest. 39 xAnd some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. 40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, ythe stones would immediately cry out.” [2]

The Pharisees didn’t want this celebration.  They warned Jesus to stop that display of insurrection.  Jesus however knew that what was happening was supposed to happen.  Zechariah had prophesied this event hundreds of years before and now it came to pass even as the religious leaders tried to stop the celebration.

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.”  This was no normal celebration.  It increased to the point that the Pharisees warned Jesus to stop it.  Rejoice greatly said the prophet.  Let this not be a simple celebration; exuberate!  In other words let your joy overflow to the point of unstoppable joy.  Let the whole world rejoice!

O daughter of Zion, O daughter of Jerusalem said the prophet.  The idea of the daughter of Zion is a metaphor that represents God’s relationship with His chosen people of Israel.  As a favorite daughter of a father, so is Israel to God The Father.

But Zechariah uses this metaphor twice.  Israel as God’s chosen people are favored but the center of God’s affection is Jerusalem.  Rejoice O daughter of Zion (Israel).  Rejoice O daughter of Jerusalem.  The apple of God’s eye!  The promise of the Messiah is fulfilled.

Shout of Daughter of Jerusalem!  Yes!  Communicate the wonderful truth but more than just tell it; shout it!  Let the word resound throughout all of Jerusalem.  The Prince of God has arrived.  Let that truth emanate with God’s people to be spread throughout the world for all who will receive.

It began that day and there was rejoicing.  Nobody ever thought that it would stop.  What else could happen that could stop the excitement of the Messiah coming to make Israel great again?  Excuse the pun.  That is what the nation Israel thought.  That is what their understanding of the prophecy was.  Behold, thy King cometh unto thee.  They believed that the truth had been revealed and now the world would know that Israel has her day again as the world leader.

At least that is what the nation Israel had hoped for.  God intended for Israel to be the spiritual leader of this world.  Israel was to follow God so closely that the entire world would understand what it means to follow God’s will.  What happened to Israel?  What has happened to us?

There was more revealed that day which was prophesied.  Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of the Lowly humble servant of God.  He did not come into town riding on a war horse ready to win an earthly battle.  He didn’t even come riding on a tamed animal or a great strong beast.  Jesus came riding on a donkey colt, a baby almost.  Jesus came as the humble wonderful savior to take our sins upon Himself as that poor little donkey carried Him.

The world that day thought that they had seen a world leader who would take the nation Israel to be the superpower that they thought they had the right to be.  They misunderstood their position in the world.  Jesus would reveal with every part of Himself what we who love Him are to illuminate in this world.  We are to allow His love to shine through us in such a way that is impossible for a servant of this world to understand.  We are not to serve this world but His kingdom.

Jesus is just!  His name is righteousness.  He is The Savior!  Jesus came to be the great emancipator from the world, not the great achiever of the world.  This is Palm Sunday and it is indeed a very special day for us who really understand why Jesus rode into town that day.  He came to save us from the fate that we chose for ourselves.  What are we to do now?

Prayer:  Let us pray

Invitation:  The week ahead for Jesus would be filled with things that would seem to erase the exuberance of that Sunday when they laid their clothes and Palm branches for His triumphant entry.  He would feel the letdown and the sting of weakness that those closest to Him would show Him when they slept in His need for friendship.

He would understand the rejection of one that He had known as one who followed Him as a disciple.  The soldiers took Him away from those who said that they would protect Him with every inch of their lives.  Later the one who seemed to be His closest friend would tell others that he never even knew Jesus.

There would be a mock trial with lies told.  Later Jesus would feel even His Father’s absence on that dark afternoon.  The world would believe that they had beaten Him and killed Him but Oh three days later!

The invitation today is my prayer that during this upcoming week we might remember the events of Jesus last week in His human body.  Next Sunday will be the true celebration of all celebrations.  Jesus overcame the tomb yet it cost so much.  How can we not give Him all that we are now?  How can we not follow His loving example of loving those who would rather see us destroyed?  How can we???  How could He!  And Yes Jesus does still love me.  Yes Jesus loves me.

Consider as we sing…

d So Isai. 12:6. & 62:11. ch. 2:10.
e Zeph. 3:14.
e Zeph. 3:14.
f Cited Matt. 21:5. So John 12:15.
g See Jer. 23:5. & Mic. 5:2. So Ps. 2:6.
h Comp. Ps. 45:7.
|| Or, saving himself. Ps. 33:16 (Heb.).
f Cited Matt. 21:5. So John 12:15.
i Matt. 11:29.
k See Judg. 5:10.
f Cited Matt. 21:5. So John 12:15.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Zec 9:9). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
n So Mark 10:32. See ch. 13:22.
o See ch. 2:4.
p To ver. 38, Matt. 21:1–11. Mark 11:1–10.
q Comp. Mark 11:5.
r To ver. 38, John 12:12–15.
s See ch. 18:43.
t Comp. John 12:17, 18.
u So John 12:13. See Matt. 25:34.
w See ch. 2:14.
x Comp. Matt. 21:15, 16.
y Hab. 2:11.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Lk 19:28–40). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.