Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Doubtless Thomas

John 20:28 “And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.”  [1]

I.   Assembled

     A.  Fearful

     B.  Faithful

II. Absent

     A.  Foregone

     B.   Found

III.     Accepted

      A.  Forlorn

      B.  Family


Introduction:  Each year at many churches the different positions are filled by a group called the nominating committee.  These positions are teachers of the different Sunday School classes and other teams are filled as people are called and asked to serve.

Some positions are different and are not normally filled by the nominating committees.  The pastor is given the opportunity to fill certain jobs.  Staff positions and some others are filled as he sees fit with the blessing of the deacons.  One of these positions in Southern Baptist churches is the Discipleship Director.  This person is responsible for selecting courses of discipleship study for different groups in the church.  Usually it is filled by someone who has had some degree of formal Bible study.

Jerry Parsons was the pastor at Holly Springs when he asked me to serve as Discipleship Director.  What he didn’t know was just the day before another fellow told me that he would really like to serve in that role.  The guy was definitely qualified.  Jerry wanted an answer and I put him off and told him I would have to pray about it.  The next day I told Jerry what happened with the other fellow and what he told me.  Jerry said that he had also prayed before he asked me to serve and he felt strongly that it was me that should be in that position.  We negotiated a solution.  The other fellow and I served as joint Discipleship Directors.  Today we have a lasting friendship that might have been a problem had it not turned out the way it did.

Sometimes we see an opportunity where others have received a blessing and it seems as if we might have missed the boat.  When that happens we have to make a decision.  Are we going to let sour grapes ruin our relationship with those who have received a thing that we didn’t?  We are faced with these types of decisions nearly every day and many times I fail the test.

In last week’s message we heard of a group of disciples that were afraid.  They had assembled themselves together out of fear and then Jesus, The Risen Lord, showed up.  I pray that church families around the world would learn from this passage.  We should finally understand that when we are in perilous times like we are in right now, we should not allow anyone or anything to keep us from assembling.  Together!  No not on some so-called social media platform!  Assemble yourselves together.  That is why the church is left here for now.  Sanctuary; Safe Place!  Let us not forsake assembling and let us not be persuaded by the ones who want us gone that we should not assemble.  When we assemble Jesus shows up!

Scripture:  The scripture is John 20:28.  When you have found it please rise for the reading of God’s word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  Follow as we read verses twenty-four through twenty-nine.  In chapter eleven verse sixteen we again find the apostle known as Thomas or “The Twin.”  Back in chapter eleven Jesus was returning to Judea.  Lazarus had died.  Jesus told the disciples that Lazarus was sleeping.  They took Jesus completely literally.  The others were attempting to persuade Jesus not to go back there.  They were afraid for their lives.  After Jesus clearly explained that Lazarus was dead Thomas exclaimed, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” [2]

Who was the “him” that Thomas was speaking of?  Was Thomas concerned for Jesus or did he think that they might die as Lazarus was already dead?  Whatever Thomas meant it seemed a sarcastic response.  That wouldn’t be the last time Thomas would stick his foot in his mouth.

This time in chapter twenty Thomas was absent when the others had assembled.  Had he missed the business meeting when the others decided to assemble?  Why wasn’t Thomas with them physically, emotionally, and spiritually?  They were all afraid and they decided to hide themselves away from those who might harm them.  Where was Thomas?  Why was he such a loner?  Things sure worked out well when the others came together and decided as a group.  When Jesus showed up they became closer than ever.  Where was Thomas?

As we go through the outline today there are the three points; assembled, absent, and accepted.  We will look at the three points from the standpoint of before and after.  Before Jesus showed up to the ones present in the locked room there was only fear.  After Jesus showed Himself and breathed on those there, they had faith.

Jesus explained how they must use the power given to them through The Holy Spirit.  They must do the unnatural thing of forgiveness.  They were excited!  “We have seen The Lord!”  Thomas again showed his sarcasm.  He had missed the opportunity to have the Risen Lord to breathe on him.  Thomas was not changed yet.  Was Thomas not fearful of the Jews that wanted to kill him?  He wasn’t with the rest of them.  What was Thomas thinking?  He certainly wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.  He wasn’t afraid to be a loner.

The scripture jumps forward eight days and the group has again assembled when Jesus decided again to show up.  This time though Thomas was assembled with the group.  Apparently when Thomas was absent from the first group meeting he had the foregone conclusion that no matter what he would insist on absolute evidence that Jesus was alive before he would believe.  If Thomas had any faith before Jesus’ crucifixion now his faith was fragile.  Even after the others told Thomas about their experience with Jesus The Risen Lord Thomas’ faith was weak.  He required proof before he could find faith.  Even though the others were steadfast, Thomas was more comfortable in his own conclusions than with what others collectively testified to.

There are people in every church that will not conform to the group until they receive personal proof that what the others have agreed to is good and righteous.  It is OK and good to be sure before falling into group think hook line and sinker.  We need people to question so that we don’t fall headfirst into a wrong pit.  If a person is truly a Christian though, there comes a time when they must look for Jesus in the decision that the others have agreed to.  Otherwise there is chaos and the church will never move to where God wants to take them.  In other words, there is a Thomas in every church that has to be shown by Jesus that He is Lord.

Thomas found his faith when Jesus found Thomas.  The doors were shut again when Jesus came and stood in the midst of them but the doors were not shut to Jesus.  Jesus had earlier told Mary not to touch Him.  Remember that? 

There is something special about the number three in Jewish tradition.  We understand and agree on that, Amen?  If you have a red letter Bible look through this chapter twenty in John’s gospel for how many times Jesus uses the phrase, “Peace be unto you.”  Jesus said that to the group in verse nineteen to calm them the first time He appeared when they were so afraid.  He said it to them again in verse twenty-one when He assured them that as God The Father had sent Jesus, now they too were sent by Jesus.  Then Jesus pronounced the coming of The Holy Spirit and commanded them concerning forgiveness.

You might think that Jesus would really be upset with Thomas for his lack of faith.  Look at the first words that Jesus told Thomas; “Peace be unto you.”  Not to the group this third time but to Thomas.  When Jesus found Thomas, Thomas found his faith.

Something is missing here.  Did Thomas do what Jesus invited him to do?  Jesus told Mary not to touch Him.  Jesus told Thomas not only to touch Him but to reach with his finger and feel Jesus’ hands.  Feel the scars if that’s what it takes for you to have positive proof.  More than that though Thomas, reach your whole hand and thrust it into My side.  Isn’t that what you told these brethren that it would take before you believe?  Don’t be faithless Thomas, be a believer!

Thomas answered!  Thomas accepted.  Thomas had gone from forlorn Thomas to family Thomas just that quickly.  He said he needed personal proof but now He had a personal Lord.  “My Lord and my God”; with a capital “M” in my and a capital “G” in God.

Seeing is believing but knowing Jesus without seeing Jesus, without touching Jesus is a blessing that goes beyond any physical experience that any of us can dream of.  The scripture here doesn’t say whether Thomas actually touched Jesus or not.  I can only imagine that Thomas found that he had no need now to touch Jesus because Jesus touched Thomas.  When Jesus touches you that is enough.  Your Lord?  Your God?

Prayer:  Let us pray 

Invitation:  It is never a good thing to count on the witness of the group unless you know that you can trust them as a very close knit family.  That is what church is.  That is what makes church different than any other group that comes together for any other reason than Jesus.

The invitation today is for Merry Oaks Baptist Church to grow together as a single body of believers that come to conclusions together for the good of the church after careful and prayerful consideration for God’s will and the good of the congregation.  We will have dissention before we have conclusion.  That is what happens in this fallen world.  When Jesus comes into our group and He gives us the command to find peace together, my prayer is that we will once and for all finally do that or else this church will fall individually.

Together we can show the community and the world what happens when we come together and love each other with Jesus as our Lord and our God.  Let us pray as we sing that Jesus will have His way and that His will becomes our will so that we will go His way as we sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 20:28). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 11:16). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.