Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


Genesis 22:2 “And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of bMoriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." [1]

I.   Take

          A. Prize

          B. Person

II. Travel

          A. Purpose

          B. Place

III. Trust

          A. Promise

          B. Provide

Introduction:  In the last message we discussed Jesus’ temptation at the hands of the devil.  There are places in the Bible that we know God as The One who often tests us so that our faith will grow.  God allows the devil to tempt us but offers a way to not fall into the temptation.

We recalled from the model prayer that Jesus taught His disciples that we are to ask God not to even lead us into temptation.  When Jesus was led into the wilderness it was The Holy Spirit that led Jesus.  The temptation did not come right away.  Jesus was first weakened by hunger for forty days.  After Jesus was in His weakest state, then the devil came to Jesus.

You might say that we are picking knits here.  The point is God does not tempt.  God does test us.  We are to resist temptation but we are supposed to pass tests.  Maybe we can understand it like this.  We are not to fall into the temptation of skipping school to go instead to the pool hall.  Maybe that’s a bad example.  I don’t remember the last time I saw a pool hall let alone was in one.  It was probably the last time I skipped school.  We are supposed to learn to pass tests.

When God sends a test we are to take the test and see how it turns out.  We always learn something no matter how hard it is.  As a normal red blooded American male temptation was always present.  Sometimes I ran headfirst into the temptation.  Sometimes I tried and succeeded in foregoing the test.  Funny thing about tests, there are always makeup tests.  You think you’ve done well to miss the test but there will be another one shortly.

Today we will expound Genesis twenty-two verse two.  In the first verse of chapter twenty-two the King James Version that we use here at Merry Oaks spells out the word tempt.  I just contradicted that in these opening statements.  The language was much different from 1611 and in the early 1900s.  The NKJV from 1984 uses the word tested.  You will find words in the Bible translations that seem to contradict but that is one of the tests that God allows.  Many words today seem to have contradictory meanings because we have changed the language.

Jesus was tempted and He resisted.  Abraham was tested and He passed the test.  God proved them both to be victorious in the end.  I will never discount the KJV because of word differences.  The word differences cause deeper study which is what we are supposed to do to be approved by God.  For that reason I am thankful and joyful for the word differences.  As long as we find nothing to argue and divide about we will pass the test.  God wills that we find Him in His written word no matter the particular revision or version.

We will not cover the entire chapter today but instead of looking for contradictions let’s try a little word puzzle.  In our focal verse today these words are there, “thy son, thine only son.”  Jump down to the end of verse twelve and again to sixteen. Three times there it says in this chapter that God said that Isaac was Abraham’s son, his only son.  For those who would rather argue than find a reason to agree; is that another contradiction? What about Ishmael?

Scripture:  The scripture today is Genesis 22:2.  Please stand if you can for the reading of God’s Word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  And God said take!  My friend Dr. Thom Sherwood made it clear to me that evening of our night flight that I was indeed a big fat spoiled brat.  What God had given to me was for me to give up?  That’s what I thought.  Aren’t we supposed to give things up for God?

What do you suppose Jesus meant in His sixth of the seven statements He made from the cross? John 19:30 “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, aIt is finished: and he bowed his head, and bgave up the ghost.” [2]  What was finished?  Was it Jesus’ thirst?  What was it?

The sacrificial system of something dying because of sin started with the first sin.  Adam and Eve made clothing of leaves to cover their nakedness from God because God cannot look upon sin.  Instead of leaves, God made them clothing of animal skins.  There had to be shed blood.

Abraham assumed that God would take Isaac for a sacrifice.  Without question, he was ready to take his most prized possession to the altar because God said to take and Abraham was obedient.  Isaac was a person and not a possession like an animal.  Isaac’s life as a sacrifice was not Abraham’s to give yet Abraham offered Isaac’s life to God.  God wanted Isaac to live!

When we offer our lives to God it is not because we are ready to die; it is because we are finally ready to live.  God doesn’t expect our death He demands our life.  When God introduces something into our life that we cherish it is for His honor and our happiness.  He placed into us the want for the thing that He gave us.  The greatest pleasure that we can have from possessions is when God allows us to use that which He has given us for His will and our pleasure.

Abraham had already given up a son.  Hagar knew that she would have to leave Abraham sometime because Ishmael was not the legitimate son that God had promised.  Sarah knew that too.  Though she instigated the act between Abraham and Hagar it was not to be accepted.  God made that known three times in this chapter when it was said of Isaac, “Thy son, thy only son.”

God often takes things away from us to prune us so that we will not be encumbered with things that are not useful to us as Christians.  When we fight to keep those things we lose.  Other times when we feel undeserving of the blessings that He has given us for His work He brings us to the point of surrender only to find that He still has use for us to have that which He has given us.  Take and do not be so ready to give it away.

God told Abraham to travel to a different place.  Moriah would be the place for the purpose of sacrifice.  It was not just by chance that Abraham went there with Isaac.  It was not for show that Abraham went there to Moriah either.  Two men accompanied Abraham and Isaac but they didn’t go all the way.  Abraham didn’t tell them a lie either.  He told them to wait there because he and Isaac were going on to worship.  Little did he know just how worshipful the occasion would be.  Abraham was totally invested as he put Isaac onto the altar.

There will be those who question what you are doing when you commit totally to God; especially those who you commit to go with you.  Isaac was old enough to question.  Preacher’s wives are old enough to question too and unless a woman marries a man who is already a preacher there will be questions and more.  Be sure of purpose because if it is simply a choice of yours it will not work.  Then there will be sacrifice one way or the other.

Is there any way that Abraham could have done such a thing without having full trust in God?  Was it by chance that Abraham told the men to stay back because there would be worshiping later?  Would you be able to worship a god who wanted you to kill your child?  We do not serve an idol that we sacrifice possessions to.  We serve the One True God who expects us to pass the test of faith so that we can move to that place of trusting Him even more until our faith in Him is a proven perfect faith.

Abraham told Isaac that God would provide Himself a lamb for the offering.  God provided a lamb that day.  God provided himself as the Lamb of God when Jesus offered Himself on the cross.  Trust was complete that day.  The promise was kept that day.  Jesus said it was finished that day.  The perfect sacrifice was provided that day.  Now God wants us to live for Him in all that we do forever more.

There is one more point in the scripture.  God reminded Abraham just who was calling the shots there in the last words of this verse.  God is still calling the shots.  If you ever come to a place of misunderstanding what it is that you need to give up or where you might go to next, remember what God told Abraham; “I will tell thee.”  Which son, thine only son!  Do what there, offer him!  Which mountain, the one which I will tell thee of!

Without a doubt God will definitely lead you to a place where you will be expected to do something that you are unsure of.  There might be a time when He tests you with something that you dearly love.  He doesn’t give us things to tempt us with them, but He does give us things to test our faith and our obedience.  He will bring you to a point of surrender where you will have to make a decision for Him or against Him and for the thing that He has given you.

What is it that you love more than anything or anyone else in the world?  If that is not God then He will bring you to a point of decision.  It doesn’t mean that He wants to take back that which He has given to you.  It does mean that he is getting your priority right.  And yes; He will tell you.  When He does you will know it and you will love Him even more as you use that precious gift for His glory and your happiness.

Prayer:  Let us pray.

Invitation:  Today is like any other day other than the fact that we will observe communion.  But just as with every other day, today we are at a crossroad of decision.  When we leave here today are we going to use this service as a checkoff to imply that we have sacrificed a couple of hours for God by observing the last supper again, or are we going to understand that today we have been in the presence of The Holy Spirit who has guided us here where decisions are made?

Every moment of every life is to prepare for the times that are to come.  We have no clue what we will do in the few moments He gives us but He knows.  We have no clue how we will be used by Him but He does.  Do you trust in your own understanding?  Has it been flawless?

If you are wavering in your faith He knows what you are capable of and He will test you and try you until He knows that you are ready.  Never assume that you know where you are going.  He will lead you a different way but it will always be His path if you trust Him.

If you are feeling a bit shocked at what is going on in your life today, so am I.  Life is indeed a mountain railroad with its ups and downs, its hills and hollows.  He will get you to your destination and if you finally learn to enjoy the ride it will be such a pleasure like you have never known.  Trust Him as we partake in communion with God and each other.

b 2 Chr. 3:1.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ge 22:2). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
a So ch. 17:4.
b 1 Pet. 2:23 (Gk.). So Matt. 27:50. Mark 15:37. Luke 23:46. Comp. ch. 10:18.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 19:30). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.