Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


John 19:28, “After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that uthe scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.” [1]

John 19:30, “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, aIt is finished: and he bowed his head, and bgave up the ghost.” [2]

Luke 23: 46, “And when Jesus had cried rwith a loud voice, he said, sFather, tinto thy hands I ucommend my spirit: and having said thus, xhe gave up the ghost.” [3]

I.   Famished

     A. Humanity

     B. Humility

II. Finished

     A. Honed

     B. Halted

III.     Father

     A. Home

     B. Heaven

Introduction:  In our first meeting we considered Jesus’ first order of business that He conducted while He was on the cross.  Forgiveness is and will always be Jesus’ first order of business.  We learned that He asked His Heavenly Father to forgive us when we have no idea that we are sinning against Him.  We learned that Jesus asked His Father because when we sin it is against God the Father.  Jesus can ask but it is God the Father’s responsivity to forgive sin.  God the Father will forgive when Jesus asks but first we must confess and ask.  When Jesus intercedes for us to His Father, His Father listens.

We learned of the immediate response that happened there beside Jesus on that other cross.  The one knew of His sin and correctly confessed.  When he did he was immediately forgiven and received the mercy of God and yet there is more.  Jesus admitted the man grace when He told him that He would be received with Jesus in Paradise that eternal day.

The second night we considered Jesus’ example of perfect obedience by being true to family relationships.  He found the right one that would love His mother after He left this earth.  He understood that a mother is made to nurture.  John referred to himself as the one whom Jesus loved.  He would miss Jesus.  She would miss Jesus.  Jesus knew that.  John needed his aunt Mary to remind him that Jesus did indeed love him.  That’s what mommas do.  They needed each other.

Sometimes there is something that causes a break in the family.  For Jesus it was an absolute necessity.  He had to carry our sins.  When He did His Father could not look at Him.  God the Father is holy and cannot look upon sin.  He will not be affected by sin.  There was that crevice in the relationship that would be mended soon but it was almost too much for Jesus to bear.

Tonight we will consider the last three of Jesus’ cries from the cross.  We will see the man Jesus in a state of absolute thirst.  He was famished after the beatings that He took.  Ironic isn’t it?  The One who offered living water to the woman at the well was thirsty.  In this Jesus revealed the last stage of human frailty.  He was thirsty for the last time.

Next we see that there is finality to this earthly existence.  Heaven offers an eternal existence yet we must forgo this place to finally enter into the presence of God the Father.  Jesus made that choice.  Nobody can make that choice for you just as nobody can make your choice to follow Jesus anywhere.

Now The Father sees Jesus again and Jesus sees His Father.  No more My God, My God.  Now and forever more Jesus knows His Father as Father and God the Father sees Jesus in all His majesty.  Can you see Them?  One eternal day you will see Them!  You can see Them now.  Is today the beginning of your eternal day?

Scripture:  Our focal Verses tonight are John 19:28, John 19:30, and Luke 23:46 which you can find on the outline handouts.  Please stand for the reading of God’s word,


Message:  Jesus was famished.  I have been thirsty but not like Jesus was thirsty.  He was thirsty for earthly refreshment but He was wondering when He would be received again as the Son of God.  For those few hours Jesus was human and frail.

I remember a time last year.  The folks in the hospital said that I was in Congestive Heart Failure.  When my dad had that malady it was called Respiratory Failure of the Heart.  My maternal grandfather had it too before he died.  Either way that sounds bad.  Heart Failure!

Fluid builds up in the cavity between your heart and sometimes your lungs.  This prevents your lungs from removing the Carbon Dioxide so you keep feeling like you can’t breathe.  The fluid around your heart prevents your heart from pumping oxygen filled blood to your body.  After a while it feels like you are so weak that you can’t breathe though you try harder and harder to catch your breath.  And to top it off you can’t get enough to drink.  The fluid is there but in the wrong places.

So they gave me IVs with more fluid.  But the stuff was to make me expel what fluid I had in me.  OK!  Enough!  I’m thirsty.  Sorry sir.  You can’t have any liquids.  We are giving you IVs to make you expel the excess fluid.  Well that is making me thirstier.  It that a word?  Thirstier?  Now I’m taken downstairs and told to stand leaning across a table.  What’s next?  They took a needle and went between my ribs and removed about a quart.  Later they came in my room and did the same thing but this time on the other side.  They removed about the same from around my heart.

Man I feel better!  I’m still thirsty.  Sorry sir.  Now I know a little bit how Jesus felt.  For the most part of that I was alone and lonely.  So was He.  Nobody could stop that loneliness.  People were looking but they seemed to ignore His need.  He thirsted for more than just water.  They offered Jesus vinegar instead.  Totally humanity but it was nearly accomplished.  Total humility here but when Jesus returned home He is totally God.  Prince of Peace.

After Jesus received the vinegar He said it is finished.  Do we have any finish carpenters here this evening?  Not from carpenters from Finland but carpenters who put the finishing touch on cabinets and such.  The job is not complete until it is finished.  Jesus had finished His task well.

Finished wood is one thing.  A piece of steel is not a knife until the edge is honed to perfection.  Then you can shave with it.  Otherwise it is simply a dull piece of iron.  Jesus was honed into the perfect sacrifice. There was nothing and nobody who was that sharp.

When the race is over the flag is waved and the contest is halted.  The race is over.  No more running and doing and waiting to see how the race might turn out.  Somebody halted the race because His race was over.  God had seen enough.  The sacrifice is perfect.  The sacrifice is finished.  We are free.

Now back to Luke 23:46, “Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit.”  Do you hear that?  Father!  That’s what Jesus called Him when He asked for our forgiveness.  Earlier in the darkness of that day that should have been the brightest part of the day, Jesus didn’t recognize Him as Father.  Now and forever more we can call Him Father and God sees.

He knew that God is and always will be God but He didn’t call Him Father.  Now it is finished.  Now it is perfected.  Now He is Father and Jesus is Prince of Peace.  Jesus is home where He belongs.  Jesus is in heaven with His Father.  Do you see?  You can!

By the way, Jesus didn’t give up because anyone else told Him He must until Jesus Himself gave it up.  Nobody took anything from Jesus.  When the time came Jesus made the decision and Jesus gave up His breath and took on the Holy Spirit.


Invitation:  We have come a long way in three nights.  Jesus came a long way in a few hours of one day.  We call that day Good Friday.  Why?  Because for us there was no other day that prevented the eternal death that we face due to our own decision.

It was a good day for God because He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him is saved from damnation.  Jesus accomplished that on that day.

Today is another day.  Perhaps you made a decision to recognize Jesus for whom He is many years ago.  Several who witnessed the crucifixion believed what they saw.  They still didn’t really believe.  They still believe the neigh Sayers.  Many do today?

Who do you believe?  Many believe what they hear now and many still believe that it is OK to not congregate anymore unless someone allows them to where they are told.  What do you believe that Jesus would say about that?  Would you still believe Him?  Decisions are being made in your hearts as I speak.  Jesus is hearing you whether you are speaking out loud or not.  It is not for me to have everyone close their eyes so that I can pressure you to raise your hands so that I can see.  Jesus sees.  What is He seeing and hearing from you right now?

The choice is yours.  Tonight you have the opportunity to come up here in front of this congregation and fall before Jesus.  Tomorrow evening we will have an opportunity for whosoever will to come and publicly profess Jesus.  It your name Will?  Will there be any Will Whosoevers here tomorrow evening.  Don’t wait for tomorrow.  Start now.  Come on up pastor…

u Ps. 69:21.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 19:28). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
a So ch. 17:4.
b 1 Pet. 2:23 (Gk.). So Matt. 27:50. Mark 15:37. Luke 23:46. Comp. ch. 10:18.
[2] Ibid., Jn 19:30). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
r Matt. 27:50. Mark 15:37.
s ver. 34.
t Cited from Ps. 31:5. Comp. Acts 7:59. 1 Pet. 2:23. & 4:19.
u Comp. John 10:18.
x Mark 15:37 (Gk.). So Matt. 27:50. John 19:30.
[3] Ibid., Lk 23:46). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.