Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


Romans 2:11  “For there is xno respect of persons with God.” [1]

I.   Exception

     A. Everyone

     B. Equal

II. Experience

     A. Environment

     B. Education

III. Example

     A. Exemplar

     B. Enabler

Introduction:  Today we continue through Paul’s letter to the Roman church.  We completed our exposition of the book of Hebrews in our evening services.  As we read through the various books of the Bible we understand that the many different writings by the many different writers had different people that they were writing to.  They spoke of things that the various audiences might find familiar to some and to others not so informed their writings might have caused confusion.  Even in Jesus’ time His disciples were cautious to include those who they were unsure of.  Jesus explained that we should look more at what unites us instead of finding reason to divide us.  Luke 9:50, “And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.” [2]

We hear more in the current daily news and media sources about what divides us than what unites us.  Instead of informing us of current day events our consideration is being spun by those who would rather have followers to their side of the argument that they only want to announce.  We are not being encouraged to study for ourselves as Paul instructed Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15” Study to shew thyself japproved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” [3]  Political leaders would rather that we not go where we can still study the word of God.

Lately we have been studying what things God is against.  Paul warned so we would know those things will not be tolerated and if we should join ourselves to those who do those things we will get caught in the same trap with them.  People have more excuses for wrong living than reasons for righteous living.  If excuses were a dime a dozen many more would be billionaires.

No matter what you watch on television there seems to be no way of getting away from those who preach that intolerance to ungodliness is the new unpardonable sin.  Is there a certain group that has a pass for doing whatever they want to do to others?  As time goes by we are seeing our government joining in communications with those who see women as slaves and think it OK to murder anyone who thinks differently than they do while chastising Christians for intolerance.

As time goes by it is more and more important that we understand the truth.  Jesus is that truth and there is no other way to the Heavenly Father than through Jesus.  It makes no difference what your background is or what you are used to in the old traditions that you have come to be familiar with.  Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  Nothing else matters. 

Scripture:  The scripture today is Romans 2:11.  Please stand if you can for the reading of God’s Word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Last week we exposed the truth that those who know the judgment of God and know about those who commit things that are against God that are worthy of death often do the same things.  Not only that; but the people that should know better often take pleasure from those who are against God.  If we fall into the same trap as the transgressors we have nobody to blame but ourselves.  We are supposed to be better.  Otherwise nobody will see right living.

Follow as we hear Romans 2:1-16.  Here is the paraphrase: Do you consider yourself to be better than those who you laugh at when they abuse God’s truth?  This is a hard thing to consider.  Paul tells us that we have no excuse when we judge others if we fall into taking pleasure from their escapades.

If we know that God is in judgement of the things that others commit and we do the same things that they do, what makes us think that we won’t get the same judgment as the others?  This is a hard thing to consider!  What are we supposed to do?  What do you consider as being right with God?  Jesus came and died so that we might be finally right with God.  Everything that is available to Jesus is now available to us.  Do you despise the riches that are available to you that will lead you into turning your life around and over to God?

That was to paraphrase verses 1 – 4 but there’s more.  Now verses 5-7: But after the hard and unbending heart that a person who resists God now has, instead of riches their treasure that mounts up is more wrath which will show up on God’s judgement day when all is revealed.  Verse 9 goes along with verses 5-7 about the hardheads; tribulation and anguish will be on every soul including first the Jews but also the non-Jews.

Verse 8 says that those who persist patiently in righteous living, who seek glory and honor and immortality, will receive eternal life.  In verse 10 Paul goes on to say that glory, honor and peace will come to those who do good works, to the Jews and the non-Jews.

So that is the lead-in to our focal verse today.  Maybe you have heard it like this, “God is not a respecter of persons.”  I have heard this used in funeral services when the preacher is trying to figure out what to say.  That’s probably not the best time to try to quote it.  People use this verse out of context more than in context with what Paul is actually speaking about here.

Does God really not respect people?  If that’s true then why was Mary chosen to be Jesus’ mother?  Why was Moses used to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?  For that matter, why am I standing here and some of you all are sitting there?

I once worked with a cynical rascal who used the phrase, “Who made you king?”  He would say that every time someone corrected something that he had done.  You might say that Paul was saying a similar thing here.  If you know that what that person is doing is wrong and you call them out for it, what makes you think that the same rule doesn’t apply to you?  What makes you better than the person who you are judging?

So let’s break it down…  What else could Paul have used in placeof the word respect?  To respect someone means that you give them attention where you might have overlooked someone else.  What does the bailiff say when the judge enters the courtroom?  “All rise!”

Everybody was sitting down before but now there is someone exceptional.  To respect a thing is the same as giving exception to a thing.  It’s kind of like driving.  It’s against the law to drive unless you have a license.  The license is the exception to the rule.  Paul is saying here that God makes no exceptions for wrong doing.  We have no license to sin.

These things that Paul has been talking about, morality, fear of God, love of each other, these things apply to everyone and we are equal in that.  There are no exceptions with God.  Through Jesus Christ, His righteousness is available to all of us.  Yet for those who decide to be against God and all that He stands for there is no excuse for some while others will receive the judgment of Hell.  Nobody gets a pass believing that God thinks less of some than others.

There is no respect of persons?  We have already talked about this one.  We know that the Bible does not contradict itself.  In other places it says that God loved one brother and hated the other one.  Isn’t that a difference in respect for a person?  Of course it is so what is this that Paul is speaking about.  Why did God love Jacob and hate Esau?

People talk about their differences of environment like it is an excuse for the mess they have decided to make of their lives.  People talk about their opportunities for learning as a pass for their indifference to learning Bible truths.  My siblings all had an opportunity for college out of high school.  My youngest sister went to a Junior college and trade school.  We moved down here and my dad had a stroke.  No money…

Somehow my parents worked it out for me to go to trade school to be a radio announcer.  I lived with my brother in Virginia and worked in a drug store while studying for my FCC professional broadcasting license.  I used having parents with not much money as an excuse for not having a degree.  The power company paid for many engineering type classes.  When I climbed the corporate ladder I felt I had to explain why I had the positions that I held with such little education.  It was somebody else’s fault.  It’s never our choice is it?  So at 54 years old Jim finally decided and went back to Bible College.

God does not judge us less harshly because of the experiences and ultimate choices we make.  He judges us for what is in our heart.  He judges us for what is in our soul.

In this world there certainly is a difference in respect for different people.  Some get a pass for everything from the things they do to even the way they talk while others are held to such a strict set of rules that they have to live outside the rules to meet their daily needs.  Well that’s the world.  But Paul is talking here about God.  There is no difference in respect for people with God.

If you look to anyone else in the entire world as your example of how to live you are messing up.  Only God, only Jesus, only The Holy Spirit is the righteous example that you can have as your model.  God is the exemplar; the dictionary defines that as the ideal, the prototype, the architect, the pattern.  Let us make man in our image said God.  We can look nowhere else to find Who we are to be like.

Finally, God alone is our enabler.  If we look to any other source than God we will always come up short.  Some look to the government to provide for their needs and look away when the government is corrupt because they feel they can’t live without the check.  Some have more respect for their job even though it takes them away from the ones that they are supposed to love.  Some even look to their own families as a substitute for assembling with those who they will spend eternity with in heaven.  God is no respecter of all that stuff.  God doesn’t have room for all that stuff because His heart is full of love for you.


Invitation:  Today is the day of consideration.  What is it that you hold in highest consideration?  If it is not God He will do something to make you see Him.  He will do that because He loves you that much.  Today is a day to consider a change of heart.

We are coming to the time when we will have homecoming and revival.  Some area churches have decided to turn away from church gathering again.  If after you have prayed and have considered His will for your life and have determined that God is telling you to do that which is contrary to the Bible by staying away from church; If you are determined that He will protect you more by staying away from others who seek Him, than witnessing His love by staying faithful to Him alone, that is up to you.  There will be some here and we will be praising the One True God and we will love you without exception.

The invitation today is to pray!  Pray for those who are in the grips of this virus.  Pray for those who are making decisions without consulting God.  Pray for this church that He will use us as He sees fit.  Pray…

x See Deut. 10:17.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 2:11). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Lk 9:50). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
j See Rom. 16:10.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 2 Ti 2:15). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.