Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


Matthew 13:30, “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but xgather the wheat into my barn.” 1

I.   Sowed

     A. Planned

     B.  Planted

II. Strewed

     A. Scattered

     B. Flattered

III. Showed

     A. Decided

     B. Delighted 

Introduction:  Yesterday was recognized as Veterans Day in this nation.  I did not serve in the military.  The draft was going on and it was my lot to have a deferment from the draft for a while due to family matters.  Later I was deferred because my job was deemed essential.  Finally, the politicians did away with all deferments, and I was called for a physical.  I was born with a heart murmur but that didn’t stop me from receiving a 1A draft status.  I got on the Air Force waiting list and was waiting to be called up when the lottery came out.  I received a high number and took my chances with the draft and was never drafted.

My thoughts this week have especially been about Wayne Kennedy.  He never held any ill feelings towards me for my not having served in the military.  Wayne served and gave up much for us.  He was wounded in Vietnam and the wounds stayed with him the rest of his life.

I was fortunate to have been with Wayne for some of his trips to Veterans Hospital.  There would always be a poser who would attempt to get Wayne to complain about his service.  A poser is someone who would like you to believe that he/she is something that they are not.  There would be those who would talk about why they were there suffering with the effects of what happened to them in the service even though they never left the country.  Agent Orange was sometimes the culprit. 

Wayne would never fall into the trap of self-pity.  Though Wayne was wounded and did have complications from that herbicide, he would get angry when he heard someone posing to be disabled because of serving others.  Wayne counted it a blessing to have served and never counted it loss that he brought home war wounds.  Wayne Kennedy is one of my heroes because he was what he seemed to be.  Wayne Kennedy was never posing as something other than what he was.

It was an honor how Wayne would introduce me to others.  This is Jim Brady.  He is my pastor, my chaplain, and my friend.  Wayne will always be with me.

The thing I remember that upset Wayne was posers.  There are many who profess to be something that they are not.  Why do people feel the need to lie about their past?  God can change your past if you will let Him.  If you feel the need to make up something about yourself, remember what that person did who you are posing to be.  If you find yourself to be unwilling or unable to go through what that person did, know yourself and be content with who you are.  There is no way that I could stand up to the man that Wayne Kennedy was.  If we are to attempt to measure up to someone, let it be Jesus.  You will fail every time.  In the end we will be found out and plucked away as we will hear in today’s message.

There is no doubt that we are approaching the end time.  This realm of existence is temporary, and it started ending the moment that God thought it into existence.  There will be an expiration date and it is one day sooner today than it was yesterday.  On that day the refining will be over.  The weeds and the chaff will be burnt away and only the pure in Spirit will remain.  We are fast approaching heaven if we are truly saved.  Jesus thought it good that He instructed us in just what heaven will be like.

Scripture:  The scripture for this message is  Matthew 13:30.  Please Stand Under the reading of God’s word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Please leave your Bible open and follow as we hear Matthew 13:24-30, “Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but xgather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ” [2]

Anyone who has ever used a seed drill to plant grain knows that the grain is planted in very close rows.  There is a space between the tiny rows so that the grain can spread and fill the gaps.  When the grain first comes up the tiny rows between the grain are easy to see.  Sowing grass seed is different.  The seed is broadcast over a field that has been broken and prepared.  The seeds grow where the soil is fertile and able to receive the roots from the plants.

Many years ago, Gordon Parker and his father-in-law, Sted Worrell, came over to our house.  They acted very strangely.  They rented our field at the river for planting corn.  Finally, I asked what the problem was.  Why were they acting like they wanted to say something but wouldn’t say it?  Turns out, they had also rented the field next to ours that didn’t belong to us.  Gordon asked if I had planted anything in that other field.  I reminded him that it wasn’t mine to plant and no, I had not planted anything in my field or the other field.  Why!

Finally, Sted said that someone had planted marijuana plants between the corn stalks, and it had grown up together with the corn.  They were about to plow it under to replant but didn’t want to mess me up.  “And you thought it was mine”, said me.  “Well, we knew it wasn’t ours”, said Gordon.  As I read this parable of what heaven will be like, I was reminded of that day.

God sowed a beautiful garden, and He planted us in that garden.  Somehow along the way, others came and destroyed what should have been.  The devil had his way because we were not satisfied with the beauty that God planned for us.  A poser came and sowed weeds or tares as the KJV describes.  The posers grow up among the true believers and they are difficult to distinguish when they are young and tender.  He’s such a good boy!  No, he is not a good boy.  Only God knows whom He chooses.

What are we to do with those who are not what they appear to be?  Are we to do as this one suggested and destroy the church by tearing away the good soil with the wicked weeds that seem so pretty?  The weeds and the wheat looked the same at the beginning.  Now the weeds are starving out the growth of the church or should I have said the field.  Is it our job to weed out the unbelievers who are posing to believe?  Jesus said no!  Let them grow together.  The truth will come out.

In the outline the second point is strewed.  God has an order to things.  God ordains the things that He plans.  There is an orderly purpose to everything that God does.  We have seen the results after a hurricane or tornado when things are picked up a strewn about.  There seems to be no order.  That is the way the world looks right now.  The things that once seemed in their proper place have been turned upside down now.  Someone has messed everything up.  What are we going to do?  What are we supposed to do?

Remember that flattering statement, “He’s a good boy.”  He’s not a good boy.  There’s only ever been one good boy and His name was Jesus.  He was planted here for a time to show us what a good boy looks like.

Earlier I made light of those who flatter children by saying that they are all good.  Truth is, they are not all good.  Some parents say that they are even when they are little tyrants.  It is not funny.  Flattery should not be taken lightly.

Do we simply turn the other way when we see a wayward child?  When we tell children that there is no wrong and they can be whatever they want to be with no regard for God and their fellow humans, they are apart from God.  When we flatter, we might as well scatter because that person will continue to be wayward.  That is unless and until they repent.  If they confess their sins and invite God to make them presentable, they will be gathered as they were planned by God to be.

What is the answer?  The pitiful truth is found here in this passage.  Let them grow up together where they are, because when they are grown, their obstinance will be distinguishable at that time.  When they are finally seen for what they truly have decided for themselves to be, they will be bound up and burned up.

Is there a time to change?  Though we came from dirt and were planted here on this planet, we are not plants.  God can change water into wine, and He can change us into what we were intended to be.  If we know that we are wrong, then there is hope for us.  That is why God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.  We know that without Jesus we cannot change.  Only He can redeem us.  Only the Holy Spirit can change us.  Jesus died for that relationship which we threw away.

What is heaven going to be like?  Look back in Genesis 1:11-13, “Then God said, “Let the earth nbring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the ofruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 So the evening and the morning were the third day.” [3]  Three…  The Hebrew number for perfection.

The weeds will be bound and burned.  And what will God do with the believers in heaven?  But gather the wheat into my barn…  One day Satan showed up and was allowed to change things.  One day Jesus showed up and made a way for us to change the relationship back to what we were intended to have again.  Now we are bound for that beautiful weedless garden that God intended.  It is heaven and it is ours.  He decided that we would be delighted.  Are you?  One day Jesus will come back with those who have gone before us, and we will be gathered with Him forever.


Invitation:  We are here now in this polluted garden of our own making.  There are many among us who will not be with us one day.  Could it be that they will be plucked away with the unintended weeds, or will they repent and be with us in eternity?  God can change hearts if we allow Him in.

I was speaking to a friend who has a grandson that was concerned for his parents.  In other words, the grandchild was worried about the man’s child.  The grandchild said that he didn’t know if he really wanted to be in heaven or not if his parents were not there with him.

What does a parent say when he/she is not sure about the spiritual status of their own children?  What does a grandparent say to a grandchild who is confused when the grandparents and their own parents seem to be at different places in their walks with God?

We must all answer for ourselves one day.  If we wait and see what others in our closest circles do, the others might be waiting for you to make your choice.  Do you want to be gathered or are you waiting for someone to make your choice for you?  It won’t happen.  You make your choice.

Make your choice and be the one who leads others.  In doing this you will have gathered countless others who are watching and waiting for your response.  God will not remove those from you that are lost until the day He gathers you to Himself.  It is confusing to watch the lukewarm draw others only to see them fall among the thorns.  We must be hot for Jesus and repel the cold that is in this world.  Let there be no mistake as others see you.  That old Bluegrass song, “Gathering Flowers for the Masters Bouquet” says is right.  The flowers won’t be gathered until the weeds are burned away.  Let them see the flower which God knows you are.  Show yourself today…

[1] The New King James Version (Mt 13:30). (1982). Thomas Nelson. 
x Matt. 3:12
[2] Ibid (Mt 13:24–30). (1982). Thomas Nelson.
n Ps. 65:9–13; 104:14; Heb. 6:7
o 2 Sam. 16:1; Luke 6:44
[3] Ibid (Ge 1:11–13). (1982). Thomas Nelson.