Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Thee Alone

Psalm 51:4, “fAgainst thee, thee only, have I sinned, And done this evil gin thy sight: hThat thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, And be clear when thou judgest.” [1]

I.   Thee

     A. One

     B. Only

II. Thy

     A. Own

     B. Optics

III. Thou

     A. Obvious

     B. Open

Introduction:  Today we will continue to examine the idea and concept of sin.  Last week’s message was an example of how God still opens hearts, minds, and spirits to reveal the truth that will set you free.  Jesus promised that too didn’t He?  John  8:31, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, lIf ye continue in my word, then lare ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know mthe truth, and the truth nshall make you free.” [2]

Society says that we are to seek those who we have wronged and ask their forgiveness.  Not only that but if our family harmed someone then we must apologize to them for that.  Not only that but if someone who doesn’t look like you thinks you messed up, guess what?  Tag; it’s on you to feel the guilt.  I don’t know about you but it bogs me down.  Who are we accountable to anyhow?

Suppose that no matter what you have done and no matter how great the sin that you know you are guilty of, that there is nobody but one that you must ask for forgiveness of the sin you did?  Would that be a freeing thing?  David knew the truth and the truth set him free many times.

When you mess up and wronged someone of course you tell them that you are sorry for what you have done and you try to make amends.  You have trespassed against them and you repay the debt you owe.  That is what we do.  We confess before God and man.  Once we do that if the person that we have confessed to agrees to loose our sin back to us who owns the sin then we deal with God and He deals with us.  We ask God for forgiveness and we repay our debts against others.

To study David and the many mistakes he made would make for a long and wonderful Bible study.  We probably don’t have enough time left to finish that.  If we understand today that David knew something that most people don’t and that allowed him freedom is the lesson for today.  It is more insight into how God is bringing this pilgrim on my journey.

To set the stage for Psalm 51 it is important to know where David was in his life as he wrote this Psalm.  He had stolen another man’s wife and then he stole the man’s life.  The man was more honorable at that time than David who stayed home while soldiers were fighting on the battle field.  David wronged Uriah and then had him killed.  He tried to hide what he did and his other children lost their way because of his misleading.  He lied and the first child died.  David wronged a bunch of people and yet here in this Psalm David had the audacity to say that he had sinned against God and only against God.  Is that misguided guilt?

We read and we read the Psalms and we memorize the words but do we understand how in the world David could think that the only one he had to ask forgiveness from was God alone?  That is freedom to turn your attention to the place where it matters.  Can we make amends; only when we allow God to continue to do those supernatural things that He alone can do through us.

Deal with the things that you know that you have harmed someone.  Ask God to make things right and in the end you know that all things will work for good if God called and you received that call.  It is not your glory but His glory that you seek so ask Him to forgive the sin and He has already done it.  His forgiveness is never-ending like His love for you.  What matters; God matters.

Scripture:  The focal scripture today is Psalm 51:4.  Please stand if you’re able.

Prayer:  Let us pray.  Be seated.

Message:  To say that God alone is what matters is terribly offensive to those who would like you to always feel guilty for what you have no control over.  So many people have said and actually believe that to trust God with forgiveness instead of chasing someone down to do what we are not capable of doing is somehow shown as a weakness in us.  The past few messages have been about ultimate accountability.  Who was David accountable to?

We have already talked about David’s many faults and some were deliberate actions that he did to others.  Yet here in this Psalm David says that he only sinned against God.  Did David really believe that?

Well he said it twice; against thee.  Not against many but against one and that One is you God.  And then he said it again; thee only.  How long would it take to go to each individual person that has something against you and ask them to forgive you?  There are divine appointments when you must go if The Holy Spirit so leads.  When you do there will be a blessing.

David did go when he was appointed to.  The lady told him to go to Absalom.  David did it and it didn’t turn out too well.  After Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit through the disciples He told them that they had the power to remit the sins of others back where it belonged so that they would not be hindered with hatred anymore.  Now they would be free to love no matter what the other person might do or not do.

That is not what the world sees as the right thing to do.  Frankly it’s not what I thought until recently either.  I messed up and now God has given me mercy for not giving me even what I said I wanted.  Not only that but God has graced me with a new found vigor to seek His will and move when He says to move.  I am free in ways that I have never been before.

No the world does not see it what way.  The world sees something altogether different.  David knew that what the world thought, while it is important, it is what God sees with His sight that is essential.  Thy own sight God!  I have done this while You were watching.  The optics of this is of little importance to me as far as someone else seeing my fault.  What I did while knowing that you never lose sight of me; that is just too much.  Why was this allowed?  Why didn’t you stop me?  Why do I have such free will as this?  Why!  Why!

And then David gets even the answer to that.  We don’t deserve to question God but He allows and even expects us to.  He loves us that much.  Why was David or any of us allowed such leeway with our decisions?  It’s all God!  To David it became obvious.

It is so that thou, You God; that you might be justified when you open up and tell us what is good for us.  When God allows the mess that I make to happen, after it’s over and I look back it is impossible to see what I mess I made when I didn’t follow Him and expected Him to allow what I wanted over what He expects.  He never demands.  Often He allows us to go to the jumping off place and then He stops us but He lets us go so far that afterwards it scares us into submission if we truly have the Holy Spirit who seals us.

Not only that, but there are those times at 4am when he just is not finished yet.  God, I really appreciate our conversation but You know I am in need of sleep.  I know that it is you alone who I have sinned against.  It is you alone who can forgive me and I know that you have already done this.  I know that I will hear at the Judgement Seat but tonight I really need to sleep.  He will make it clear so that you never ever forget again.  When God does that now, I am taking notice like I never had before.  What about you?  Is He obvious to you or are still oblivious like I still am to a certain extent?

There are a crowd of folks who have been wronged and have wronged you.  Make no mistake about that.  Isn’t it awesome to understand that there is only one whom you must ask forgiveness from sin?  David knew God.  In all his shortfalls David never forgot that.  When we sin it is against God and Him alone and He is the only One who can forgive our sin.

The truth is if you are a Christian, there is only One who you are truly accountable you to.  If you believe that, it will free you to be accountable to everyone God places in your path.  Anything that you decide to chase without His leading will end in more confusion and guilt feelings.  It will cripple you from doing that which He will do through you if you will let Him.

If you let God be the One then He has made another promise.  It is in the Old Testament prophecy of Haggai 2:9, “vyThe glory wof this latter house shall be greater than of xthe former, saith the Lord of hosts:  And in this place will I give yzpeace, saith the Lord of hosts.” [3]

Aren’t you tired of chasing something that someone else has told you that you must chase after.  There it is again; Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; sand all these things shall be added unto you.” [4]  Now that is a promise!


Invitation:  The invitation today is the same.  If you have only given part of yourself to Jesus then now is the time to surrender.  If you have given yourself over to Jesus but your faith is being tested so that you feel the need to come here and kneel or perhaps have me or the others to pray together with you please come.

If you are confused and you thought that you had made the final step of surrender in the past only to finally today realize that you have questions then please come.  However God is leading you to the decision He has for you please make that decision today.

But wait there is more.  For the next while however long it might be, I am going to use this Psalm 51 as my bedtime prayer.  I invite any who will join me as we together are reminded just Who we are accountable to.  Please consider this as we sing…

f See Gen. 20:6. & 2 Sam. 12:13.
g Luke 15:18, 21.
h Cited Rom. 3:4.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ps 51:4). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
l So ch. 15:7 (Gk.), 8.
l So ch. 15:7 (Gk.), 8.
m See ch. 1:17.
n ver. 36. Rom. 6:18, 22. & 8:2. So James 1:25. & 2:12.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:31–32). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
v Zech. 2:5. See John 1:14. Comp. Matt. 12:6.
y So Ps. 85:8, 9.
w Comp. ch. 1:8.
x Comp. ver. 3. Also Ezra 3:12 (Heb.).
y So Ps. 85:8, 9.
z See Eph. 2:14.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Hag 2:9). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
s So 1 Kin. 3:11–14. Ps. 37:25. Mark 10:30. 1 Tim. 4:8.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mt 6:33). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.