Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

What Now

Luke 18:22, "Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet hlackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." [1]

I.   Give Up

     A. Possession

     B. Present

II. Give Away

     A. Provide

     B. Possibility

III. Get Treasure

     A. Possess

     B. Perfection

IV.Get Behind

     A. Priority

     B. Purpose 

Introduction:  Everybody around here knows all the things that are happening that are out of our control.  Most people don’t like that at all.  In fact some people would rather stay in a bad situation than to move into an unknown that they cannot control.

A personal example of is this cardioversion.  My heartbeat is what they call irregular.  When I was in the hospital a while back they put me under full anesthesia and stopped my heart.  When they used the paddles to restart my heart it started back in normal rhythm.

Many people would rather have an irregular heartbeat than to take a chance on stopping their heart.  Some people actually do die.  We have considered today's particular Bible story many times.  At least I pray that you have.  It must be very important with many lessons because it is mentioned in three of the four gospel account.  We know about the so-called rich young ruler.

Today we will look to see if there is anything that we might have in common with that young man.  We like to think that if and when we come to Jesus with a question about eternal life that certainly Jesus would not turn us away.  In fact every Evangelism outline says that the goal is to bring a person to that point.  We fail to mention the part about following.  We fail to mention the part about giving up what we think are good things that we have done.  We fail people when they believe that they are saved when they are not saved.  It is important to know that Jesus saves us from the life of sin that we have made for ourselves.  There is no way to stay in sinful life and move into eternal life with God.  What do you want?  That is the question!  Shakespeare put it this way; “To be or not to be’”

The reporter asked if I belonged to this church.  I explained to her that since God gives us everything which includes the church that I don’t belong to the church; the church belongs to me.  So she jumped in and deduced that I must be the pastor.  I told her that was a lucky guess.  She and her camera man wanted to interview me.  They had been trying to find a way to get to talk to someone at Merry Oaks Baptist Church.  The big meeting in Pittsboro started that afternoon at four and she was trying to interview people about what this means.

I explained again that God gives us everything and that nobody can take away anything from us unless God allows it to happen so I really didn’t think giving an opinion about what I don’t know would be appropriate.  She and the camera man looked at me like I was crazy and dismissed me.  If you don’t jump up and down and act like you are ready to fight whatever it is that is about to change, nobody wants to talk to you.

Too much stuff is out of my control just now.  Do I like that?  No!  Am I learning from it?  Yes!  Did the Rich young ruler ever come around?  That is the one thing that the Bible didn’t answer.  The question still stands; are you ever going to leave it behind and follow Jesus.

Scripture:  The focal scripture today is Luke 18:22.  Please stand if you’re able.

Prayer:  Let us pray.  Be seated.

Message:  The story begins with Jesus and the disciples when someone that they apparently recognize meets them .  We believe this from Mark’s account. Mark 10: 21, “Then Jesus mbeholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, ntake up the cross, and follow me.” [2]  Jesus must have known him from before.  Mark said that Jesus loved the man.

Here is the account from Matthew’s perspective, Matthew 19: 21, “Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be dperfect, ego and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and fthou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” [3]

So these are the three accounts.  They have several differences that bring the story to its fullness.  Even still there are conclusions that must be made by the reader.  This man came to Jesus as one might come today when presented the invitation to join Jesus during an evangelistic meeting.  All you have to do is pray the words.  That is what people believe.  Some people actually do make decisions for Jesus.  Truth is though most do not.  They lack one vital thing.  Notice here that Jesus was waiting to hear that one thing and yet the young man never mentioned that.  He was a self-made man who had done very well for himself.  The commandments that deal person to person are the ones he was careful to observe.  The commandments from man to God were not mentioned.

What did he lack?  His possessions meant everything to him.  The things of life that he held dear were not in his list of things to give away.  Catch this fact.  Jesus didn’t tell him to distribute his stuff.  Jesus said to sell his stuff and present it to the poor.  All he would have had left was the proceeds or money.  His stuff wasn’t worth giving to the poor.  Let them make up their owns minds up about that which was important to them.  If you give something to someone so that every time you see it you remind yourself, “I did that”, it’s worthless in His kingdom’s work.  He was hanging on to what he had done.  He wanted eternal life just the way he wanted it with no changes.  He lacked that one huge thing.

Present that to the poor after you have gotten rid of the thing that was so important to you.  Give away that which will offer someone else the possibility to gain what which they might use for God’s kingdom work.  If you do that then you will get treasure in heaven.  You can’t give away that which you deem to have done by and for yourself and expect to buy your way into heaven where more treasure will await you.

Give up, Give away, and then you will get true treasure.  You cannot leave part of you here and expect to live in eternity there.  Eternity will be a thing but you will not be with God.  Do not confuse yourself or others.  Are you willing to give up this building?  We will give up everything one day and possess that which Jesus left to prepare for us.  We will not do that until we reach perfection.  Do you still lack one thing?

This is a big thing for real; probably the biggest thing.  Jesus told the young man to come and follow Him.  He will not pull us along until we are ready to come to Him.  We cannot explain to Jesus what He must do for us and wait for Him to get behind our plan.  His priority is not to have a relationship with someone who comes with a need they are not willing to make a change to accomplish.  You must be in lock step with His priority.  You must get behind Him and His will for your live.  Otherwise He will leave you to make up your own mind.

So then, what is the purpose of all this.  Rick Warren has written several books concerning the purpose of the Christian within the church.  Are we to become better examples of who were when we came to Jesus?  That is not the purpose for which we are here.  Are we here to make others fit into our cookie cutter mold of what a Christian should act and look like,  That is not the purpose for which we are here either.  Both of those things deal with us keeping what we have made ourselves to be.  Jesus said that is the one thing that the Rich Young Ruler lacked.  He didn’t want to give up anything because He loved who he had made himself to be.

What is the purpose then?  When people look at us even here at Merry Oaks Baptist Church in the midst of what is happening around us, are we supposed to show our selves upset and in opposition to what just might be the thing that God is allowing to happen.  Why is it happening?

People are watching.  They have been watching us and they will watch us.  People watch things that are different hoping that what they believe to happen will happen.  They want things the way they expect them to be.  They want to see us in rebellion because that’s what they do. 

What is our purpose?  Trust God even in this as we trusted God though the so-called pandemic.  Trust God when He says it’s time to give up but don’t jump the gun.  Trust God when He says it’s time for a change that we’re not ready for.  Trust God and come to Him.  Follow Him where He leads.  The world will watch and the world will see.  What will they see?  A church family that trusts God and loves each other so much that they are willing to give up their plans for the better plans God has for them.  Amen…


Invitation:  We are preparing for a revival in September which begins with our Homecoming Sunday morning service.  I believe that is what God expects from us His church.  We have several speakers coming and I pray that there will be many guests.

I pray that we do not make them feel as if they are visitors.  The church is God’s possession that He gave to us so it is our church.  Anyone who comes through the door of a Christian church is in the place that God gave us to meet.  I pray that we make nobody feel that they do not belong here.  It is time for us to give away that which we think we own and receive that which God is trying to give us.  When we do we will find the joy that comes from following Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Please continue to pray for God’s will to be accomplished in His church.  It is not a building.  You take church with you everywhere you go.  You are His church.  Pray for His will to be done in you and all else will follow.  Consider as we sing …

h See Tit. 1:5.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Lk 18:22). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
m Comp. ver. 27 (Gk.). Matt. 19:26.
n ch. 8:34.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mk 10:21). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
d See ch. 5:48.
e Luke 12:33. So Luke 16:9. Acts 2:45. & 4:34, 35. 1 Tim. 6:17–19.
f See ch. 6:20.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mt 19:21). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.