Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


John 14:5 "fThomas saith unto him, Lord, gwe know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?" [1]

I.   Worship

     A. Real

     B. Regard

II. Wonder

     A. Request

     B. Refuse

III. Worry

     A. Reply

     B. Rely

Introduction:   Wednesday was a Christian holy day.  The Catholics make more of a deal of Ash Wednesday than most other denominations.  We who are more apart from the observance probably fail to understand the connection with Mardi Gras as they celebrate in New Orleans and Ash Wednesday.  The day just at the end of Mardi Gras is a Tuesday known as Fat Tuesday.  What in the world is that all about?  Rachael’s mother’s family are from the bayou and Rachael said she has no recollection of ever being told what all this has to do with the period of forty days leading up to Easter that we know as Lent.

Lent is said to represent the period of forty days when Jesus fasted in the desert prior to being tempted by the devil.  It always amazes me to think of Jesus going without food for those forty days and after that, Jesus got hungry.  That’s when the devil pounced on Jesus.  That’s when the devil jumps on us too.  When we are at our weakest that is when Satan attacks.  He who endures to the end will be saved.  We all know that Jesus endured and because He did we are saved.

So that’s why lent.  Forty days of fasting to get closer to God.  Then how does Ash Wednesday fit?  Christians would burn palm leaves which they used to celebrate Palm Sunday and collect the ashes and keep them for the following year.  On the first day of lent which falls on a Wednesday the priest or minister would take a small portion of the ash and place it on the forehead of a disciple as a mark representing them as a sinner who has confessed his/her sin.  The period of fasting represents a believer’s sacrifice and admission of their need for God alone in their life.

So what is Mardi Gras?  The period of time just prior to Ash Wednesday and Lent is a time of gluttony to prepare for the long fast.  What is Fat Tuesday?  I guess that’s when everybody gets as fat as they want.  Maybe whoever came up with this idea was thinking of Elijah before he went into the cave and the Lord had him to eat so that he wouldn’t get faint.

God knows that we need to eat.  He knows more about what we need than we know ourselves.  What He wants is our undivided attention when the time comes.  Is it bad to go catfishing after church?  No!  Unless you think going to church is what you do to get to what you want to do.  He wants to be that something that we want to spend our time with.  All the other stuff He gives is gravy.

Scripture:  Today’s scripture is John 14:5.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  We have all heard the story of doubting Thomas.  There are several examples of his doubt in the stories of the disciples.  Thomas was there for most of the time that Jesus had His disciples with Him.  It does seem that Thomas was a little slow to swallow the story hook line and sinker but he got there.  If we were to put ourselves into the position of Thomas I wonder if we would have been much different.  We have the advantage of knowing what happened.  Many see and are doubtful of what they see.  Thomas had faith but he had to see to rest his anxiety but once Thomas saw, seeing was believing for Thomas.

For a while now our messages have dealt with marriage as an underlying theme.  We started several weeks ago with the question of which marriage would survive in heaven.  The discussion concerning a widow of a family of deceased brothers was one question that the detractors tried to trip Jesus with.  They asked who she would be married to in heaven.  Jesus answered that we would not be the same as we are here in heaven.  We would be complete and more like angels.  The relationship we have now as spouses would not be then as husband and wife.  The Lamb’s bride is His church.  We collectively are His bride.  That marriage will most definitely survive.  Church is important here because church will be more important there.

The relationship that disciples have with Jesus will outlast the grave.  As the marriage vows should be a lifelong promise, accepting Jesus as Lord must be an everlasting relationship.

Often there is a lot said in a single word.  Right away Thomas admitted to Jesus that Jesus was absolutely his Lord.  Thomas might have been apprehensive about not knowing where he was going or what to expect but one thing was sure, Jesus was, is, and always will be Lord.

All the other things that Thomas was unsure of are what we remember about him.  Yet after seeing this truth again in the light that Thomas had to perceive with, Thomas knew what was real.  There was no other Lord for Thomas.  That is what God expects from us.  We are to hold Him in our highest regard.  All other thoughts must be lower than our thoughts of Him.

Jesus, Lord, I know you love me.  I know that you care about what happens to me but I am not real sure where you are taking me.  How can I know?

Ya’ll no doubt get tired of hearing about our dog.  This kinda reminds me of mine and Buddy’s truck rides. He doesn’t know where I’m taking him but he’s always ready to jump in the truck.  On the way back to the house, he knows he’s on the way home when the ride will be over.  I don’t know how he knows but I know that Buddy is not ready for the ride to done.  Where we are going doesn’t much matter to Buddy.  He just enjoys the journey.

Thomas didn’t say that he wouldn’t go with Jesus unless Jesus told him where they were going.  He wondered about it and he requested to know a little more about it.  Jesus knew all that was in Thomas’ heart before Thomas’ asked.  Jesus knew that this was a building block for Thomas’ faith.  Of course Thomas had trusted Jesus thus far.  Thomas’ faith was stretched to prove that Jesus would not refuse to take him anywhere that would not bring a blessing in the end.

We are so afraid of the stretching sometimes.  We want to act like we believe that God will protect us but just let a virus come along and a bunch of so-called experts and politicians.  Where are you taking me Jesus?  Why are you letting these thing just keep happening?  Of course I trust you this much but how much more?  How much trial and testing can a person take before they refuse to go any further?  He (or she) who endures to the end will be saved!

"All the way my Savior leads me What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His faithful mercies? Who through life has been my guide
Heavenly peace divinest comfort Ere by faith in Him to dwell
For I know whate'er befall me Jesus doeth all things well

For I know whate'er befall me Jesus doeth all things well”

And how can we know the way?  Sure Thomas was worried.  Maybe he forgot that part that Matthew recorded in Matthew 6: 34 “mTake therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” [2]

We all have concerns about what might happen even though Jesus told them that there was no need.  Live for now!  You are here now so live in the moment that you are in.  If you are so concerned about where you are going you will not ever enjoy where you are.  Jesus gave His earthly life for us to be content with Him.  Let us remember that which we hear so often in our darkest moments.  Let us continue verses six through eight.  In Jesus’ reply we find true comfort of whom we can truly rely.

"6 Jesus saith unto him, I am hthe way, ithe truth, and kthe life: no man cometh unto the Father, lbut by me. 7 mIf ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from nhenceforth ye know him, and have seen him." [3]

Prayer:  Let us pray

Invitation:  My grandfather was John Thomas Brady.  We all have a little Thomas in us, right Brother Tommy.  It is a good thing to be a Thomas.  We would like people to believe that Christians have a faith that will never fail but 2020 has certainly proved that we can all fall.  When are we going to help each other get back up?

2021 has certainly hit the ground running towards more depravation and uncertainty.  Even in our Merry Oaks Baptist Church we are even now facing great uncertainties that some of us have never experienced. 

Wednesday was Ash Wednesday.  It was the day that some Christians set aside to carry our mark of sin so that the entire world might see who we trust to carry us to where He would have us to go.  It is a mark to show that we fully trust Him with everything that He wants us to be.

Lent is a time that we are to find a different perspective in how we see Jesus and our Heavenly Father.  Only through the Holy Spirit can we get there.  Even Jesus was led into His time of spiritual testing into the wilderness as the Holy Spirit led Him.

Why should we believe that we are any different than our Lord?  As more and more turn to what they recognize in this world, it is during this time of Lent that we Christians are to turn our eyes upon Jesus so that the things of earth might grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

f See ch. 11:16.
g ch. 13:36. Comp. ch. 20:25.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 14:5). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
m ver. 27, 28, 31, 34. See 1 Sam. 9:5 (English). So Ps. 55:22. Phil. 4:6. Heb. 13:5. 1 Pet. 5:7.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mt 6:34). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
h Heb. 9:8. & 10:20. So ch. 10:9. See Eph. 2:18.
i See ch. 1:17.
k See ch. 11:25.
l So ch. 10:9.
m So ch. 8:19.
n See ch. 13:19 marg.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 14:6–7). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.