Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


Romans 8:11 “But if the Spirit of shim that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, the that raised up Christ from the dead ushall also quicken your mortal bodies ||xby his Spirit that dwelleth in you." [1]

I.   Resurrection

     A. Delivered

     B. Death

II. Restoration

     A. Dilapidated

     B. Dated

III.     Resuscitation

     A. Decided

     B. Determined

Introduction:  We have been considering the working of the Holy Spirit within us.  There is much confusion about the role of the Holy Spirit even though He resides with us and through us as Christians.  The emphasis that is placed on the Third Person of The Triune God is different depending on whom you ask,

This is not new to our generation.  We read in Acts of those who had been baptized in the name of John the baptizer who didn’t know that there was a Holy Spirit.  It is amazing that the only unpardonable sin is blasphemy against The Holy Spirit yet people are so quick to dismiss Him.  Jesus Himself admitted that a person can be forgiven blasphemy against Him, Jesus, but to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit is a sin that will not and cannot be forgiven.

The several movements that emphasize the gifts of the Holy Spirit have somehow drawn attention away from the true reason for the Holy Spirit.  There are those who feel that if a person doesn’t exhibit the gift of “Speaking in Tongues” than that person does not have evidence of Jesus within them and so they discount many Christians.

Some have been persuaded that to lean on the education and abilities of medical doctors is to show a lack of faith in God.  Many have decided to ignore the healing that God has brought into their lives because of what others have told them.  Families have been told that their loved ones died because those who prayed for their healing did not pray hard enough.

It is understandable why there are Christians who are apprehensive to put faith in the many “Spiritual” movements that have come and gone.  However, to discount the Holy Spirit or the gifts that He gives is a dangerous thing to do.  Two thirds of God is no god at all.  Therefore, it is extremely important that we understand the purpose and power of the Holy Spirit.

The church in Corinth was using the gifts of the Spirit in a way that would often bring attention to the ones using the gifts.  Paul corresponded with Christians in Rome about the purpose and benefits that The Holy Spirit brings.  For the past few weeks we have been studying the eighth chapter of Paul’s writings to the church in Rome about this.

Most are very familiar with the twenty-eighth verse of this chapter but let’s consider that verse in context starting with verse twenty-six.  "26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for ewe know not what we should pray for as we ought: but fthe Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 And ghe that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is hthe mind of the Spirit, ||because ihe maketh intercession for the saints jaccording to the will of God. 28 And we know that kall things work together lfor good to them that love God, to them mwho are the called according to his npurpose." [2]

So through this we must understand that when you pray in the will of God that means the Holy Spirit must be in you otherwise you do not know how to pray.  If you have received Jesus and have therefore received the Holy Spirit then all things will work out together for your good even when you fail to realize that the things happening to and through you are good.

Scripture:  The scripture today is Romans 8:11.  Please stand if you can for God’s written word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Today we step back several verses from Romans 8:28 to understand more benefits that the Holy Spirit brings.  If The Holy Spirit lives inside of you than you have within you the power that God used to resurrect Jesus.

Jesus the Son of Man was dead in the tomb with no human life.  Unless God had sent the Holy Spirit, Jesus would have not been delivered from death.  But Jesus was delivered.

Thursday afternoon was a good day.  Our daughter Jamie came and brought our three grandchildren who happen to be her kids.  See how I turned that around?  It a chicken or egg deal.  We had an awesome time which will stay with Rachael and me for a long time.

Jamie said we needed to sing for Pawpaw.  Stephanie led them to sing.  She is our granddaughter with Autism.  God is amazing.  When they left we went out on the deck to say goodbye.  Somebody said something about happy birthday.  I said happy birthday to you.  They laughed.  Pawpaw has lost it.  Jamie said, “It’s not our birthday dad.”  I corrected her.  It’s everybody’s birthday here except Rachael.  It there had been no birthday for me then there would have been no birthday for any of you either.  Everybody got real quiet and just looked at each other.

You see that is how it is.  Had there not been The Holy Spirit to resurrect Jesus then there would be no resurrection for any of us.  And we have that same Holy Spirit living within us!

We have within us The Holy Spirit that raised that dead dilapidated body of Christ.  Without the resurrection Jesus might have lived a life that would have had an expiration date.  We all have an expiration date unless Jesus comes to take us out before that happens.   Jesus Christ of all eternity is now restored to The Glorious Son of God that left heaven to restore us to the relationship that we decided to leave and God The Father allowed The Holy Spirit to do that.

But there is more; much more!  He, that Holy Spirit who raised up Jesus, will also quicken these mortal bodies now that are wearing out even as we speak.  I understand that when I was having my appendix removed my heart stopped.  At least that’s what Rachael and the surgeon told me.  I guess I’ll take their word for it.

I just turned seventy-one years old this past Thursday.  When someone resuscitated me, this body was somewhere around thirty years old.  I’m glad that they decided to try to get my heart back into rhythm.  On the other hand, I might have had about the same number of years that Jesus had if they’d let me go.  If my math is right, Jamie and those others that came this past Thursday wouldn’t have been here either.

Resuscitation is not resurrection!  As an EMT, God has used even me to resuscitate people.  If the spirit has left a person no resuscitation will bring that person back to life.  When The Holy Spirit made the decision to enter into you He came to stay.  He is determined!  He came to make your life better.  The KJV says quicker.  You earthly life is fuller and you have capabilities within you that allow you to love others in ways that are not possible without Him.

To teach and believe that The Holy Spirit is useful only because of the gifts He allows us to perform is narrow minded to say the least and maybe even dangerous.  We are not limited to those gifts which give special abilities such as Speaking in Tongues or Spiritual Healing or even Teaching and Preaching.  The Holy Spirit is not limited in what He can do for us, to us, and through us.  He gives us the power to witness Christ Jesus in this lost and dying world.  He gives us the power to love even when we are hated.  The Holy Spirit is capable to do so much more if you will only allow Him.  I pray that He will open our hearts and souls to this message today because there is so much that God has for us to do if we will allow Him in.  He is also capable of being quenched when you fail to trust Him.  That is up to you.


Invitation:  There is another blessing that The Holy Spirit brings.  He will not let anything or anyone take away the love of Jesus from you.  This is what God promised through Paul, “38 For I am persuaded, that neither ldeath, nor life, nor rangels, nor sprincipalities, nor stpowers, nor things uwpresent, nor things uto come, 39 Nor xheight, nor xdepth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from ythe love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [3]

The Holy Spirit gives evidence of Jesus through us.  He comforts us when the world tries to tell us that nobody cares.  He quickens our steps as God serves through us.  Finally The Holy Spirit seals us in God’s love so that nobody and nothing can remove us from God’s love.

How can we not praise God for blessing us with His Holy Spirit?  He is so powerful in His helps for us yet He is so easily grieved when we decide to turn away from Him.  He is ready, willing, and able to fill us when we are willing to do those things that will not quench His love.

Jesus left us here to not be alone and He left us with The Holy Spirit so that we would always have Him in us.  His power is available through us as long as we accept it and decide not to hold Him back from doing His work through us.

Who here today is ready to allow The Holy Spirit to witness Jesus in their lives?  That is His ultimate purpose and He works only when you allow Him room.  Consider as we sing…

s See Acts 2:24.
t See ch. 6:4.
u See John 5:21.
|| Or, because of his Spirit.
x 2 Cor. 3:6 marg.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 8:11). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
e Matt. 20:22. James 4:3.
f Comp. Zech. 12:10. Eph. 6:18. See John 14:16.
g See 1 Sam. 16:7. & 1 Chr. 28:9. So Acts 1:24. 1 Thess. 2:4.
h ver. 6 marg.
|| Or, that.
i ver. 34.
j So 1 John 5:14. See 2 Cor. 7:9. marg.
k So ver. 32. 1 Cor. 3:21. 2 Cor. 4:15. Comp. Ecclus. 39:27.
l So Ezra 8:22.
m Jude 1. So ver. 30. See ch. 1:6.
n ch. 9:11. Eph. 1:11. & 3:11. 2 Tim. 1:9. See Acts 27:13.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 8:26–28). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
l Comp. Cant. 8:6.
r See Matt. 18:10. Comp. Gal. 1:8.
s 1 Cor. 15:24. Eph. 1:21. & 3:10. & 6:12. Col. 1:16. & 2:10, 15. Comp. Luke 12:11 (Gk.). Tit. 3:1.
s 1 Cor. 15:24. Eph. 1:21. & 3:10. & 6:12. Col. 1:16. & 2:10, 15. Comp. Luke 12:11 (Gk.). Tit. 3:1.
t Song 39. 1 Pet. 3:22.
u 1 Cor. 3:22.
w 1 Cor. 7:26. Gal. 1:4. Heb. 9:9.
u 1 Cor. 3:22.
x Eph. 3:18. So Isai. 7:11 (Gk.).
x Eph. 3:18. So Isai. 7:11 (Gk.).
y ch. 5:8.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 8:38–39). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.