Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Endued With The Power From On High

Luke 24:46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: 47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 48 And ye are witnesses of these things. 49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. [1]

I.   Valediction

     A. Written

     B. Witnessed

II. Validation

     A. Redirection

     B. Remission

III. Vow

     A. Promise

     B. Power


Introduction:  Thursday was ascension Thursday.  Hard to imagine that 40 some days ago we observed Easter in our Sanctuary after our Sunrise Service in front of the fellowship hall.  We ate breakfast that the men prepared for us and then those who would and could took a prayer walk to the cemetery as we listened and watched for God’s presence.  We ended the morning with a message and then went home to our families.  It was an awesome time of reflecting on what Jesus did for us as he arose from that tomb.

Jesus walked with His followers in His risen body for 40 days after He left that tomb.  Two met Him on the road to Emmaus and did not know Him until He revealed Himself and they couldn’t wait to tell it.

Peter was given opportunity to repent from His three times dismissal of his friendship to his closest friend.  Do you love me Simon son of Jonah, feed My lambs.  Do you love me Simon son of Jonah, tend My sheep.  Do you love me Simon son of Jonah, feed My sheep.

We remember that Jesus had earlier changed what He called this man Simon to Peter.  Yet here Jesus was reminding Peter who Peter was without Jesus; still Simon son of Jonah.  Had Peter really changed that much yet?

Things in this life change.  One day God will make all things new and then there will be no more need for things to change but now things do change.  We love the good things and when they are behind us it is so wonderful to have a reminder of how things once were, but there comes a time to continue on and do that which we have been prepared for.  Jesus ascended back to heaven where He was before coming here for that short time.  Now it was time for His disciples to act.

Paul’s physician Luke wrote the account of the gospel from Paul’s perspective.  Jesus was leaving, and he left with a valedictory address of validation that He was indeed who He said He was because He fulfilled all that was written about Him and those with Him witnessed those things.  In His farewell address He also left with a vow.  He verified His Father’s promise for power to those of us who truly believe.  Have you that power?

That is the question today.  Do you believe that you truly are endued with power from on high or do you doubt?  The choice is yours to refuse the power or receive the power.  Salvation from Hell is not the only why Jesus came for you if you are truly a disciple.  Yes He died for our sins but there is that expectation that can only be achieved if you truly believe.  The Holy Spirit is waiting for your answer.

Scripture:  The scripture is Luke 24:46-49.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  Please consider this as we hear this message today.  I am a Baptist preacher trained to preach by a place that is very conservative in our understanding of scripture.  Pentecost happened and there is no doubt of that.  We are about to embark on a study of the Holy Spirit’s gifts but we are not so-called Pentecostal worshippers.  That event transformed the church but it was for the edification of Jesus and not for the validation of being a Christian.  If you love Jesus and others, that validates your being a Christian.  There is no greater gift from God than love.  By the way, 1 Corinthians 13 is next week’s message.

Today we will ponder what the disciples must have seen, heard, and thought as the Savior was being lifted back to heaven.  “And He said unto them… “ Think about that for a minute.  He left the city and went back to where Mary and Martha lived.  Back to the place where He resurrected His friend Lazarus.  Back to the place that they doubted Him. 

Now there was no longer any doubt.  It had been written, it had been witnessed.  It had been validated that Jesus came that we might repent and receive remission from the penalty of sin that we are worthy to receive.  That is what we earned as sinners and that is what only He could take our penalty for.

Three days in the tomb and now some forty days in His glorified body were in the past and now the time for this walk with The Risen Lord was coming to a close, for a while.  Their walk as true apostle was not yet started though.  The promised power had not been given yet.  They had to wait just a few more days in their Jerusalem.

That’s where it would start so that’s where they needed to return and wait.  Goodbye friends, I must leave and you must stay but I am not leaving you without.  Oh no!  I am leaving you with the promise from My Father.  Remember the reason Jesus came?  Because His Father sent Him!  God keeps His promises!  If you feel alone right now, remember that God keeps His promises.  You are never alone!

And ye are witnesses of these things.  Testify!  If He has tested you so that He can be shown to pass the test, testify!  Tell someone!  That is why He left us with the promise of power.  Not so you can make a name for yourself or bring attention to yourself.  NO!  So you can testify of Him.  You have the power to do that and without the Holy Spirit, you don’t have the power.

What is it that God has empowered you to do?  Love the sinner.  That’s what Jesus did.  Did He heal the sick?  Yes when it glorified Him to do that but there is so much more.  Did He raise the dead?  Every person who accepts Jesus has been raised from the dead!  Think about that.  Do you have the power to raise the dead?  You better believe it.  If through your loving words one person comes to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, God has used you to raise the dead.  That’s what the power is for.  Not so you can have a feel good time.  But if that doesn’t cause you to have a feel great time, I doubt your true salvation.

The power from on High!  The power comes when we pray to receive it.  Nobody else can give it and nobody else including God will make you accept it.  If you have received Jesus, The Holy Spirit is there for you to receive.  Do not doubt that!  He is here in this place if there are disciples here in this place.  Where two or three are gathered, He is here.


Invitation: Every Sunday we have this same invitation to come here in front of these believers and fall on your knees and today is no exception.  The exception depends on you and you alone.  Are you ready said the master?

Is there someone that you are having a hard time to forgive?  I need help!  Don’t you?  That is what this power is for!  That is what this altar is for.  You can’t truly forgive on your own!  Only Jesus has the power to forgive.  Only Jesus has the power to love enough to die for the sinner.  Do you?  If you have not prayed for, and received the Holy Spirit, than you do not have that power.  I promise you that!  Pray for the Holy Spirit and He will empower you to do that which you cannot do without Him.  Do you want to be healed from the sickness that kills?  Forgive!  Forgive!  Forgive as we sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., Lk 24:46–49). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.