Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


Romans 8:29,  “For whom he did oforeknow, he also did ppredestinate to be qconformed to [1]rthe image of his Son, that he might be sthe firstborn among many tbrethren.” 1

I.   Foreknow

     A. Chosen

     B. Conclusion

II. Formed

     A. Changed

     B. Corrected

III. Firstborn

     A. Christ

     B. Companions

Introduction:  Last week we expounded Romans 8:28.  We dispelled things that were foregone conclusions for some.  Often scriptures are memorized and taken out of the context which they apply. People make them into ideas that seem more palatable for the present  than the original author intended.

This is how so-called news reporters draw audiences.  Some reporters do not report at all.  They take a piece pf gossip here and a piece there and the next thing you know, peace has been destroyed. The one who has been misrepresented cries foul, but the damage has been done.

In the book of Job, the friends came and offered sympathy.  Later they decided that they had to reach a conclusion about what they had seen.  In today’s speech we might say that they editorialized.  To editorialize is to give the reader your interpretation of the thing you saw.  It is the opinion of the so-called reporter and probably is very far from the truth, yet people believe, and the damage has been done.  The audience buys the things from the commercials that are seen with the commentary.  That is how the media makes money, which is their point for being.  The spread of truthful information is the farthest thing from their minds.

If I sound cynical it is because I was once on the air myself.  I would report the so-called news with no regard for the ones who were misrepresented by what I read out loud over the radios tuned in to hear music.  I only wanted to sell advertisements by telling them what I wanted to talk about.

Later in life I was the one misrepresented.  When it happened to me and my reputation was besmirched, it wasn’t so funny after all.  Perhaps that is why God led me to a place where the Bible is dissected word by word.  We are to carefully report what the Bible says.  2 Timothy 2: 15, "Study to shew thyself japproved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But kshun lprofane and vain babblings: for they will mincrease unto more ungodliness.” [2]

Today we will talk about another idea that has evolved into something that is contrary to our freedom to worship God.  There are some who believe that since God is sovereign, that he is omniscient and knows everything forward and backward, that we have no choice.  To some, destiny means that only God decides who goes to heaven or hell.  God gives us freewill to either follow Him or not.

This afternoon if God wills, there will be a baptism up the road in Jordan Lake.  Did the deacons have a choice to be a part of this today?  Did I have a choice to be a part of this today?  God knew that it was going to happen before I was born.  How can that be, and we all still have a choice?

Today we will continue about the theme of Romans chapter eight.  All things work for His good to us because God is good.  He guides us with His Holy Spirit.  God knows what happens when we decide and when we don’t and then He gives to us that which will accomplish His will.  How in the world?  Not in this world!

Scripture:  The scripture for this message is Romans 8:29.  Please Stand Under the reading of God’s word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  God is omniscient.  He is all knowing and immutable.  In other words, He never changes even though He has all the knowledge that has ever been.  What we do does not change Him.  What we will become also does not change Him.

Paul said here in this verse that of those whom God foreknew God had a plan for them.  Is that to say that God did not know everybody?  If God selected some to foreknow, who did God not foreknow?  Remember that the Bible is written in context.  Last week we discovered that everything is not going to work out good for everybody all the time.  Romans 8:28 says that things work out good to those who love God and are called for His purpose.  That does not include everybody because everybody will not choose to love God, and everybody will not follow His purpose for their life.

It goes back to those chosen or as we are called in other places in the Bible, God’s elect.  God knows the qualifications He requires for us, and He gives what we need to us.  He gives us what we need to accomplish His will when we decide to accept His purpose for our life.  When Paul said that God foreknew His chosen it is a more intimate relationship than any that this earthly life can possibly understand.  God comes to His conclusion to give when we come to our conclusion that He alone is God.  If we never come to that conclusion, then we will go our own way apart from God.

What did God predestine us to be?  What is this word predestinate?  Does it truly mean that we have not choice in the matter that God has predefined for us?  For the elect or chosen, God has a plan and if we follow Jesus then we will be changed into the image that we were created to be.  Conformed means that the form which we have grown into being will be remolded into that which can be used by Him.

We use the metaphor of the potter with clay.  God shapes us until we get out of the shape He intends.  When that happens, He takes us and remolds us or conforms us into the image that He has in His mind.  If we wait too long and life makes us brittle and hard, we will not be able to be remolded unless we are broken first, mixed with that which will soften us, and then God will have His way.

Conformed means to be changed into the form which we were supposed to have in the first place.  Jesus is the image that God expects for us.  God will use whatever He decides so that we are corrected into the image that He will use for His purpose.  We have choices.  We can mess up what He decided for us.  He has hands that will mold us unless we say stop.  Then He will stop.

If it were me and I was my own god, I would let go and move on.  Thank God that He is not me.  For those who would be their own god, good luck with that.  It didn’t work for me.  Occasionally, in other words every day, I fall back into believing that I believe that I know what is best for myself and others.  God gets a hold on me again and I am again corrected and connected!

Why in the world is God so patient with us?  We find the answer in the last of this verse.  Let us never forget the words to that hymn that children so love to sing.  Jesus loves me this I know!  Why must we be conformed to the image of Christ?  That He, Jesus, might be the firstborn among many brethren.  Jesus wants a big family.  Paul called Jesus the firstborn.  We know that Adam was the first created human.  Eve was taken from Adam and God formed her to be the perfect help meet for Adam.  Cain was born from those two and he didn’t turn out too well.  Wasn’t Cain the firstborn?

Cain chose against God when he killed his little brother Abel.  We can go on and discuss every human until Christ was born but we will not find the perfect birth in any human.  Christ is God’s only begotten Son.  He is the perfect firstborn.

None of us are perfect.  Paul said that we have all sinned and we all fall short of the glory of God.  Not Jesus!  He is the firstborn of all created humans who did not fall short.  He is the glory of God.  Jesus wants us to be conformed to His image so that, though He is the firstborn, He will be among many.  That includes us.  He loves us so much that He wants to spend eternity with us.  Jesus knew that His Father has the right plan and Jesus never deviated from that plan.

We are to be His companions yes, but more than that, we are now His family.  What a bright future we have!


Invitation:  We will depart now from this place and reconvene up at the lake for a baptism.  Jesus humbled himself and allowed his distant cousin John the baptizer to baptize him.  There was no need for Jesus to be baptized other than showing that He didn’t hold Himself higher than those He came to serve.

Today the deacons will baptize their pastor.  I was baptized many years ago as I followed Jesus in that symbol of immersing my body to symbolically wash away my sins.  It was done once and no matter how many times I am immersed it will not change my standing with God.

A pastor must be willing and ready to lead by example.  As Jesus was baptized by His family member, today my brothers in Christ will baptize me. 

If there is anyone who feels the call to join this Merry Oaks Baptist church family either by letter or baptism, now is the time.  There may not be another time.  Let God conform you.  If you don’t mind getting wet today, I’m sure the deacons would love to stay in the lake a little longer so that we can baptize you today too.  Let us sing as you decide and then we will go.  Let us sing a hymn of decision before we go.

o ch. 11:2. So 2 Tim 2:19. 1 Pet. 1:2.
p ver. 30. Eph. 1:5, 11. So ch. 9:23.
q Phil. 3:21. So 2 Cor. 3:18. 1 John 3:2.
r 1 Cor. 15:49. 2 Cor. 3:18. Col. 3:10. See Gen. 1:26.

s Col. 1:15, 18. Heb. 1:6. Rev. 1:5.

t See Matt. 28:10.

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 8:29). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
j See Rom. 16:10.
k Tit. 3:9 (Gk.). So 1 Tim. 4:7.
l 1 Tim. 6:20.
m ch. 3:13. See Luke 2:52.
[2] Ibid., 2 Ti 2:15–16). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.