Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Speak Lord

1 Samuel 3:9 “Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” [1]

I.   Said

     A. Behind

     B. Blind

II. Say

     A. Before

     B. Be

III. Speak

     A. Believe

     B. Bring


Introduction:  Eli is one of the Bible characters that seem to be part of the bad examples.  We learn from their mistakes.  The world at large was in a mess during Eli’s time of being a judge over Israel for the Lord.  His sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were priests who had no real relationship with God.  We can read this in 1 Samuel 2:12, “Now the sons of Eli were asons of Belial; bthey knew not the Lord.” [2]

Hophni and Phinehas were corrupted by their father’s position but instead of rejecting their ways, Eli actually gained wealth from their plundering.  In 1 Samuel 2:29 a true man of God came to Eli with these words, “29 Wherefore ykick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering, which I have commanded in my zhabitation; and honourest thy sons above me, to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my people?” [3]

We learn from Eli that if we accept what our children do even when they are doing ungodly things, we as parents will not come out good in the end if we do not completely reject their transgressions.  Eli knew that his time of judge was coming to an end because God warned him that his family line would not continue being priests of God.

If we deal justly with the depravity of our children they may finally repent from their ways and honor their parents as they themselves live righteous lives.  This was not the way of Eli’s sons.  They died in a battle with the Philistines.  In 1 Samuel 4 we read that when Eli was ninety eight years old he learned that his sons died in battle with the Philistines.  Eli was deeply grieved over the death of his sons but when he heard that the Ark of God had also been captured, he fell backwards in his chair and died.

His daughter in law, the widow of Phinehas, gave birth to a son when she learned of her husband’s death and that the ark was captured.  She named that son was Ichabod which means, “The glory is departed from Israel.”

That is how Eli’s life ended.  In the beginning of 1 Samuel we learn about the man Elkanah who had at least three wives.  His wife Hannah had no children but prayed in Eli’s hearing that if God would give her a son she would dedicate him to the Lord.  When the child Samuel was old enough, she brought him to Eli who taught him and took him as his student.

Samuel did not recognize that it was God speaking to him but Eli understood.  Eli trusted that Samuel would be the man of God which Eli’s own sons would never be.  When God spoke to Samuel he was told what would happen to Eli’s family.  Though it was hard to hear when Samuel told him, Eli continued to train Samuel.  God revealed to Eli what Samuel would be.

There are many more examples of God using those who once served Him in new ways to prepare others for His work.  When we ourselves are unable to continue in the service in which we were once used, God continues to have other purposes for us.  Some day we will be in heaven with many in the roll call of faith who we studied from Hebrews in our evening studies.  They are there now.  We are here to continue until God takes us home.

When we recognize that our ministry is changing, God will continue His purpose through us in ways that we may not fully realize until we meet in heaven.  Never give up!  Never give up!

Scripture:  The scripture today is 1 Samuel 3:9.  Please stand if you can for God’s written word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Follow as we read 1 Samuel 3:1-8.  Samuel was ministering in Lord’s house in sight of Eli.  Be sure to pay close attention to the fact that the word of the Lord was precious in those days because there was no open vision.  People were blind to God’s word.  Sound familiar?

Eli was an elderly man and his vision was slipping.  They probably didn’t have lens replacement surgery back then to repair the effects of cataracts.  The lamp of God had gone out in the temple of God where the Ark of God was.  Later the lamp of God would spiritually go out because the Ark would be removed.

Though most ignored it, the word of God was still active.  Somebody heard!  Samuel didn’t understand that it was God.  Eli hadn’t heard from God maybe for a long time but he knew what it was when someone else heard from God.  Three times Samuel heard that voice and three times he went to Eli thinking that it was Eli calling him.  Three times Eli turned Samuel away until the last time.

Therefore!  There is a bunch of things that happened prior to that first word “therefore” in our focal passage.  Hannah made good on her promise to God.  Samuel was in the temple.  Eli turned away from God and favored his sons more than God.  The sons corrupted their positions as priests which caused the people and God to lose faith in Eli.  Therefore!  Since all that happened therefore now here we are.

Eli said!  His time as judge was behind him but he stated his case.  Not only was he nearly physically blind but he was also blind to the word of God.  In all that had happened to Eli, he still understood that someone else was hearing from God and he knew that he still had something to do.  He would lead the one who would lead.

Eli told Samuel to be ready to say to God that he had heard Him and he even told Samuel what to say.  Years later the disciples would ask Jesus how to pray because they trusted Jesus even though they had not yet learned to have faith in Jesus.  They had no idea that the One who they spoke to was God even though they had been told so by Jesus.

Eli was no longer hearing from God.  He would hear from others about what would become of his family.  Yet he remembered how it was to hear from God and speak for God.  When God is speaking to someone else we are to always encourage and never have bitterness.  Though it is not us that He is allowing to be His servant at this particular time, His work will be accomplished and we will be witness to all that He does.

Years later a king named Saul would also lose his hearing from God.  The resentment that Saul had for David is still what King Saul is remembered for today.  When we recognize God’s working through others that means we are still witnessing God at work.  Before, Eli had been the man of God who spoke for God but now he would encourage Samuel.  Eli might have missed the mark on many things but he was ready to pass the baton to the one who would be the voice of God.  When the time came Eli recognized that God was not finished with him yet.

If He shall call you, then speak.  Otherwise lie down and wait but be ready.  Rest now!  Before the time comes for His call rest in His contentment.  When He calls answer His call and then He will tell you what He has for you to do.  Otherwise, rest!  Listen!

When God speaks answer Him so that God knows you are paying attention to Him.  He may not speak the same way that He spoke to Samuel but as God speaks His voice becomes more familiar with time so that His voice is unmistakable.

That first time that Samuel heard God’s voice he went to the wrong place to receive the conversation.  Eli knew that it wasn’t him that spoke to Samuel so he wondered why Samuel bothered him.  We often are mistaken when we are young in the Lord.  We hear others and we think it is God.  We hear God and we think it is others.  Samuel became so familiar with God that there was no mistake in the communication.  Years later Samuel would hear from God and the kingdom of Israel would change kings.  When God spoke to Samuel the world heard because Samuel had the boldness to speak that which God had told him.

We hear of the things that Eli did wrong and they are costly to many people.  One thing that we must consider from this short verse; Eli never stopped believing that God spoke.  Though Eli did not hear from God directly he knew that God was speaking to Samuel.  God used Eli to instruct young Samuel because they both believed the same thing.  God speaks!

"10 And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth." [4]

God brought His truth to Israel through Samuel in a time when there was silence from God.  One man learned that it was God speaking to him through another who had turned away from God.  God is speaking today in unmistakable ways and yet the world hears nothing.  It only took one young Samuel who didn’t understand until someone explained how God speaks.

Prayer is that amazingly wonderful communication from God that often requires someone to explain it to others not experienced enough yet to distinguish God’s voice.  Even when we hear from others how to pray we miss the main point.  Be still!

When you think you have a clear word and you are unsure of the source, be still.  Somehow we get the idea that God needs us to explain things to Him.  He doesn’t!  Remember the thing about omniscience?  He already knows everything.  Be still and listen for Him to contact you.  When God brings his truth He will bring boldness to speak His truth.  It only took one Samuel in a time when nobody wanted to listen.  When Samuel acknowledged that He was ready to hear, God came and stood and called as at the other times.  God’s voice was so familiar that Samuel knew it was Him.  Be still and know that He is God!


Invitation:  As we read on we know that Samuel had to communicate the unwanted truth to his mentor.  Some hard things were coming.  We are living in such a time when the world really doesn’t want to hear from God.  People pray one sided prayers telling God what they expect from Him while doing things which brings dishonor to themselves and others.

There is little difference in the attitude of that day and this day.  We expect God to overlook whatever we do while we who are Christians are standing by.  Samuel had to prostrate himself before God spoke.  He had to lie down in submission while God stood and then God would bring that which we need to hear.

The invitation today is to lie down all that you have at His cross.  If you want God to speak, quit talking and listen.  The more I insist on God hearing me and giving me what I want the longer He waits to speak.  Let us lie down our worries and listen for that which He wants us to say.  The message might not be pleasant to tell but He will be glorified when His will is accomplished through us and not the other way around.  Let us pray His will be done as we sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 3:9). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
a ch. 1:3. See Deut. 13:13.
b See Judg. 2:10.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 2:12). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
y Deut. 32:15.
z Deut. 26:15. & 33:27 (Heb.). ver. 32. 1 Chr. 4:41. Ps. 26:8. & 68:5. Comp. Deut. 12:5, 6.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 2:29). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 3:10). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.