Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Work In Work Out

Philippians 2:12, "Wherefore, my beloved, ias ye have always kobeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, lwork out your own salvation with mfear and trembling. 13 For nit is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his ogood pleasure." [1]

I.   Obedience

     A. Supervised

     B. Secret

II. Onerous

     A. Stress

     B. Shivering

III. Occupies

     A. Seek

     B. Strive

Introduction:  Being in God’s will seems to be the theme and emphasis of our messages lately.  We watch the world and wonder how and why other people get things so against what we know to be God’s will.  Sometimes we even laugh at the ridiculous ideas but there is nothing funny about thinking that there is no God and no God’s will.

We believers know that things happen in God’s will.  Is there ever a time when something is allowed to happen that is not God’s will?  It is not God’s will that any should perish.  Peter said that in 2 Peter 3:9, “tThe Lord is not slack concerning his promise, uas some men count slackness; but vis longsuffering to us-ward, wnot willing that any should perish, but xthat all should come to repentance.” [2]  So then why do people perish without a relationship with God?

By this we understand that all things that happen are sometimes things that God would not want to happen.  People ignorant to that fact often say hurtful things even though they might be attempting to make remorse not hurt so badly.  Such as, “God wanted your baby more than you did so He took him/her.”  God doesn’t want to take things away that He gives.

He certainly is jealous when we love what He gives us more than we love Him but that is not why babies die.  Babies die for the same reason we all die.  This world has a sin nature that came when we decided not to love God.  The devil is allowed to strike because we have relinquished our protection that God once provided.  God allows things that are not in His will yet He returns good for those who love Him and are called for His purpose.

We have heard lately even in here that God always answers prayer but always in His time.  That is true.  This also is true yet many do not want to acknowledge this truth.  Sometimes when God answers prayer He answers NO!  Remember Paul’s thorn!  If God has a reason for that thing which He allows even though you want the opposite, God will give His best for His purpose.

So how do we make sure that we have our prayers answered yes every time?  There is only one way for that to happen and that is to always stay in His will.  If you are in His will then you will have the mind of Christ.  If you have the mind of Christ then you will pray that which God wants because your wants will always be His wants.

Can anybody actually do that; always?  Paul told the people in Rome that he would stop by on his way to Spain.  Paul died in Rome.  Traditionally it is known that Paul never made it to Spain.  If Paul was mistaken about God’s will for his life sometimes, then we shouldn’t feel so amazed when God’s answer to us is no.

I don’t know about you but I want more yes answers to prayer than no answers.

Scripture:  The scripture today is Philippians 1:12-13.  Please stand if you’re able.

Prayer:  Let us pray.  Be seated.

Message:  A certain lawyer asked Jesus what he, a lawyer,  must do to inherit eternal life.  Jesus answered him with a question.  Here it is from Luke 10:25-28, “And, behold, a certain jlawyer stood up, and ktempted him, saying, lMaster, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? 27 And he answering said, mThou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and nthy neighbour as thyself. 28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and othou shalt live. [3]

The lawyer actually quoted from Deuteronomy 6:5, “And gthou shalt love the Lord thy God hwith all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy hmight.” [4]  Jesus told the lawyer that he was correct on both points.  Love God with all that you are and your neighbor as yourself.  Jesus explained that this is how to stay in God’s will and that will insure eternal life.

The lawyer questioned Jesus to find out how to live without death.  There was really nothing in his question about how to live in eternity with God.  He only wanted to know how not to die.  Jesus let him answer his own question to learn that it is God’s will that we love Him.  To love God and each other is what all the other commandments are predicated on.  Romans 8:28 only works if we decide to love God.  "28 And we know that kall things work together lfor good to them that love God, to them mwho are the called according to his npurpose. [5]  The first thing a person must do then is to love God.  If and when that is true then the person is called for God’s purpose and God will provide what is needed to fulfill His purpose.  Otherwise you’re on your own.

How do all things work together for good?   In another example Jesus was with another man asking what he must do to inherit eternal life.  That man called Jesus “Good Teacher.”  Jesus responded with another question.  “Why do you call me good?  There is only one good and He is God.”  So if God is the only good then Romans 8:28 really is saying that all things work together for God.  God is good.  There is no good except God.  Jesus said that.

In our focal verse today Paul is writing to the church in Philippi about their obedience.  Some might think that Paul was congratulating them on being obedient to Paul’s instructions for them while he was with them.  To a person not rooted in fellowship with God it sounds like that.

Paul was congratulating them for their obedience to God.  It’s one thing to be on your best behavior when the preacher is around.  It’s another thing to be obedient when everybody is telling jokes and acting crazy at a party.  Do you act differently from one place or time to another?  If you love someone you are loyal no matter whether you are in their presence or not.  That is when you truly know how deep your love for God is.  You are the same no matter what.

Obedience to that which you know is pleasing to God is always your goal whether you feel His supervision or whether you feel that what you are doing is in secret to Him.  Hint!  Nothing is secret to God.  What those Philippians were doing might have been secret to Paul back then or your preacher now but nothing is ever kept secret from God.

When Jesus was on the cross and He felt so alone that He cried out My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me; even then it was not a secret to God.  He might choose to allow you to feel alone and in secret from time to time so that you can build confidence in the faith that you have towards Him but there is never ever anything secret from God.

Is it always easy to be obedient?  God allows all sorts of obstacles in your life that makes it difficult or onerous as the outline’s second point defines.  It is hard to be obedient when everybody else is telling you that times have changed and you have to get with it.  Get with what!  That is the easy and wide road.  Paul didn’t say to sit back and enjoy your salvation.  Paul said to work at it.  Work it out.  You cannot work to attain it.  Your work will not result in you receiving salvation.  Paul is saying that now since you have received salvation do something with it.  It is not going to be easy.  It will require work on your part.

Have you ever been forced into a place where and when you know that you are in a hard place that you must go through?  There is no real choice not to go through the thing that is before you.  If you simply choose to stop then the loss would be terrible.  So there you are.  The stress is nearly overwhelming but you know what have got to do.  Have you ever been there?  Have you ever been so afraid that you find yourself shivering knowing that you must go on?

Sorry but here is another flying analogy.  Clyde had cleared me to solo.  Before you get a pilot’s license you must have a certain number of hours alone by yourself flying the airplane.  I rented the airport’s little two seater Cessna.  It was a crosswind day and I needed practice landing in a crosswind.  As soon as the plane lifted off it did a weathervane into a crab.  Too late now!  I had to get back on the ground, sideways flying or not.  I crabbed the little plane around the traffic pattern to final approach and there was Buddy Keller sitting there ready to taxi into position for takeoff.  The wind gusted and pushed me so much I was afraid that I was going to land on that beautiful expensive twin engine plane.  I’m dead!  Buddy’s either dead or badly injured.  I got no choice.  I was shaking so bad I didn’t think I could control the plane.  Guess what!  I got down in one piece.  Well you would think I passed the test.  That wasn’t the test.  I taxied off to the taxiway behind Buddy and waited for him to leave.  I had to do it again.  This time without Buddy on the taxiway.  If I had not flown that traffic pattern again that day…

How do you get through?  Who gets you through?  You know who.  He knows how!

Prayer:  Let us pray

Invitation:  "13 For nit is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his ogood pleasure. [6]  When you truly become a Christian God occupies you.  The word occupation is a strange word.  What do you do for an occupation people ask?  It is different than saying what is your job or what do you do for a living.  When something or someone is inside of you so that it or they are part of you then even though sometimes the task may be difficult, it is not a job.

You drivers know exactly what I’m talking about.  When I told Rachael that I was going back to get a degree in preaching she said that she married a powerhouse man and not a preacher.  A powerhouse man is what was inside of me.  That is where I felt at home.  Notice I said when I told Rachael.  I should have made sure that she was ready to be a preacher’s wife.

We cannot do Christian stuff unless it is God which is working Himself into us.  If we are seeking things to do that we think might satisfy a desire in us so that we feel better about whom we are then the motive is wrong and it will never work.  He seeks us first.  When He finds us and enables us then we seek His will until His will becomes our will.  We seek His will through reading and studying the scriptures and through prayer.  That’s the first part of verse thirteen. 

Once we have that, then and only then are we prepared to strive to work that which we know that He has for us to do that would bring God pleasure.  So there it is!  Are you doing things that make you feel better or are you doing that which you know will honor the One True God Who has taken up residence in you?  Are you ready to take the next step?  Are you ready to work out that which He has worked in?  Consider as we sing…

i Comp. ch. 1:5.
k See 2 Cor. 2:9. Comp. ver. 8.
l Eph. 6:13 marg.
m See Eph. 6:5.
n See 1 Cor. 15:10. Comp. Heb. 13:21. James 1:17, 18.
o See Luke 2:14.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Php 2:12–13). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
t Ecclus. 35:18. So Hab. 2:3. Heb. 10:37. See Rom. 13:11.
u See Eccles. 8:11.
v Isai. 30:18. Ecclus. 5:4. See ver. 15. & Luke 18:7.
w See Ezek. 18:23. Comp. Rev. 2:21.
x Wisd. 11:23. Rom. 2:4. 1 Tim. 2:4.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 2 Pe 3:9). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
j See Matt. 22:35.
k So John 6:6. See John 8:6.
l Comp. Matt. 19:16. Mark 10:17. ch. 18:18. So Matt. 22:35–39.
m Cited from Deut. 6:5.
n Cited from Lev. 19:18.
o See Lev. 18:5. So Neh. 9:29.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Lk 10:25–28). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
g ch. 10:12. & 11:1, 13. & 30:6. Cited Matt. 22:37. Mark 12:30. Luke 10:27.
h 2 Kin. 23:25.
h 2 Kin. 23:25.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Dt 6:5). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
k So ver. 32. 1 Cor. 3:21. 2 Cor. 4:15. Comp. Ecclus. 39:27.
l So Ezra 8:22.
m Jude 1. So ver. 30. See ch. 1:6.
n ch. 9:11. Eph. 1:11. & 3:11. 2 Tim. 1:9. See Acts 27:13.
[5] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 8:28). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
n See 1 Cor. 15:10. Comp. Heb. 13:21. James 1:17, 18.
o See Luke 2:14.
[6] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Php 2:13). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.