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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Four Stages of Salvation


1 Kings 2:3 “And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest d||prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:” [1]

I.   Satisfaction

          A. Routine

          B. Rut

II. Surprise

          A. Ready

          B. Realization

III. Surrender

          A. Release

          B. Relief

IV. Serenity

          A. Righteousness

          B. Relationship

Introduction:  Thursday was the day that we in this nation consider and commemorate our veterans of Armed Service.  We simply call it Veterans Day.  My first inclination that came to mind as our message today was the story of David when he and his army returned with the spoils of war.  I will read it to refresh our memory.

1 Samuel 30: 21 "And David came to the rtwo hundred men, which were so faint that they could not follow David, whom they had made also to abide at the jbrook Besor: and they went forth to meet David, and to meet the people that were with him: and when David came near to the people, he ||saluted them. 22 Then answered all the wicked men and smen of Belial, of those that went with David, and said, Because they went not with us, we will not give them ought of the spoil that we have recovered, save to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away, and depart. 23 Then said David, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the Lord hath given us, who hath preserved us, and delivered the company that came against us into our hand.” [2]

David found himself as the commander of a successful army.  He understood way back then that a soldier who fought for the purpose of enriching himself would not be successful.  He understood that those who serve to protect others do what they do for those who cannot protect themselves.  What they fight for is not for themselves but for others.  This is why we observe Veterans Day.  This is why we praise them for their service to us.

Well that was going to be the message and it is a good message.  We do honor those who serve in our military because they honor us with their service.  As I was hearing the inspiration it was plain that today would be more about David.  Actually it is about each of us.  David went from a shepherd who worked for his father to become the most honored of all leaders if Israel.  How did that happen?

Today we will introduce a series called the Four Stages of Salvation.  You have the outline on the back of your bulletin that Karen graciously made for us.  In the following four Sundays we will hear a message from each of the four stages.  Today we will look at David the man of God who was ready to be taken to heaven.  He had completed that which God brought him through and now he was ready to leave his kingdom to the one God whom would use as his successor.  How do you suppose you will be remembered when you finally arrive at your destination?

Scripture:  The scripture today is 1 Kings 2:3.  Please stand if you can for the reading of God’s Word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  The verse we just read is from someone who had finally arrived at the place of contentment.  This person found serenity in what is truly the purpose of life.  To be right or righteous with God is what we all hope for our loved ones as they leave this life.  I have heard it so many times, “I just hope that he/she made peace with God.”

Righteousness with God cannot be imparted through works that we accomplish.  That is the truth that Solomon found and we read this in Ecclesiastes.  Solomon was the son that inherited the kingdom from David and Solomon had the promise for success.  He is said to be the wisest man who ever lived and yet the kingdom was divided after his reign was over.

Solomon’s close relationship with God allowed him to talk directly to God and yet he wanted more of what the world gave him than what God could have given him.  In many ways the story of Solomon is more pitiful than nearly every other character depicted in the Bible because finally at the end of his life, Solomon finally learned that nothing else could lead to serenity unless a person chose to honor God with all they had.  Ecclesiastes 12: 13||Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: mFear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For nGod shall bring every work into ojudgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” [3]

Recently the world lost a man who was a great general in the Army of our nation and Colon Powell served as a role model for many people.  It is said that if he had chosen to run for President he might have gone down in history as one of the greats.  We will never know.

General Powell trusted in information that he heard from others and it is said that a war was started by mistake because of his actions.  Whether there were actually weapons that were hidden that never came to light we will also never know.  Publicity that followed changed Colon Powell’s resolve to lead.  He never again allowed himself to be in position to lead.

David was in a place of satisfaction as a shepherd for his father’s sheep.  He was so good at his job that he was overlooked.  He just did his job.  Years earlier the Israelites decided that they were not happy not having a king to rule them.  God told the prophet Samuel to anoint Saul.  Saul took it upon himself to perform a ritual that was reserved for the priests and so God told Samuel that Saul would be removed as king.

All this had nothing to do with David.  Yet David’s place of satisfaction was about to be upset.  What a surprise!  Samuel went to Jesse and was introduced to all of the sons except one.  1 Samuel 16:10 “Again, Jesse made pseven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The Lord hath not chosen these. 11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, pThere remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, qSend and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither. 12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was rruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And sthe Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.” [4]

We know the history of David.  We know about David’s success over Goliath. We remember Saul’s delusional outbursts against David and how David would surrender to live as a fugitive for something he had no control over.

So to recap; David went from satisfaction to surprise to surrender.  Rather than listen to me as one who can recount those same stages in life, take a few moments to ponder your own life.  Can you remember a time when things seemed pretty good?  Maybe your family was relatively comfortable and money was OK.  The job afforded you with satisfaction knowing that you were doing something that you seemed “cut out” to do.  Something came and changed things!  Now that place of satisfaction is not of your choosing.  A surprise either wanted or unwanted knocked you out of your comfort zone and you had no idea what was next.  It could be a health thing or maybe the job ended and it left you behind.  What to do, what to do!

Time goes by and you try things that seem to you to be what might satisfy you again but the more you try the more things seem to be going in the wrong direction.  Finally you decide to fall on your knees and finally ask the only one who really knows what is best for you.  Many people never get to this stage.  Many people are drawn towards things that satisfy and never reach that last step as these verses from David imply.  Where are you? 

Prayer:  Let us pray.

Invitation:  David was explaining to his son Solomon the important things in life.  He mentioned that he wanted Solomon to “prosper in all that thou doest.”   We conclude David’s prayer was answered.  Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived and also one of the richest.

As we read the Bible it is so important to read in context and not just part of a verse.  David was speaking to Solomon about his walk with God.  We read so many cases in the scriptures about God’s value of the rich and the poor.  It is not evil to be rich in this world’s wealth.  Not at all!  One of my most formative friends warned me about shunning wealth if that is how God blesses.  I figured that a guy who finally surrendered and went back to Bible College would not be taken seriously if they owned an airplane.  This was right after I had taken my friend for a night flight over Asheville.  Thom Sherwood explained it this way and I will paraphrase.  If God gave you a thing and now you feel ashamed to have the thing, you are a spoiled brat.  If God gives you an airplane take it and use it for God’s glory.  If God gives you a disease that doesn’t immediately lead to earthly death, take it and use it for God’s glory.  You will never find that stage of serenity until you finally trust God with what He has blessed you with.

So which stage are you in with your salvation experience just now?  Are you stuck there?  In the next four weeks we will visit these four stages more thoroughly.  Through this series you might find that being satisfied is not such a good place after all.  If God wants to take you somewhere else He will surprise you.  If you are stuck in the stage of surprise so that you are spending all your time searching instead of serving in the place God has prepared for you, God will bring you to the next stage of surrender.  If God knows that He has a plan for you and God knows that you have not completely abandoned His call for your life, He will move you!  Take my word!  Finally you will find that place of serenity only when you find yourself safely in the arms of God.  When you get into His will you will never be the same again.

I know what some TV and internet preachers say.  Many are giving the same motivational mistruths that those did back in Hosea’s time.  Everything is going to be OK; just keep on keeping on and we will get through this together.  Their message was that if you just follow the preacher everything will be fine.  Here is the truth; only when you finally surrender and follow God’s will for you will eternity be for fine for you.  It will be an eternity of serenity.

As we sing our hymn of invitation I invite us all to ask God what His will is for your life.  Maybe you have been satisfied for many years believing that you are in God’s will where you are.  Maybe you are; but maybe you’re not where you think you are.  If God is leading you to pray this morning the altar is open.  I will be here to listen and pray.  Today before we leave and the doors are shut I pray that if there is anyone who has not truly given their life to God that you will make that choice today.  Please respond to God’s call as we sing…

d See Deut. 29:9. So 1 Chr. 22:12, 13.
|| Or, do wisely. 1 Sam. 18:5, 14, 15, 30.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Ki 2:3). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
r ver. 10.
j See Num. 13:23 marg.
|| Or, asked them how they did. See Judg. 18:15 marg.
s Deut. 13:13.
† Heb. men.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 30:21–23). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
|| Or, The end of the matter, even all that hath been heard, is.
m ch. 5:7. See Deut. 6:2. & Prov. 1:7.
n So Job 19:29. ch. 3:15, 17. & 11:9. See Ps. 58:11. & Rom. 2:16. Comp. Prov. 23:18.
o ch. 8:5, 6.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ec 12:13–14). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
p Comp. ch. 17:12.
p Comp. ch. 17:12.
q 2 Sam. 7:8. Ps. 78:70, 71.
† Heb. round.
r Ge. 25:25 (Heb.). ch. 17:42. So Cant. 5:10.
† Heb. fair of eyes. Comp. Gen. 39:6.
s So ch. 9:17.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 16:10–12). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.