Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

The Light

John 1:4, “fIn him was life; and gthe life was the light of men. 5 And hthe light shineth in hdarkness; and the darkness icomprehended it not.” [1]

I.   Before

     A. Nobody

     B. Nothing

II. Because

     A. New

     B. Now

III. Believe

     A. Know

     B. Not

Introduction:  You see all the proclamations about Easter that say “Happy Easter.”  That is all well and it does bring attention to the fact that there is a holiday called Easter.  Most people believe it is a time for kids finding candy.  Folks talk about a rabbit named Bunny.  If you were to ask most people they would tell you that it signifies the ending of a time of the dark coldness of winter with a warm spring coming that means more time outside having summer fun.

At least people do hear that there is a holiday called Easter.  Our other preacher called attention to something that he heard on one of the religious TV channels.  Tommy heard a preacher say that Easter is actually a Pagan holiday.  The first thing we think when we heard of that preacher is that the guy is messed.  Truth is though the Pagan celebration of Easter that most think of is as far away from the Christian Holy Day of celebration and commemoration of Jesus’ departure from the tomb as any idea could be.  It is not about rabbits and eggs and candy.  It is not about the passage of winter’s darkness to the sunshine of summer.

It is about one dreary Friday when the light from the Son (not SUN but SON) was hidden for a while.  It is about the following Sunday morning when the light from the Son (Not SUN but SON) reappeared and death was overtaken by life everlasting.  So thank you Tommy Lawrence for allowing God to speak this truth that God used to bring this message today.  Max is right brother, you are a preacher too.

Why indeed do people not see what Easter truly is?  That is the question which is becoming more obvious with the passing of each earth day.  People are absolutely growing away from God.  Today is Easter!  This day commemorates the fact that Jesus has overcome sin and death.  Today is the most important day of Christian celebration.

Without this day there would be nothing special about Christmas.  Without Easter Jesus would have been born like any other child to any other mother.  Jesus wasn’t born like everybody else!  Jesus came into this world from heaven.  We all came into this world from this world.  Without Jesus there would be no escape from this world.  Before Jesus there was no light in this world.  Before Jesus there was no life in this world.  Before Jesus there was only darkness and there was no world.

When Jesus carried our sin on that cross that day the world went dark again.  Sin entered into the most holy of holies and this world was a dark place again.  Sin and darkness coexist.  Light and life coexist.  Darkness and light cannot coexist.  As soon as light comes in darkness is goes away.  When the light came life came with it.  Because He lives we live.

Genesis 1:1, “*In the abeginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was bwithout form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, cLet there be light: and there was light.” [2]

Scripture:  The scripture today is John 1:4.  Please stand if you’re able.

Prayer:  Let us pray.  Be seated.

Message:  There is a direct parallel between the Old Testament account of creation in Genesis and the New Testament account of the coming of Jesus into this world.  John was careful to use familiar words that were hidden from those who would not accept the truth.  Jesus wasn’t a product of this world.  Jesus was with God and was God at the inception of all creation.  When the word came to this world The Word was already the Light in heaven and His name is Jesus.

The actual Hebrew word for God in Genesis is a very strange word for which there is no direct translation in the English language.  Translators simply use a capitol God to signify that there is something extremely different about God from all other man-made gods.  The Hebrew word is a singular plural.  He is one being with multiple persons.  But there is more.  His name has many other names and cannot be designated by only one name.  God’s names designate the many things He is responsible for.  Jesus called God the Father ABBA, as one might call their earthly father Daddy.  On the cross Jesus referred to Him as My God, My God.

The idea of a singular plural is the fact that as Our Heavenly Father on His throne He possesses several attributes such as holiness, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, and all loving.  This is all wrapped up in a singular God with more than one person.  He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  The English word Trinity more describes the aspect of the three persons of the one Godhead.

Our focal verse today might be the most important verse to describe and help believers understand divinity.  There is no divinity except as God assigned to Himself.  Other religions discount the possibility of there being any divine being which includes more than one person.  The Moslems call on one called Allah but that one has no son.  They call to a so-called prophet who lived and died and was named Mohammed.  Others discount the possibility of only one creator and have decided that we can all attain to be a god.  The Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was one of many saints that are equal to many modern day saints.  The list goes on.

It is extremely important to accept that Jesus was there when creation happened because Jesus has always been.  There was no before Jesus.  Jesus was here when there was nothing so Jesus was before even nothing existed.  It is too much to understand without Him.  When the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the waters; Jesus was already and had always been.  Before the Holy Spirit was upon the face of the waters; The Holy Spirit was already and had always been.  Without accepting that you cannot know Jesus.

Before Jesus was is impossible.  Before nobody and nothing there Jesus was.  The text begins with the words, “In Him was life.”  He told Thomas in Matthew 14:6, “I am hthe way, ithe truth, and kthe life.” [3]  John said here that life was in Jesus before the world existed.  The life that is Jesus is the life that we humans and all things living have only because of Jesus.

So what does that light do when it enters darkness?  John said it was the light of men.  Because Jesus is and because Jesus is life and life has come, now darkness is illuminated and everything is new.  New life, new opportunities to love; now there is a new world full of light and life and it is only because of Jesus.

Before Jesus made His announcement to Thomas that we have recorded in John 14:6 He had an opportunity to speak to a crowd of Scribes and Pharisees who had brought a woman accused of adultery.  This can be found over in John 8.  We know that story.  In fact we were just talking about it the other night in Bible Study.  They were going to stone a woman to death when Jesus intervened.  We know that story.  “kHe that is without sin among you, llet him first cast a stone at her.” [4]

Well, they all left.  John 8:10, “When Jesus had ilifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, pNeither do I condemn thee: go, and qsin no more.” [5]

Apparently those guys had not had enough.  In verse twelve it says this, “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, rI am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have rthe light of life.” [6]

In our focal text today John says in chapter one verse five that the light shined in the darkness and the darkness could not comprehend the light.  Comprehend means to understand, realize, know and believe, and so on.  Darkness cannot exist with light because when light is realized and believed, darkness goes away.  A person cannot keep the darkness that they won’t turn away from and have the light of Jesus.  Darkness must leave in defeat.  Either you believe that Jesus is the light of the world or you don’t.  Either you know beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus is and always has been or not.

That word shadow; it is the darkness caused when something gets in the way of the source of light.  If the Easter Bunny has gotten in your way so that all you can see of what today means is a shadow then the light has not gotten through to you.  Do you truly believe who Jesus is or not.

Prayer:  Let us pray

Invitation:  Don’t let the darkness of this world block out the SON with an “O.”  He isn’t in a dark tomb anymore.  Life goes on because Jesus goes on.  Whether people believe or not is totally up to each person.  What are we who know the truth to do?

A classmate of mine emails his devotional several times a week.  He told of a young girl who was invited to a place that her parents disapproved of so she declined.  Someone asked if she was afraid for her parents to find out that she had gone to where they disapproved.  She explained that she simply didn’t want to do anything that her parents disapproved of because they loved her and she wanted their approval.  It had nothing to do with fear.  It had to do with love and respect.

What are we to do in the darkness of this world?  We are to show the light that is Jesus in everything we do and everything we are.  It is not easy because His time here was not easy.  If you love Him you will be in His will and He will hear your prayers.  Let us love.  Let us live.  Let there be light.

f ch. 5:26. & 11:25. 1 John 5:11, 19. So ch. 6:57. 1 John 1:1.
g ch. 8:12. & 9:5. & 12:46. So ver. 9.
h ch. 3:19.
h ch. 3:19.
i Eph. 3:18.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 1:4–5). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
* Before CHRIST 4004 Hebrew, 5586? Greek.
a Ps. 33:6. & 136:5. John 1:1–3. Acts 14:15. & 17:24. Col. 1:16, 17. Heb. 1:8–10. & 11:3.
b Isai. 34:11 (Heb.). Jer. 4:23.
c 2 Cor. 4:6.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ge 1). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
h Heb. 9:8. & 10:20. So ch. 10:9. See Eph. 2:18.
i See ch. 1:17.
k See ch. 11:25.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 14:6). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
k So Rom. 2:1. Comp. ver. 46.
l Deut. 17:7.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:7). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
i ver. 11. Luke 13:11. & 21:28 (Gk.).
p So Luke 9:56. & 12:14. ver. 15. ch. 3:17. & 12:47.
q ch. 5:14.
[5] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:10–11). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
r See ch. 1:4, 9. Comp. Isai. 42:6. Mal. 4:2. Acts 26:18.
r See ch. 1:4, 9. Comp. Isai. 42:6. Mal. 4:2. Acts 26:18.
[6] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:12). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.