Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


John 8:32 “And ye shall know mthe truth, and the truth nshall make you free.” [1]

I.   Free

          A. Receive

          B. Rely

II. From

          A. Remove

          B. Replace

III. Fear

          A. Ready

          B. Righteous

Introduction:  Last week we concluded a series that described a Christian’s journey through sanctification from transformation then temptation then trial then full surrender.  Sanctification on the spiritual realm is complete when a person truly becomes a Christian.  In the earthly realm though sanctification is a process or a journey that begins with transformation when a person accepts Jesus yet the process continues until that person is ready to meet God.  So in the spiritual realm once saved always saved means that the Christian is sealed.  The tests and temptations and trials will continue until we reach perfection that happens when sanctification is complete.

In the meantime, and I do mean MEAN, unique and personal parts of our journey are required for us to grow into that which God can use.  A person who has truly accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior their life will never be the same again.  There will be walking stones along the way.  It is up to the Christian whether they will be tripping stones or foundational stepping stones.

To attempt to skip or bypass any of these steps means that there will most certainly something missing from your walk with God.  That doesn’t mean that you are not saved from eternal damnation.  It means that you will not obtain the fulfillment of being the person that God has designed you to be until you accept that which God has placed before you to grow you.

There will always be choices that God will not make for you.  If God brings a Christian back to your place of detour you will be faced with the decision to again ignore His leading or go through the pathway that He intended.  A return to that part of your walk you missed is His second chance for us to learn and grow.

It happens to me all the time!  To be blessed with a somewhat good memory is not always a good thing.  Often there is that thing that is supposed to be in the past.  The decision was made and now it is what it is!  Memory often serves to remind of that which we closed before.  Somehow another door is opened and there is that decision time again.  What to do what to do?

Measure twice and cut once says the old adage.  So what is the measuring stick?  The Bible is called the canon.  Not the cannon with three “Ns” or the one that you shoot.  In ancient times the canon was like the yardstick.  It was a standard measurement.  It is THE BIBLE.

Personally I didn’t like doing the same thing over and over because I messed up the first, second, and third times but at one time it didn’t seem to bother me much.  Nothing is wasted when you’re working right?  At least that’s what I used to think.  At least I’m busy right?  Sometimes it’s actually true.  You learn from your mistakes.  The thing not to do is nothing.

God will not allow a true Christian to walk away because He intends to walk with us.  He will allow the test over and over again until we choose Him because He loves more than I can love without Him.  That is the truth!  Sometimes it is an aggravating truth but the truth anyway.

We get aggravated and afraid until we finally come to the fact that Jesus is The Truth.  When we are so used to being lied to and we believe the lie is the truth it IS scary and aggravating until we know Him.  Then it is amazing to watch Him work through us and around us.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:12 “For anow we see through a bglass, darkly; but then cface to face: now I know yin part; but then dshall I know even as also eI am known.” [2]  The Greek there for glass is actually mirror.  Now in this life we see things as if with a dingy mirror; hard to see and backwards.  God intends for us to be free to see Him face to face.

Scripture:  The scripture today is John 8:32.  Please stand for the reading of God’s word.

Message:  Jesus was in a conversation with some Jews.  He explained that He was there because His Father in heaven had sent Him to them.  When Jesus got to the part in verse twenty-nine it turned some around.  Listen to that exchange, “29And he that sent me is gwith me: hthe Father hath not left me alone; ifor I do always those things that please him. 30 As he spake these words, kmany believed on him.” [3]

This is that truth that we all must hear from Jesus.  This is the thing that we all must confess to be true of Jesus.  He is the Son of God and therefore all things that Jesus did, even to the point of carrying our sin on the cross, was done to please God The Father.  We must believe that God is sovereign and that nothing good comes from any other source than from God.

Some actually did believe that day.  Some that are living today will actually believe.  So what does that matter?  “31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, lIf ye continue in my word, then lare ye my disciples indeed;” [4]

We who believe are Jesus’ disciples in deed.  What does that mean?  We cannot only be believers by only saying we believe. We must show we believe by what we do!  We must show that by continuing in the deeds we do as we stay in His Word.  That finally brings us to the main point today.  What do we get from being His disciple?  Freedom!!!

The Jews had for so many generations been brainwashed into thinking that all they needed what was they got from being born Jews.  They believed that being born right was all that was needed.  Jesus and John the Baptist told them and us that we must repent of our sins.

Many had never known that they were in bondage to sin and were therefore doomed to live life apart from God.  Later in John 14:6 Jesus explained to Thomas who He really was, “6 Jesus saith unto him, I am hthe way, ithe truth, and kthe life: no man cometh unto the Father, lbut by me.” [5]  Jesus is THE TRUTH.  There is no truth that does not take into consideration who Jesus is.  Once you know that in your heart of hearts; once you know THE TRUTH you are free.

One definition of the word free means that you have received a thing that cost you nothing and now you can rely on the fact that you have it without cost to you.  We like that idea of free!  What we don’t think about is it might be free to the one who counts on receiving that free thing but somebody paid.  So what really is free of cost?

What does a person being made free mean?  What is it that Jesus is telling them then, and us today?  Being a free person means that person is under no restriction to do a thing, that for others is is a no no.  It’s like a license.  Clyde Watson once said that a license is a document that makes legal what otherwise would be illegal.  The Jews thought that the fact of being a Jew was like a license for them to do whatever they wanted to do.  Now they had been told the truth and now for perhaps the first time they understood fear.  This fear is not the kind of fear of being amazed by the greatness of a thing.  The kind of fear here is being afraid of a thing.  Who in their right mind would not be afraid to be separated from God and go to hell?

Knowing Jesus as Savior means that the Christian has had fright of what is to come removed.  Now we are free to fear God alone and nothing else.  Fright of what the world is giving has been replaced by a childlike faith in God.  Psalm 103:12 says it this way, “As far as the east is from the west, So far hath he wremoved our transgressions from us.” [6]  Afraid of what may come; that has been removed.  That has been replaced with a need to be closer to God.

1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but sperfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth eis not made perfect in love.[7]  John spoke of being free from that fear in our focal verse.  Here he is reiterating in his epistle to the churches that the true sign of love is when we are free from that fear that is associated with torment.  That fear that keeps you up at night wondering who is for you and who is against you is the fear that John is speaking of here.

It is all tied together in a man called Jesus.  If we continue in His word we are His disciples in what we do.  In the very same sentence He spoke Jesus went on to say our focal text for today.  If we continue in His word and don’t fall back on what we were before, we will be free to worship Him.  We will be free to know the only truth.  We will finally once and for all eternity know love.  Do you want that?  Are you ready to take His righteousness?  Paul said this in Romans 3:10, “As it is written, sThere is none righteous, no, not one:” [8]  The only way to be righteous then is to truly take Jesus and His righteousness.  Are you ready to be free?

Prayer:  Let us pray.

Invitation:  There are so many people who attempt to throw binders around us so that we conform to whatever whim comes along.  We must know what the Bible says.  How else can we live here and be free to follow what we as Christians know to be the only Truth?

The invitation today is really simple; if you are not in His word then get back into His word.  Stay there and the truth will come and when it does it will free you from thinking you always know better.  There is only one who knows better and it is Jesus.  Consider as we sing…

m See ch. 1:17.
n ver. 36. Rom. 6:18, 22. & 8:2. So James 1:25. & 2:12.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:32). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
a So Job 36:26. 2 Cor. 3:18. & 4:18. & 5:7. Phil. 3:12.
b Wisd. 7:26. Ecclus. 12:11. James 1:23 in the Gk.
† Gr. in a riddle. Num. 12:8 (Gk.).
c So Matt. 5:8. 1 John 3:2. Rev. 22:4.
y ver. 10, 12. ch. 12:27.
d Matt. 11:27 (Gk.).
e See ch. 8:3.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Co 13:12). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
g See ch. 10:38.
h So ver. 16.
i So ch. 4:34. & 5:30. & 6:38. Comp. 1 John 3:22.
k ch. 7:31. & 10:42. & 11:45. & 12:11, 42.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:29–30). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
l So ch. 15:7 (Gk.), 8.
l So ch. 15:7 (Gk.), 8.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 8:31). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
h Heb. 9:8. & 10:20. So ch. 10:9. See Eph. 2:18.
i See ch. 1:17.
k See ch. 11:25.
l So ch. 10:9.
[5] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 14:6). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
w Comp. Isai. 38:17. & 43:25.
[6] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ps 103:12). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
s So Ecclus. 25:12. See Rom. 8:15.
e See ch. 2:5. So ver. 18.
[7] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Jn 4:18). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
s To ver. 12, cited from Ps. 14:1–3. & 53:1–3.
[8] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ro 3:10). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.