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Examine You

1 Corinthians 11: 27 “Wherefore twhosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, uunworthily, shall be wguilty of xthe body and blood of the Lord." [1]

I.   Wherefore

     A. Purpose

     B. Person

II. Whosoever

     A. People

     B. Partake

III.     Worthy

     A. Proficient

     B. Penalty

Introduction:  This morning we will observe the sacrament known as The Lord’s Supper or communion.  Jesus met with His disciples in an upstairs room to commemorate the Passover which reminds the Jews about their flight from Egypt.

For the Jews Passover signified a deliverance from slavery.  They had come to Egypt for deliverance from starvation and they got comfortable in a foreign place that was not their own.  Moses obeyed God and led them out of bondage.

Is Passover something that Christians should also observe and understand as we take the sacrament of The Last Supper?  If we disregard the truth that Jesus came first to the Jews, then we should examine our sense of appreciation of how our salvation came to be.  Everyone who is not from the twelve tribes of Israel owes a great debt to the Jews.  Salvation from separation from God is available to all who will receive from a Judean named Jesus only because of God’s mercy and grace.

It was important to Jesus that He would remember the Passover with those who followed Him.  It is also important to Jesus that we remember the passing of Jesus from mortal life to immortal life because we will follow in His path only because of His obedience to His Father’s will.

Each time we observe communion we remember the instruction left by the Apostle Paul as he reminds us to examine individually.  The great temptation is to look at others in our circle and compare ourselves with them.  Am I a better person than that person?

The title of today’s message is “Examine You.”  As we partake the elements of communion this morning, the scripture from 1 Corinthians 11: 24 and 25 will be recited.  Notice that twice in His instructions Jesus said, “In remembrance of Me.”

All aspects of Christianity are very personal.  Communion or The Lord’s Supper should be between you and Jesus.  In another sermon we discussed what it is to be unworthy and we will give thought to that again today.  But the real question in each mind should be are you worthy!

Am I worthy by what I have accomplished on my own to partake in communion?  If we forget what Jesus said, then nobody is worthy.  We are all unworthy on our own accomplishment.  Jesus said to do this in remembrance of Him!  He alone is worthy.

Only because of Jesus can we be in His presence.  Only because of Jesus can we live eternally with Him.  Only because of Jesus are we here today.  Only because of Jesus!

Only because Jesus decided to give up His earthly life can we be worthy.  Yet because of Jesus we are worthy.  Wherefore as long as we remember that God so loved us that He gave Jesus to this world so now whosoever will accept Him as Lord is worthy and His worthiness is available to whosoever will.  Only because of Jesus are we able to remember Him today.

Scripture:  The scripture today is 1 Corinthians 11:27.  Please stand if you can for God’s written word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Follow again as we read 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.  It is good to keep in mind that Paul was responding to some hard things that he had heard from Corinth.  He was not happy with that church, 

Communion means coming together.  We can all be together in the same room and divided at the same time.  That is exactly what the devil has in mind for us.  An argument with a resolution is a good thing but to argue only to show difference and not common values never does anyone any good.  It is what the powers that lead use to control us.

The Corinthians were supposedly coming together for The Lord’s Supper.  Instead they were coming together to argue and prove their own ideas or heresies.  In verse twenty Paul states plainly, “this is not to eat hthe Lord’s supper.” [2] Some had actually eaten before they got there and some apparently came drunk.    Paul said that he had no praise for them in the reports that he had been given.  He was actually encouraging them to stay home if that’s the way they were going to act at church.   This is a far cry from the way we use this particular scripture.

Most preachers including this one skip down to verse twenty-three and end at verse twenty-five and that’s all that we hear about.  Often we concentrate on not partaking in this unworthily but often the part that describes the unworthy behavior is skipped over.

Today we will turn it around to discuss what makes a person worthy and we will begin with wherefore.  The purpose or the wherefore of communion is to allow each of us to eat this bread and to drink of this cup in remembrance of Jesus.  That is the wherefore of the matter.

As we read on in this from Paul there is much said about those who were unworthy and surely you should examine you and realize that Christ alone makes you worthy to partake in this today.  If you spend your attention on looking at others and not you in your examination of self then this is not the personal relationship with Jesus for you that it could be.  Jesus should be foremost in your mind as you partake of The Lord’s Supper.

The next word is whosoever.  It’s the same word as in John 3:16.  "16 For zGod so loved the world, that he agave his bonly begotten Son, that xwhosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." [3]

If whosoever includes you, than you are one of those people who is worthy to partake only because of the worthiness of Jesus.  To be whosoever is a personal decision that nobody but you can accept to be included in.  If you have accepted the gift of everlasting life with Jesus from Jesus then you have also accepted Jesus’ worthiness to partake in His Supper.  Only because of Jesus!  If you examine you then you will come to that conclusion.

Paul said that there is another whosoever.  If that whosoever is unworthy due to some of the many things mentioned in the scripture above and that person partakes then it is as if Jesus were to be crucified all over again.  We reiterate; if you have accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross as the one and only substitute available to you for the penalty of sin that should have been your penalty then you are not one of those that Paul is mentioning as partaking unworthily.  If you have accepted the truth that only Jesus is worthy and you are walking in His shadow you are not unworthy to partake.

The only thing that makes your proficiency valid in this test is your acceptance that Jesus took the penalty for your sin.  You are forgiven not because of anything that you have done and you cannot have your worthiness to partake in communion taken away unless you call the Holy Spirit a liar.  Praise God!


Invitation:  Today for me it is tempting to be thinking over some of the things that we have been delivered from since our last time of observing The Lord’s Supper.  That maybe is the great difference between what the Jews think of as they observe Passover and what we Christians concentrate on as we commemorate The Lord’s Supper.  Jews think about what they have been delivered from.  Christians should think about what they have been delivered to.

As soon as the children of Israel got away from the enslavement by the Egyptians they started remembering what they left behind.  My prayer for me and for you is that we will think forward to The Savior Who we will spend eternity with.  Examine that.  Examine you Christian.  Let us partake worthily only because He is worthy.

t Comp. Num. 9:10, 13.
u Comp. John 13:27.
w See Mark 3:29.
x John 6:51, 53–56.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Co 11:27). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
h Rev. 1:10.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Co 11:20). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
z Rom. 5:8. 1 John 4:9. So 1 John 4:16.
a So Rom. 8:32. Comp. Gen. 22:16.
b ver. 18. See ch. 1:18. Comp. Heb. 11:17.
x See ver. 36.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Jn 3:16). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.