Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Acts 17:32, “And when they heard of othe resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, pWe will hear thee again of this matter.” [1]

I.  Sieve

     A. Hear

     B. Fear

II. Deceive

     A. Jeer

     B. Leer

III.     Receive

     A. Veer

     B. Career

Introduction:  The parent says, “Do you understand me?”  Just now when you heard these words, what did you think about it?  Very recently I heard someone say that to wear the colors of another country at a celebratory gathering would cause a slap in the face.  To an old guy like me that means one thing.  It’s a slap in the face of every American who has served in the defense of this nation to not honor this nation and instead honor a nation that doesn’t support you.  To the child who is here because their parents migrated here and has been brainwashed into thinking this is an unloving country, that child might take it to mean that they should be slapped in the face.  It depends on the person’s perspective.

We heard that there will be countless people spared because of a veto overturn this week.  That is the truth.  How people process that truth is another thing.  Some feel rights have been taken.  Others feel rights have been restored.  Should we respond in the way that is being portrayed in the media?  Are we to go and march and holler so that others will be forced to hear our views?

Should we agree to disagree?  That is the silliest argument I have ever heard.  Either we reach consensus and learn and live with each other or we don’t.   To agree to be a disagreeable person is to say that you will never learn from someone else.  What a shame that would be!

Thinking about this caused me to consider the focal text today.  We know what Solomon said about what comes around goes around.  There is nothing new under the sun so this confusion of who is right and wrong is not new to this age.  Siblings know that even brothers and sisters of the same parents process understanding differently.

To say that I remember the 2nd World War is not quite the truth because I didn’t experience it.  I studied about it but that is not the same as living through it.  My sister Jane lived through it yet she was a young child.  She says that she really doesn’t have memories like my brother Jack.  He was 7 years old when the war ended.  He knew he didn’t want to go to war during the Cold War when he was 18 years old.

We certainly do process understanding differently.  It is not that we agree to disagree.  It should be that we as Christian brothers and sisters realize that we don’t process things the same.  Forcing our opinion of what is right, what is wrong will only cause further division.  The proof of faith comes not when we are disagreeable.  The proof of faith is seen when we walk away knowing that God’s love will conquer any disagreement we might have.  If I could only learn that!

Scripture:  Today’s focal text is Acts 17:32.  Please stand for the reading of God’s word.

Prayer:  Let us pray.  Amen.  Please be seated.

Message:  Last week we discussed Paul’s journeys.  He found himself in Athens Greece where there were statues and memorials to all sorts of man-made idols.  Rather than tell them how stupid they were for worshipping things that they themselves had made, Paul instead explained something that they had done correctly.  They had erected an altar to the Unknown God.  They didn’t know that they knew God.  Paul was bold in telling them of their ignorance of God and He did call them superstitious but they accepted that and wanted to hear more.  There is a right way to get people’s attention that will not lead to total confrontation.  With God’s leading we can do that too.

Now we come to their response in today’s focal text.  What did they understand from Paul’s explanation?  People sometimes listen to what we say but often they hear things differently.  We have no idea how people have come to the understanding of things just as those listening might not understand how we process what we hear.  The Holy Spirit mediates and brings that calm assurance that we cannot have without Him.

They heard about the resurrection of the dead but for most, it was the first time that they had even thought about life after physical earthly death.  For many even today, right now is all that they can process.  What do you do with the things that pass through your senses?

In the outline there are words receive and deceive.  They are derived from an old Latin word.  This is a quote from  “-ceive- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "get, receive. '' This meaning is found in such words as: conceive, deceive, perceive, receive, transceiver.”

There is yet another word that evolved from the Latin word “ceive.”  Again on the outline; a sieve is a thing that you pour things through to filter.  You put flour in a sifter to get the clumps from messing up your cake.  That sifter is a sieve.  If you are familiar with a water spring; in the mountains there is a sieve at the place just before the reservoir to prevent leaves from getting into the drinking water.  The sieve collects that which is left behind after the stuff you want is filtered.  What you do with the left over stuff is up to you.

When the folks in Athens heard from Paul there were some ideas left behind.  What did they do with those clumps of knowledge?  Some wanted to hear more while others were actually afraid of what they heard.  It was nothing that they had ever thought about.  Some were actually in fear of this new truth.  There is actually life that goes past the grave.  There are horror movies about such things.  How does that one who thinks differently than you do process life after earthly death?

There are some who have been deceived all their lives.  They don’t want to part with what they had been taught by those whom they had trusted.  Maybe it was a grandparent or even their old high school coach.  Why should we believe this Paul?  Wasn’t he Saul before?  This is the guy who once stood by and mocked while Christians were crucified!  Why should we trust what he says?

They mocked!  Misery loves company.  They attempted to discredit what they heard as they jeered or taunted those who would hear them.  Some saw what others had seen but still others were ready to see and understand more.  Some were only ready to leer and gawk at something that they didn’t understand and wanted nothing to do with what they had seen.  Have you ever felt leering eyes looking at you when you speak of Jesus?  They see but they don’t see because they won’t see.  I want others to see Jesus in me whether they gawk at me or not.

Well there are always the Neigh Sayers who want nothing to do with anything peaceful.  There are always those others who might not quite get it.  The sieve captured just enough to cling to the sides but it is too small to be noticeable at that time.  There is something there though.  Some want more.

You can tell when you have struck the right nerve.  A person might not say right then what those folks said but they will come back one day if the seed took root.  Those that day came right out and said that they wanted to hear more.  They had received something.  They had not completely let what they heard pass through with no effect.  They were affected.  Something had caused them to veer away from the direction they were heading.  Maybe not completely turned yet but they were moved.

What is it that can make a person veer off course so that the thing that made them who they were is forever changed?  That is what career means actually.  We have changed that word career to mean a person’s job or vocation.  It actually means that thing which is the guiding light of your life.  What is your career?  I used to think mine was power plants.  Now I know it is His power.

Prayer:  Let us pray…

Invitation:  We have seen and heard quite a bit this week that might impact the lives of many.  What are we going to do with that?  What is your understanding of that?  How do you process that?

Should we insist that others look through our eyes and see how we see?  What did Paul do when he was faced with the two factions of people that day?  Look at Acts 17:33, “So Paul departed from among them.” [2]  He left!  Paul didn’t stay there and defend his position in an attempt to change minds.

What are we to do today?  Trust God!  Paul knew what we should know.  God is sovereign.  God can change minds when we are ready to receive Him.  When we accept Jesus as Lord of our life we receive the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit doesn’t come for His passing.  The Holy Spirit comes and stays.  If we allow Him, He will veer us into the career of following the One True God so that nothing will ever dissuade us again against Jesus being our Lord.

We must trust God to do that for others too.  He will not ever force His opinions on us or others until we are ready to receive.  Why do we think we can change what He won’t attempt to change?

Today is your day to rejoice in the fact that there are babies who will not die now who might have died before.  Let nothing take your joy of life away.  Let us not get so bogged down in the idea that our understanding must prevail over those who cannot see or hear.  There is too much love to be shared.  Let us sing.  Let us love each other as we sing our song of invitation and then as we go back out into the world let us show His love to all who will see, who are allowed to see.  Let Him have His way.  Please stand as we sing…

o ver. 31. Comp. ver. 18.
p So ch. 24:25.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ac 17:32). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[2] Ibid., Ac 17:33). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.