Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


Isaiah 12:1, “And thou hast said in that day: ‘I thank thee, O Jehovah, Though Thou hast been angry with me, Turn back doth Thine anger, And Thou dost comfort me. Lo, God is my salvation, I trust, and fear not, For my strength and song is Jah Jehovah, And He is to me for salvation.” [1]  YLT

Isaiah 12:1, “And ain that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, Thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. 2 Behold, bGod is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: For the cLord JEHOVAH is my dstrength and my song; He also is become my salvation.” [2]  KJV

I.   Though

     A. Correction

     B. Comfort

II. Thank

     A. God

     B. Giving

III. Thou

     A. Jehovah

     B. Jesus

Introduction:  We have come through a week of homecoming and revival messages.  It was good to be with those we had not seen in a long time.  For Rachael and I it was wonderful having my sister here with us.  It was awesome to meet Danny and Theresa and have a connection to your past as well as a friendship that will take us into the future eternity.

Did you need a revival?  The sanctuary, fellowship hall, and parsonage all got cleaned up and repairs were made.  Some who had not been here in a long time were refreshed and ready for homecoming.  It was very nice to hear Danny speak from the pulpit where he had preached so many years ago.  It was great hearing Theresa play the piano again in the sanctuary.  It was nice standing with Danny singing and holding the hymnal together.

The food was too much as always.  People had a good time eating and fellowshipping with family and friends that they had not seen in a while.  The quilt was there in its place of honor.  We left for a while and came back for the first revival message from Danny in a long time.

Monday evening, we came back for this pastor to bring a revival message and Karen picked out a song for me to sing.  Tuesday evening Steve and Cindy came to bring a revival message.  Steve and I sang a duet.  Wednesday night Steve explained what Jesus went through in that cross and the gruesome events that led up to it.  Sandy sang a solo in his home church for the first time since he was a child.

During the week we had people who were physically challenged but spiritually alert to hearing the truth of the scripture.  Everyone took part in worship.  Everyone was ready for revival.  Were you revived?

What is it that you were ready to be revived from?  We talked about the things that we expected to happen in the special prayer meetings leading up to week.  Did they happen?  We talked about the truth that unless a person is dead, they cannot be revived.  Was there some part of your spiritual life that was dead and has now been revived?

Personally, I saw life in this place like has not been in a while.  Did you see it too?  Is it just to last for a while or has something started that will take on a new life which will continue?  If revival truly happened, then we will see it grow and others will notice the change.  I pray for that!

I pray that last week was the beginning of a new day in Merry Oaks Baptist church.  We have needed a revival as a church.  The outside forces that would rather we would be dead and gone have been overthrown again.  What are we to do with this new day?

This day is a new day that God has given us.  This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.            

Scripture:  The scripture for this message is Isaiah 12:1-2.  Please Stand Under the reading of God’s word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Isaiah chapter eleven speaks of future events.  Eschatology is the study of the last days.  There are references to the coming of the Messiah as well as references to the final days of humanity on this planet.  It is difficult to differentiate which is being addressed in all cases in this chapter.

To read this prophecy for substance of what we see today is always good.  A little child did lead them.  His name was Jesus.  There will be a remnant saved.  The Gentiles will seek the One from the root of Jesse and His rest shall be glorious.  To get caught in the details only serves to confuse and not worship the truth that Jesus is and will always be Lord.

There are references to the coming home for the exiled Jews.  That should serve to comfort us, His church.  Though we are being refined just now, there will be a homecoming.  We were reminded of that last Sunday and it was glorious.

Chapter twelve begins with “And in that day.”  “In that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee.”  How hard is it to praise when you are being chastened and you may not know why?  Jesus knew why and yet even Jesus asked, “Why hast thou forsaken me?”

When God The Father brings correction it is always just.  We often think like Job that we are innocent and therefore should not be corrected, especially because of what someone else has done.  Jesus had done nothing and yet His first thought was to turn within.  “Why hast thou forsaken me?”  What have I done to deserve this?  Was God The Father angry with Jesus?  NO!  It was for our sins that Jesus was crucified yet Jesus asked why God had forsaken Him.

Isaiah knew that even in the questioning we should always praise God.  Even if we are guilty and God is angry for what we have done, we are receiving punishment that we deserve.  Never forget, God is just.  Though we are receiving what we are due, knowing that God is just will give us reason to worship.

When the correction is past the Holy Spirit is there to comfort us again.  In verse two we know that God is the giver of al things.  God is the giver of salvation.  We only have God to thank for giving us all that we have.  God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid.

We do live in fearful times.  Calamity is all around us and people are blaming everybody except themselves for the decisions that they themselves have made.  That is enough to cause someone who does not have God to be afraid.

Remember our readings from Romans 8:31, “What shall we then say to these things? zIf God be for us, who can be against us?” [3]

Looking at the outline on the back of the bulletin there is the 1900 King James Version as well as the 1997 Young’s Literal Translation.  The YLT was translated in an attempt to bring a modern day translation from the original Hebrew and Greek more literally than the other more contemporary translations.  In the YLT verse two it translates Lord Jehovah to Jah Jehovah and goes on to say that He is to me for salvation.

There is also mention of O Jehovah that hast been angry with me.  And thou dost comfort me makes me think about the comforter that Jesus mentioned to come after He ascended back to heaven.  We have the three persons of the Godhead represented in these two verses.

Though thou wast angry with me, Thou comfortedst me, God is my salvation.  Thou, Jehovah, Jesus!  The apostle Paul also knew from where His strength came as he wrote to the church in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things ethrough Christ fwhich strengtheneth me.” [4]  Isaiah also reminds us here, “For the cLord JEHOVAH is my dstrength.” [5]

Have we been through revival?  Isaiah was told what revival will feel like in that day.  Do you feel it?  Have you been asleep to Jesus and now you are woke?  We had quite a wonderful alarm last week.  Now it is time to be woke up.

So what are we to do with that new awakening?  “3 Therefore ewith joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. 4 And ain that day shall ye say, fPraise the Lord, ||fcall upon his name, fgDeclare his doings among the people, Make mention that hhis name is iexalted. 5 kSing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things: This is known in all the earth. 6 lCry out and lmshout, thou inhabitant of Zion: For great is nthe Holy One of Israel oin the midst of thee.” [6]


Invitation:  We have been brought into a new fellowship with God and each other.  It is time for us to act like the “Woke” believers we are.  I pray that the community will see the difference that God has made here in each of us.  I pray that we will recognize the change that God has accomplished in each believer here in this place.  I pray that we will go forth proclaiming the love of Jesus in all the earth and cry out how great is Our God.  He is the Holy One of Israel and He is in our midst.

[1] Young, R. (1997). Young’s Literal Translation (Is 12:1–2). Logos Bible Software.
a See ch. 2:11.
b See Ps. 38:22. So Ps. 18:2.
c ch. 26:4. See Ps. 68:4.
d Ex. 15:2. Ps. 118:14. So Ps. 59:17.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Is 12:1-2). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
z Num. 14:9. Job 34:29. Ps. 118:6. See 2 Kin. 6:16.
[3] Ibid., Ro 8:31). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
e So John 15:5. 2 Cor. 12:9.
f 1 Tim. 1:12 (Gk.). 2 Tim. 4:17. Heb. 11:34. So Col. 1:11.
[4] Ibid., Php 4:13). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
c ch. 26:4. See Ps. 68:4.
d Ex. 15:2. Ps. 118:14. So Ps. 59:17.
[5] Ibid., Is 12:2). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
e Comp. John 7:37, 38.
a See ch. 2:11.
f 1 Chr. 16:8. Ps. 105:1 in the Heb.
|| Or, proclaim his name.
f 1 Chr. 16:8. Ps. 105:1 in the Heb.
f 1 Chr. 16:8. Ps. 105:1 in the Heb.
g So Ps. 145:4–6.
h Ps. 148:13.
i See Prov. 18:10.
k So Ex. 15:1, 21. Ps. 98:1.
l ch. 54:1. So ch. 10:30.
l ch. 54:1. So ch. 10:30.
m Zeph. 3:14. Comp. Zech. 9:9.
† Heb. inhabitress. See Jer. 21:13.
n ch. 5:24. & 41:14, 16. See Ps. 71:22.
o See Ps. 46:5.
[6] Ibid., Is 12:3–6). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.