Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Here He Comes

Mark 11: 8 “And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way. 9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; fBlessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: 10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.” [1]

I.   Prepare

     A.  Bared

     B.  Prepared

II. Proclaim

     A.  Undivided

     B.   Decided

III.     Praise

      A.  Predicted

      B.  Produced


Introduction:   Many times in history there have been great calamities that have been recorded as turning points.  For quite a while now we have been studying the minor prophets in our evening services.  Tonight again we are studying the prophet Zechariah.  There was a great calamity that happened some seventy years before his prophecy.  The split kingdoms of Israel and Judah had both been separated and were taken into exile.

Prior to that cataclysmic event, people were giving their opinions of how it was going to happen, and how long it would last.  This type of discussion happens each time there is a major shift in history.  Nobody really knows what is going to happen so many voices give opinions that are without truth.  Nobody really knows the truth about what happens next unless God has told His few that He has ordained to be His voice to the masses.

God uses these events in history to bring about His kingdom’s work here on earth.  We have discussed the advent of the Salvation Army just as the so-called American Civil War was coming to a close.  After the Second World War when the “Baby Boomers” generation came, people were attending church again like had not been during the Great Depression while the world was in utter hopelessness.

In the 1960s during all the rebellion, there was a culture in religious society called the “Charismatic Movement.”  People were talking about being “born again.”  Some were depending on God’s Spirit in ways that had not been seen since the beginning of the church even in the normal church denominations.  The Pentecostal denominations were not the only ones who were practicing the “Gifts of the Spirit” that had not been prevalent before.

What happened at those times is the same that happens every time God shows us His Kingdom in a mighty way.  Some people are mesmerized and want to know more, some people are fearful and want to ignore, some people are decided and want to implore.

There are those who see the thing and want to witness so that they can tell others but only want to know from a distance.  Some see the results of this so-called new strange thing and they want it for themselves that they might gain notoriety for themselves.  Other people hear of the things happening but have not realized the implications from Bible accounts so they choose to ignore even what they might see.  Still others are ready to wait for God to show Himself in their reliance on His divine providence.

Scripture:  The scripture is Mark 11:8-10.  When you have found it please rise for the reading of God’s word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  Today is what we observe as Palm Sunday.  Today is the Sunday one week prior to Easter and is the sixth Sunday of Lent.  Today begins the Passion Week of Christ.  Christmas is a big deal for Christians but this week represents the epitome of our faith.

Many prophecies concerning Jesus came to fruition during the week that we are now reliving.  Jesus came into town on an untamed donkey colt.  People lined the streets and laid down Palm branches while others took off their clothes and laid them down paving the way for Jesus to enter Jerusalem.  People were shouting and praising.  Others were probably crying hysterically.  There were others that witnessed and they were not so impressed because they were losing their place of control over the people.  All sorts of things were going on.

Some were asking about why these men were taking a donkey colt.  Who gave them permission to do that?  Amazingly, though there were questions, after they heard Jesus had a need for the donkey the ones with the questions simply let them go.

The disciples took their garments and laid them on the donkey for a makeshift saddle for Jesus.  Without question, these things just happened while others watched.  The way was prepared for Jesus’ entry.

Scripture says that many spread their garments in the way.  Many prepared themselves for this thing by exposing themselves instead of covering themselves.  This morning I took a shower, laid out my clothes, covered myself foot to neck even with this necktie that I hate by the way.  To prepare for worship I covered myself.  That day those people bared themselves.

Jesus wants us to bare ourselves to Him as a sign that we trust Him.  He already knows everything about my hidden self anyway.  Is there anything that I can do to cover my sin that He will not see?  Amazingly that in this act of preparation for the One who would cover our sin, the first act of those who worshipped Him was exposing their hidden selves.

We talk much of the palm trees being bared of their branches.  We talk so much of about that part of that day that we even call it Palm Sunday.  What those people did that day to prepare the way and themselves for Jesus was to uncover themselves.

Verse nine includes those who went before and those who followed that they all cried out, “Hosanna; fBlessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:”  It is very hard to get people to agree; especially when there is a different perspective or angle of sight.  Standing above someone might give you the opinion that they are shorter than they actually are.  Seeing someone on a stage might make you view them as taller.

Rachael has twice seen her favorite singer in person.  We saw Lee Greenwood in Raleigh once and he was standing on the floor performing in front of us.  Years later we saw him with George W. Bush at the Wright Brothers Centennial celebration.  He is a short guy.  Rachael would argue otherwise.  To her he was ten feet tall standing on that stage.  She forgot that the president of the United States was there too.

People that were following Jesus that first Palm Sunday were seeing His back.  Others in front of Him were looking over their shoulders to see the front of Jesus if they could look on His face.  Regardless of the perspective that they had that day they all had this in common; they were proclaiming that Jesus was coming in the name of the Lord.  They were undivided and they were very much decided.

In the tenth verse we hear of them praising that which had been once promised and was now lost to them.  The kingdom that had been promised from God to them as the offspring of David was being fulfilled in their sight.  “Blessed be the kingdom of our father David.”  They no doubt had reason for praise as they were taught how good things were back then as David was the recipient of God’s promises.  Now these promises were coming to fruition in their eyes.

What they had learned from all the predictions was now being produced.  They understood that the kingdom was coming again.  In preparation for this message, I looked up the word Hosanna.  What I found was this word simply means the highest praise.  In the KJV then this they were redundantly saying was the highest highest praise.

So what did Jesus do after such a rousing welcome?  Mark 11:11 “gAnd Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto bBethany with the twelve.” [2]

Jesus knew more about what was to come.  He knew that there would be many who were in that crowd that day to welcome Him who would be the same ones that would mock Him later as He carried His cross.  Many expected Jesus to bring back the kingdom of David.  Jesus knew that His kingdom was the greatest kingdom of all kingdoms.

When Jesus saw all that there was to see that afternoon He was thinking to His following days.  Jesus was passionate for our salvation from that which we chose for ourselves.  He was so amazed about His reception that day that when the sun went down Jesus left with His disciples.

Much would happen that week.  Jesus and His disciples came and went between Jerusalem and Bethany.  With each visit more and more things happened that were predicted and would seal His fate for His short earthly life.  People knew because they had been told but they did not really understand who Jesus was.  Today as we commemorate this day we understand as Palm Sunday are we prepared for His arrival?

Prayer:  Let us pray

Invitation:  There is really little difference in the world today and how the world was over two thousand years ago.  Jesus is coming!  There are many people proclaiming that He is coming.  Some say that they are waiting anxiously for His second arrival just as they were that other Palm Sunday.

Some are baring their souls and some others are baring the surroundings.  Many are making the way for Jesus and some are actually unaware of how they are preparing for His arrival.  Whether they are consciously making the way for Jesus to come back or not, all are participants in the preparation for His second coming.

The question today is how are you preparing His way into your heart?  Is there anticipation that He is going to fix the thing that you feel is broken?  Truth is He is waiting for you to fix the thing in your heart that is broken so that He can come in.  Are you ready to lay down your Palm branches so that His path will be ready?

This week we will be remembering the life that He gave on the cross for our sin.  We will remember the flogging that He took that was meant for us.  We will remember that tomb that was not intended for Him but that He took for just a little while.  Oh but next Sunday we will remember that He is Lord of Lords and that He has already come to us who have made His way ready.  Yes He is coming again!  He is coming for to take us home!  Amen?

Think of this as we sing….

f Cited from Ps. 118:26.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mk 11:8–10). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
f Cited from Ps. 118:26.
g Matt. 21:10, 12, 17.
b See Matt. 21:17.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Mk 11:11). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.