Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Gods Speed

2 Corinthians 6:2 “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)” [1]

I.   Said

     A. Reviewed

     B. Received

II. Succoured

     A. Provided

     B. Protected

III. Saved

     A. Accepted

     B. Approved


Introduction: Wednesday night we revisited Job.  There was a good bit left unsaid about that old book and it became evident soon why we must go back and revisit.  Today we are going to look at God’s perfect timing.  Many of the morning devotional readings He brought me this week concerned timing and also used Job as an illustration.

The KJV that most of us have here at Merry Oaks Baptist is a version of the Bible that has been revised many times since 1611 when a man named James was king of England.  This version is still a very literal version and there is no way that I will ever attempt to lead anyone away from the version of the Bible they understand.  My prayer for everyone is that they too will not insult others who might have a different version that speaks more to them than the particular version that you adhere to.

It is God’s word you know.  It is not King James’ word.  I pray that you don’t close your ears to the truth that may come while you refuse it.

The KJV translates Job 1:8, “8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou consideredd my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?” [2]  Could be that some well thinking preacher from the past read this to you and decided that since Jesus was perfect, than Job is equal to Jesus.  That is what I call blasphemy.

Maybe when you read this nobody persuaded you but you thought this and now it’s stuck in your mind.  However you got to this belief, heaven forbid!  As we started this trip back to Job Wednesday evening, we were reminded that we can find ourselves in each of the characters in the book of Job.  You and I were perfectly and wonderfully created because we were created by The Perfect Creator God.  Jesus Christ is not God’s creation.  Jesus Christ is God the Son.

That means Tommy Lawrence is perfect because he was created in the image of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Each and every person that The Triune God has created is created perfect.

Let nobody ever persuade you otherwise.  Job is not to be worshipped any more or less than any other created human.  To say otherwise is how cults are started.  Mohammed was a created human and he became a pretty bad guy but there are those who equate Mohammed to Jesus.  That is blasphemy.  To raise any created human being to equality with Jesus is blasphemous.

We are all created perfect in God’s sight.  Recently there was a beautiful little girl who was created just as God wanted her to be.  Her parents were able to hold her, give her a bath, and love her for the few hours God allowed her to be here.  She is and was and always will be perfect just like Job was but we are created and Jesus was not.

We must never forget that or we will begin to question why God allows things not to happen in our time, in our speed.  We will begin to think that we are equal to Him so He must listen and heed us.  He is God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost who made us perfect like Job but not divine as Jesus.  As my perfect brother says, “Got it?”

Scripture:  The focal scripture today is 2 Corinthians 6:2.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  Please leave your Bibles open and listen as we hear Ephesians 6:1-10…

1 We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) 3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: 4 But in all things approvinga ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, 5 In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumultsb, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; 6 By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, 7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, 8 By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; 9 As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; 10 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. [3]

Paul is warning the Ephesians and the other churches in the area back then and The Bible continues to warn His churches today that we must not receive that from God which we have done nothing to deserve and take it for granted as if we do deserve it.  We have a relationship with God only because of God sending His Son Jesus Who willingly came and died for our sins.  We did nothing to deserve that.  In truth, had it not been for God’s mercy, we would have suffered the death that Jesus suffered.

Instead God graciously gave us a relationship with Himself.  Now in God’s time, He speaks through Paul and through you when it is His time, His place, and to that one whom He wills.  So in this first verse of chapter six, Paul warns us not to take this grace lightly.

Verse two – God said.  Or “He saith” in the KJV.  God our Heavenly Father is there on His throne in heaven with Jesus beside Him and at just the right time, at His prescribed time, after He has heard and seen and decided to, He speaks.

As I was receiving this message, there was a hurricane coming up the coast.  The night before, we had prayed for those on the barrier islands that they would live safely and be comforted by God’s power through that storm.  Uncharacteristically, I woke up early and called those on the island.  I could hear the breakfast dishes rattling in the background and the TV so I knew they had power and were up doing routine stuff.

Our discussion turned to asking, what is God saying through this and how will He speak today?  There had already been loss of life and property down in the Bahamas but Florida for the most part had been spared.  The question came, how can we continue to ignore the truth that we are all perfectly created in His image yet some decide it is Ok to end a child’s life before we get a chance to know them.  How can we think it is OK for someone to believe that hating the sex God made you to be is OK and that the institution of marriage that He ordained is alright to make a mockery of.  These things are things that He spoke into existence and some are ignoring those things and the world is receiving these warnings though many who are suffering have not ignored Him.  Job asked, why is this OK?  Paul said that when God had reviewed the situation and was ready, He spoke.  Are we receiving His message or will we continue to ignore?

Friday morning after the storm, I tried to call them on Ocracoke again but they did not answer.  As I was having a rather late devotional time, the phone rang and it was my friend Woody.  They had 5 inches of water in their home.  Fish were jumping in their front yard.  No power but the cell phone worked and he wanted to hear from me before the battery went dead.  They lost everything in his workshop but had moved the two cars which they did not know about at that time.  The propane tank floated and broke the gas line so they can’t cook the food that is thawing while they wait for electricity to be back on which might be finally today.  They are alive but they are stuck in a place many see from a distance as paradise.

We pray and we pray and we ask for such selfish things.  Yet when God is ready to answer, He decides how and then He indeed answers when it is His time to answer.  “I have heard thee in a time accepted.”  When did He answer you?

I was 13 years old in Moncure Baptist Church sitting beside my mom.  The preacher made God’s invitation and I leaned over and asked Momma if she would go with me.  She said I had to take that walk by myself but she would be with me all the way.  God picked me up and held me and I walked that short walk in the comfort of His arms while Momma was crying behind me in the pew.  Momma had fed me and given me comfort but now I was in His arms and He was taking care of all that I needed.

That word succour is one lost in the ages.  It is what a mother does to her baby.  Way more than simply feeding, to succour is to give life giving loving nutrition that really a parent gives to that child which God has given to that parent.  Only the parent that God chooses for you can do that.  Nobody else can care enough.  It is a shame that there are actually people who God has used to bring human beings into this life that will never truly be parents, while there are so many people in this world that God has prepared to be those adoptive parents whom His has called for that purpose.  Only a God called parent can succour their child.

When I took that short walk that day at Moncure Baptist Church, my Heavenly Father succoured me and He always will.  I am provided for and protected in the loving arms of my Heavenly Father.  Do you feel that?

Behold He says!  Look!  Give attention to this right now because this is the accepted time.  This is the time to accept God and this is the time that God has accepted you.  Don’t let this time pass by again!  You are just like Job!  You are carefully and wonderfully made.  You are perfect in God’s eyes.  Perfectly accepted by Him!

Behold again He says.  Behold, now is the time of salvation.  It is totally up to you to admit him into your life.  All the trials and tribulations that He has allowed you and Merry Oaks Baptist Church which you might be a part of could be behind you if you will only once and for all accept that you are saved from the things that you have accepted as OK to be over once and for all.  It is revival time if you were ever really saved.  If you ever really did understand that you were perfect in His eyes!  If you ever did stop blaming others and Him for the wrong decisions you have made in your life and have finally been persuaded to give Him not your death but your life.  He saved you from death.  He accepted you as His child because you are perfect now in the arms of God because He gave his only begotten Son for you and now He is with you indwelling you with His Holy Spirit if you will finally, once and for all time, accept Him.

You are approved and now is the time to accept that, but there will come a time when that invitation will be over and then it will be too late.  Please do not make the mistake thinking that you are unworthy.  Jesus died to make you worthy and God says now is the time of salvation.


Invitation:  He has said and now it is time for you to say.  Are you ready said the master to be crucified with me?  Yes this world is in the midst of rebellion and there will be more who turn away than will come.  It pains me to say but there are many who have seemed to have been with us who will reject because they have decided to be led astray by others who will continue to deny even after the rocks have stopped falling.

They still won’t turn to follow Him though they will be forced to stop denying Him.  They will acknowledge Him only to turn their blame to Him as they go down to the bottomless pit.

If this is your time, if this is your day of salvation, come today before the doors close.  Perhaps you did take a walk many years ago but you were led by some other reason than surrender.  It is not too late to accept the truth that He is ready and willing to be your heavenly Father.

There’s no shame saying that maybe you weren’t ready then but are now.  There is no shame in that.  The shame comes when Jesus is there and you are calling Lord, Lord, and He answers, “depart from me sinner for I never knew you.”  That will be a shameful thing and a shameful day.  Today is the day of salvation.  I didn’t say that!  God said that!  What do you say?

He is speaking now!  Are you hearing?  Is today His day of salvation for you?  Is today that day to bring those things here to this altar that you have been carrying as that Christian who is afraid to give your burdens to your Father?  Loosen the grip which you so tightly hold onto, that which you think you must control, and take His yoke upon you.  It is His time.  It is His speed.  Ponder this and respond as we stand to sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., 2 Co 6:2). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
d considered: Heb. set thy heart on
[2] ibid., Job 1:8).
a approving: Gr. commending
b in tumults: or, in tossings to and fro
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., 2 Co 6:1–10). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.