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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Chosen Vessel

Acts 9:15 “But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is ta chosen vessel unto me, uto bear my name before xthe Gentiles, and ykings, and the children of Israel: 16 For zI will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake." [1]

I.   Decision

     A. Fearful

     B. Faithful

II. Delivery

     A. Fit

     B. Full

III. Distribution

     A. Flock

     B. Family


Introduction:  After Pentecost the church in Jerusalem was growing by the thousands.  There were so many coming from diverse people groups that a predictable thing happened.  There was unrest in the church because of jealousy.  Deacons were chosen to keep the peace but they were more than peacemakers, they were ministers.

The first in the list of deacons was Steven.  He was martyred by those who supposed him to be a heretic.  Somebody started a rumor and it spread until the crowd decided that Steven must be put down.  The priests who were supposedly chosen to represent God to the congregation misrepresented God’s truth and joined in the riot.  A well learned Pharisee named Saul was there to observe and by stand but he actually assisted in the murder of an innocent man.

The church was dispersed into other foreign territories while the apostles stayed there in Jerusalem.  Last week we talked of the deacon named Philip who was caused to take the gospel into places that might have never heard about Jesus.

So what happened to that guy Saul who held Steven’s coat?  Would you believe that he might have a change of heart and actually be used to further the gospel of Christ?  The church was split apart because of people like Saul.  He was a learned scholar.  Had he decided to really study and learn before he chose to join in the unrest, he might have been one to help put down the riot.  It seems that he learned that lesson.  Later Paul would tell young Timothy to study to show himself approved unto God as a workman who rightly divides the word of truth.  Instead Saul chose to further divide and threaten the church.

We often listen to people or observe them and without meaning to do it we pronounce sentence on them.  First impressions are the worst impressions some say.  Others say that they can size up a person in the first ten minutes of meeting them.  I confess that I’m like that.  Are you?

In chapter five of the Acts of the Apostles there was a man named Ananias who lied to himself and God and the apostles.  That Ananias made his wife Sapphira a widow for part of a day.  She didn’t last long after because she furthered the lie that she and her husband decided to tell.  They both died.

In Acts chapter nine there is another Ananias who was a devout disciple that The Lord spoke to in a vision.  The Lord told Ananias what house to go to, who he would find there, and what to do with the blind guy once he had been introduced.

The fellow was that much hated Saul.  It doesn’t say whether Ananias already knew that Saul was blind before The Lord told him so.  Can you imagine what you might do under the same circumstance?  People without the guidance of the Holy Spirit are usually quick to celebrate when a hard hearted person seems to get their just reward.  What did you do when you heard that Charles Manson was finally dead?  How would you have responded if in a vision God revealed that you should minister to someone who had tried to hurt you or your church family?

Today we are going to learn more about this man Ananias’ commission from God.  We are going to see another example of how the Holy Spirit can lead us into supernatural paths.

Scripture:  The scripture today is Acts 9:15-16.  Please stand if you can for God’s written word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  The sermon today is entitled “Chosen Vessel.”  At the end of chapter eight Philip was transported from Gaza to a place called Azotus.  In verse forty it says simply that Philip was found there.  Luke changed subjects completely between chapters eight and nine.  At the beginning of chapter nine we switch subjects back to Saul.  We heard earlier about Saul being present when Steven was stoned to death and how the church was dispersed because of people that were in Saul’s circle of associates.

Keep your Bible open to Acts chapter nine and follow as we hear again of Saul’s vision that he received on the road to Damascus.  We will read verses one through nine.

Saul was not content with only watching as the church was being threatened.  He joined in the threats and even went to the high priest to get names of those whom he might persecute back in Jerusalem.  While he was on his way to Damascus he was struck blind.  We know Ananias had a vision from God about Saul.  Now we hear that Saul lost his vision.  That is irony.

The men with Saul had nothing to say yet they heard a voice though they saw no man.  Saul didn’t see a man either.  Matter of fact Saul didn’t see anything for three days while he fasted.

So here we are at verse ten.  Ananias was already in Damascus when the Lord spoke to him and showed himself in a vision.  Notice here that Ananias recognized The Lord.  Was it a dream?  The Lord told Ananias to arise so maybe.  Could be he was in his recliner which the Lord told him to arise from.  No matter.  The Lord told him to go to the street called Straight where he would find Saul who had already been informed of him.  Saul was blind and Ananias had the cure that God provided.  Though Saul was blind he was most certainly looking for Ananias.

Ananias was most certainly not looking for Saul.  He had heard all he wanted to hear about the one who had scattered the church.  He also heard that the chief priests had given him authority to make it tougher on Christians.  Why would Ananias want to help such as Saul?

“But The Lord said unto him.”  When we begin to believe that we have made the right decision about a person or a thing and our minds are made up it’s hard to change your mind.  Aren’t you glad that Jesus didn’t change His mind about going to the cross for you while He sweated blood in the garden of Gethsemane?  Not my will but thine be done!  Aren’t you glad that Jesus was patient after coming down from the mount of transfiguration when He asked how long He had to put up with us?  Jesus was fully man yet He was fully obedient and He is fully God.

Ananias had based his initial decision on fear but The Lord said and Ananias was faithful.  His faith was stronger than his fear had been.  Go thy way because this Saul that you fear is My decision.  I chose Saul to be my chosen vessel and he will carry Me.

Saul was the method of delivery that Jesus had chosen to deliver His name.  Saul would not be Saul much longer and he would no longer persecute the church.  When Jesus transformed Saul he became Paul and he became the fit vessel to bring the full gospel to all who would receive it.

Electricity is transformed into a high voltage to be transmitted or delivered to other step down transformers so that the power can be distributed to the place where it is needed.  This is the system that I see here.  The name of Jesus is the power.  That spark must be carried and transformed so that others can understand and use His truth as His love is needed.

We are studying Hebrews in our evening services.  The author of that book understood that there are some babes in Christ that are not ready for the solid truth of the gospel of Jesus.  Keep this in mind though; the gospel is never to be watered down.  Water and electricity don’t mix.  We are washed clean but the blood of Jesus washes us within as we are ready to accept it.  The gospel is transported around the world to the place where it is needed and then it is made useful by others who distribute to those who are ready and willing to accept it.  Then The Holy Spirit flips the switch.  The Bible is still the most read and the most translated book of all time.

It is interesting to note that The Lord stated that Saul would bear or distribute His name to all people but He first named the Gentiles.  He named us first!  We know that Paul did indeed carry the name of Jesus to the Gentiles and kings and the rest of the world which includes the flock.  Then He said, “And the children of Israel.”  He so wanted his Jews, his family to receive.

The Jews were not an afterthought.  Jesus came as a Judean.  He came as One of them first and many rejected Him.  Now Jesus is telling Ananias that he would prepare one who had already rejected Jesus to carry Jesus’ name to the world.

Let us not overlook the fact that it would not be an easy thing for Paul.  Saul was the one who made the church suffer and now Paul would be shown all the great things that he would suffer for the name of Jesus.  Does suffering mean the same thing today that it meant in 1900 when this version of the KJV was scribed?  Paul did indeed suffer as did Jesus but to suffer in the old English means that a person must experience all that life throws at them whether good or bad.  Suffer the little children to come unto me, said Jesus.  Allow the children to experience Me, He said.  Do we suffer for the name of Jesus?  We are seeing that more with each passing day and each passing moment.  Are you ready to truly experience God? 


Invitation:17And Ananias went his way, and entered into bthe house; and cputting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and dbe filled with the Holy Ghost. 18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been escales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and fwas baptized. 19 And when he had received meat, he was strengthened. gThen was Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus. 20 And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is hthe Son of God.” [2]

It is so easy to make up your mind to reject that one who you have come in contact with when there is something you find offensive.  It might be that he or she is the very one who brings your child into fellowship as a Christian.  If God brings that one to you, pray and pray and pray until you find the answer before you reject that person.  Is there ever a time when rejection is the right answer?  That is only for God to decide.  Ask Him.

Today we have another chance at another chance.  Is there one who you are not sure of that you rejected along the way without praying about it?  Today is the perfect time to come and offer that name here at the altar.  Remember that Paul wrote to the Roman church thinking that he was headed to Spain.  We don’t know where we are going until we get there.  Pray. Pray. Pray as we sing…

t Comp. Rom. 9:22, 23 (Gk.).
u So ch. 13:2. & 22:15, 21. & 26:17. Rom. 1:1. 1 Cor. 15:10. Gal. 1:15. & 2:9. Eph. 3:7.
x Rom. 1:5 (Gk.). & 11:13. & 15:16. Gal. 1:16. & 2:7–9. Eph. 3:8. 1 Tim. 2:7. 2 Tim. 1:11. & 4:17.
y ch. 25:22, 23. & 26:1, 32.
z ch. 20:23. & 21:11. 2 Cor. 6:4, 5. & 11:23–28. 1 Thess. 3:3.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ac 9:15–16). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
b ver. 11.
c ver. 12.
d See ch. 2:4.
e So Tobit 11:13 (Gk.).
f ch. 22:16.
g ch. 26:20.
h See Matt. 14:33.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Ac 9:17–20). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.