Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.


1 Corinthians 12:4–6: 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations b, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.[1]

I.   Contributions

     A. Diverse

     B. Distinct

II. Administrations

     A. Need

     B. Necessity

III. Operations

     A. Vocation

     B. Validation



Introduction:  This is traditionally the sixth Sunday following the Pentecost experience with God.  It amazes me that after over two thousand years, we are still confusing what the three persons of God are doing in this world.

There are a number of religions that offer no explanation of there being three distinct persons of the Trinity and actually mock Christianity for believing that God can be three persons in one.  With the different denominations of Christians being at such odds with each other over the truth, it should not cause wonder why others do not understand.

The bible never uses the word Trinity yet there are many instances when the three persons are seen together throughout the Bible.  Even here in this particular text which we are studying today, the three are alluded to.  When Jesus walked this earth He never took credit for that which He did but always pointed to the Heavenly Father and insisted that when He ascended back to heaven, the Holy Spirit would come to abide with us.

One God, three distinctive persons.  One God, three distinctive enablers for mankind.  God The Father gives life.  God The Son gives eternal life.  God The Holy Spirit enables us to pass on to others a fuller life.

It is important that while we might argue internally concerning spiritual things that we carefully do as Jesus told His disciples in Luke 9, “Luke 9:46–50 (AV) “46 Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest. 47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him, 48 And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great. 49 And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. 50 And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.”

Scripture:  The scripture is 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message: Way back when I was in corporate America, there was a push for what some call diversity inclusion.  What it seemed to be to me was really tolerance for what often should be intolerant to the Christian.  Let it be!  If it feels good, do it.  It’s nobody’s business but the person who wants to do it.  This is a free country!

If you believe that other nations have fallen because of their absolute intolerance for God, then you are thought of as a bigot.  Doesn’t matter if you are telling a person that which will give them eternity, for the world we live in now, the most heinous sin is intolerance of whatever someone else wants to do.

Today we heard Paul speak of diversity.  Differences in the way we serve others as God serves through us is not the same inclusiveness for diversity of obscene behavior that is being pushed on us now.  We are gifted differently to serve differently.  We have different ideas of how to meet the needs of others because our consciences have been led differently by the same Spirit to serve the needs of others.  That is the diversity that Paul spoke of.

Spiritual gifts are contributed to us to make the lives of others fuller.  Freely given by The Holy Spirit of God without expecting anything in return except that the person who receives the gift is happy to receive and use that gift. 

When we give contributions to the church, we do not give so that we might receive the blessing.  We give that others will receive a blessing or it is not a gift.  If we expect attention to come our way we are investing on gaining attention for ourselves.  That is not a gift and it will not be received as a gift.

When the Holy Spirit gifts us, He is contributing to the witness of Christ.  As we read on in this chapter we will see that the gifts are diverse but the giver and the purpose is distinctive.  Many gifts; One Holy Spirit; one unique purpose: only to honor God.

Administrations is an odd way of saying ministry but that is what this means here in the KJV.  When we administer help to someone with a need, somehow, someway, we must be made aware of that need.  Jesus walked this earth and had a heart for the lost.  He knew those who would accept Him and those are the ones He administered to.  They were His ministry.

Because everybody is not aware of or has the heart to fill every need that you might be aware of, does not make you a better person than those who do not feel the commitment to fill that particular need.  Say it again this is important.

But, if you do hear the call to provide for that need that you have been made aware of and you have been gifted for, yet you choose to ignore that call; that does make others better people than you are.  That is the necessity that you should not want to miss because that is the call which the Holy Spirit has gifted you for and has willed in your heart to accomplish while you were busy judging others.

Careful study of how Jesus provided shows that often times it was the disciples who saw the need but had not the ability to provide.  We don’t always have the gifts to accomplish the needs we see but we can always be sure of the source of the provision.  Sometimes we do have the things within us to fulfill needs but we overlook them until we ask and Jesus shows us.

The little boy with the bread and the fish was already there.  There was a multitude of hungry people.  Jesus didn’t act until somebody said these people are in need of food and we are lacking.  Then Jesus said, “You feed them.”  Somebody noticed the little boy.  Jesus took what the boy had and multiplied it and there were leftovers.  Jesus can fill the needs if you only mention what you feel in your heart.  That is why we pray for others.

The KJV uses the word operations there in verse 6; tasks that we are talented for then trained and enabled to perform are what Paul is talking about here.  God made you with certain abilities that become your profession.  Sometimes these things show up as a hobby to begin with.  When you finally click into the job that you were made for, it just feels right.  Some of us are truck drivers, some are plumbers, some are electricians, some are secretaries, some feed children, and so on.

There are so many jobs that must get done to keep this old world going and some people are being born right now for jobs that don’t exist yet.  My great grandfather certainly didn’t see an offspring who would work on computers or pilot airplanes.

God knows because He knows everything forward and backwards.  Many many Spiritual gifts and there is only One Holy Spirit.  Many many people with needs and there is only one Jesus who puts those needs into our hearts.  Many many natural abilities but there is only One Heavenly Father who makes us all for His glory.  What about you?  What about us?  What about them?  What is His purpose for you?


Invitation: We have heard about diversity which can mean a division of ideas, cultures, wants, needs, and whatever else we choose to divide us.  Each of you have heard about inclusion as you are one person, one people, one nation, one world created by the same one Heavenly Father, saved by the one and only Jesus Christ, and gifted to serve by the one and only Holy Spirit.

Now you have a decision to make.  Are you going to concentrate on those things that you think divide you from other believers or are you going to look for the common core of purpose that we are here for now.

The world is full of those who want to divide and conquer for Satan and they are so bent on destruction of God’s purpose that they can’t understand that is what they are doing.  Do you see what you should be doing or are you more interested in deciding because of what somebody else, in your estimation, did wrong?

What is it going to be?  You decide!  I can’t decide for you.  God won’t decide for you.  It’s up to you.  Decide as we sing…


b administrations: or, ministries
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., 1 Co 12:4–6). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.