Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Mothers Day 2019

Momma Always

1 Samuel 1:27   "For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: 28 Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD".[1]

I.   I Prayed

     A. To The Lord

     B. For The Child

II. He Gave

     A. To Me

     B. From Him

III.     I Lent

     A. From Him

     B. To Him

Introduction:  Today is Mother’s Day.  It is my mother’s day, it is your mother’s day, and it is every mother’s day.  It is a day for all mothers to be honored.

I have no idea what comes to each mind in here today as we remember our mother.  Could be that you are fortunate enough to not have to rely on memories because your mother is still here with you in this life.  To you I say cherish this time.  It is gone much too fast and when it is gone there is nothing you can do to bring a lost moment back.

To those who are like me; those who can only rely on memories, I pray that these words today will bring you comfort.  You see death cannot separate you from your mother.  As with receiving salvation from God because of what Jesus did for you, only you can choose for yourself to accept your mother no matter what time, distance, or circumstance, does.  She will always be your mom but you must decide to let her know that you love her.  Know this, you will always be her child.

God makes assignments and we cannot change those.  Sometimes we start life with a mother who really wants us and the best for us.  Sometimes God gives us a mother who loves us regardless of the circumstances of birth because sometimes we are adopted by the momma, or daddy for that matter, that God has given that assignment, to be for you.  Whatever the way God gave you your momma, nobody and not even death can take her away from you.  It’s a God thing!

Mommas know stuff!  They might even laugh in your face sometimes when you don’t want or think you need a laugh.  They understand a thing that you sometimes can’t understand about yourself and sometimes that makes them laugh in delight because they know the secret about you that you don’t even know about yourself or your future.  When that happens sometimes you even get a little angry because you think they don’t understand when in reality it is you who did not understand.  If you pray for and receive discernment, one day you may learn just how much she knew but couldn’t tell you because you would not understand it then.  When God reveals it to you I pray you give credit to that one who loved you like nobody else ever could.

Thank you Momma.

Scripture:  The scripture is 1 Samuel 1:27-28.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  The message title today is “Momma Always.”  Hannah was a bride to a man that would be in trouble with the law of this land today.  You see Elkanah had two wives.  Peninnah was Elkanah’s other wife.

Folks, this never works out.  This is a side note but I feel led to explain this today. If there is a divorce and a remarriage, there is baggage and hard feelings.  There are preachers who threaten folks with discommunications from their church and sometimes they even use threats of loss of salvation because of divorce and remarriage.  God forgives if you ask!  If you divorce and remarry that alone will not send you to hell!  Only God knows the reason and only God can make things new but there will be hardships and baggage that will not be if you stay with the spouse God gave you.  It’s not easy, never has been and never will be but it is surely harder when others come into the relationship.  Work it out for your own good!  God warned you because God loves you.

Elkanah had a problem.  Penennah had children and Hannah had none.  Penennah mocked Hannah so much that Hannah prayed for a special child.  One that she would lend to God. 

We use that term special child today about people who may be different.  There seems to be several different things today that are prevalent that once were not so much.  These special people are a blessing from God that we have no right to decide to terminate before we get to know them.

We are praying for one just now that the medical folks have decided unworthy to be born.  Please remember folks that are making decisions against their doctor’s suggestions to carry their children full term.  Who knows, that child may live to be the next Steven Hawking who passed away last year.  He was said to have a mind that surpassed Einstein.  Hawking was able to explain many of the secrets of space and time that may one day lead us to explore other galaxies in God’s universe.  Here is his epitaph:  Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. Wikipedia

Born: January 8, 1942, Oxford, United Kingdom

Died: March 14, 2018, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Children: Lucy Hawking, Robert Hawking, Timothy Hawking

Spouse: Elaine Mason (m. 1995–2006), Jane Hawking (m. 1965–1995)

Books: A Brief History of Time, Brief Answers to the Big Questions, MORE

In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed with an early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease (MND; also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis "ALS" or Lou Gehrig's disease) that gradually paralysed him over the decades.

If the doctors had any idea of his health issues, do you think they would have advised his parents to carry him full term.

Hannah prayed that God would give her a child.  Elkanah was pretty much like all of us husbands.  He didn’t understand this deep desire for a woman to be a mother.  Look at 1 Samuel 1:8  “Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?” [2]

She went with her family to the temple and met Eli the prophet and judge.  She was praying so hard that Eli thought she was drunk.  Eli had sons who were a mess and they would eventually be his downfall, but Eli knew that Hannah’s prayer would be answered.  She did become pregnant and she commended her son to the one who gave her that son.

After Samuel was born, the family went back to the temple but not all of the family came home.  Somehow Hannah knew that Samuel would be very special and that he was not a so-called normal child.

She knew that Samuel would always be her little boy; that God would indeed have Samuel, and would use Samuel, but she lent Samuel to the Lord.  So Samuel would always be hers that nobody could take away from her.

She prayed for the child that the Lord gave to her.  She lent to the Lord the child that the Lord gave to her.  She lent from God to God.

Mother’s behold your children.  Children behold your mothers.

Prayer:  Let us pray.

Invitation:  Only God knows what is in anyone’s heart.  You might be here today with a sense of guilt because of a decision you made many years ago.  There might be a child that you will meet in heaven that never got a chance to meet their parent here in this life.  I am so looking forward to meeting two myself.  If that’s you and you need comfort, pray.  God already knows more about how you feel because he also had to give up a child.  He did that because He loves you.

Maybe you didn’t get that chance to make things right with Momma.  If you’re a Christian, it’s alright.  He promised no more tears.  It’ll be OK one day when we are all kneeling together at His feet.

If you are holding onto old deep hurts that are in the past and there is nobody to make them right, He can make it right.  Let Him.  Trust Him.

Maybe you want to come and tell Him how much you love and miss Momma and you want your church to know.  Come up and whisper that to me.  Please do it.  We’ll stop the music and you can take the floor.  She will hear you because Jesus will tell her.

The invitation is always open for you if you have something to lay here at the altar.  The invitation is open if you have never given your life to Jesus.  The invitation is open if you feel God is calling you to make Merry Oaks Baptist church your church family.  Please respond to His call as we sing…





[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 1:27–28). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., 1 Sa 1:8). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.