Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

First Love

Revelation 2:4, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left lthy first love.” [1]

I.   Nevertheless

     A. Limit

     B. Lightly

II. Negative

     A. Less

     B. Lower

III.     Negated

     A. Left

     B. Love 

Introduction:  Tommy brought the lesson in our morning Bible study last Sunday.  He used what someone else had written about a place of importance in the New Testament.  We got a history and geography lesson about Asia-minor and a place called Ephesus.

Very interesting it is how the Holy Spirit speaks when we listen to Him before jumping to what others have said about what He said to them.  Ephesus has been in my thoughts for several weeks.  It was a place of importance to Paul for many reasons.  Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is one that we Christians continue to learn from.  It was the first church that Jesus addressed in His Revelation to John.  Yes it is certainly a local church that we are still learning from today.

What happens when a local church begins to exist?  Some others here may have been present for the birth of a local church.  It is amazing when the church is birthed because of their love for Jesus.  It will last and continue even through the onsets of attack against it.

Rachael and I have served newly planted churches.  It is evident quickly why a church has been planted.  Sometimes it is because the new church family felt oppressed to worship in the way they felt they wanted to.  The old ways in the old church couldn’t be tolerated by the newer converts and they felt that they would be free if only they could start a new church.

Other times there was an emphasis placed on the type of music that was the focal point of the service.  Some folks were tired of books and wanted instead to only see what was projected to them on a careen.  Some people wanted to be excited and emotional.  They couldn’t tolerate those who were comfortable resting in the assurance of God.

Sometimes there was an argument in the translation or the version of the translation of the Bible itself.  People wanted something new that they could understand in the language of today.  For that matter many wanted to concentrate only on the parts of the Bible that suited them.  They had enough of people criticizing today’s society.  People only wanted to find happiness in their own decisions and not contentment in God’s will for their lives.

Back in the day as they say, distance caused churches to be planted near the neighborhoods where people lived.  An example is Gum Springs Baptist off the Pittsboro-Moncure road.  It spawned Moncure Baptist and Flat Springs in Deep River because people had a hard time traveling with their horses and buggies.  It was not because of dissention but convenience.

Jesus spoke to John of seven churches in His Revelation.  Ephesus was the first and Laodicea is the last mentioned.  There is quite a bit of talk about churches beginning and churches ending just now.  Perhaps it is a good time to consider what it is that would cause a congregation to move from their church family to start another congregation in another place.

As we study these churches in the next few weeks let us consider our Merry Oaks Baptist Church.  There have been so many churches closed to begin elsewhere for the wrong reasons.

It would be such a shame to jump head first into the shallow end when you are already swimming in the deep end of the pool.  Jesus provides a deep pool of living loving water.  He is the lifeguard.  Ask Jesus before you decide to jump.  Then let Jesus take you from better to best.

Scripture:  The Scripture today is Revelation 2:4.  Please stand for the reading of God’s word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Please follow as we hear and discuss Revelation 2:1-7.  “Unto athe angel of the church of bEphesus write; These things saith che that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh din the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;” [2]

Here we learn of seven churches.  Seven is the Hebrew number that represents completion.  Are these literally seven churches or is Jesus speaking to John about the universal church?  Too many commentators!  Jesus wants to hear from you not from what you heard or read from somebody else?  Remember when Jesus asked Peter, “What do you think?”

This is what I think.  Jesus is the one who holds the illumination for the universe.  He holds the seven stars that light up the universe.  There is no light without Jesus.  The seven candlesticks are the local spokespersons for Jesus that brings His word to the local churches.  I think they are pastors.  What do you think?

2 eI know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not fbear them which are evil: and gthou hast tried them hwhich say they are iapostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3 And hast fjborne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and khast not fainted.” [3]

Does this sound familiar?  For those of you who have been here at Merry Oaks for several generations; is this familiar?  I have listened to your stories.  Ya’ll have had a bunch of preachers come through here.  You have about half of one now.  This church has been tested yet you have come through stronger with a more clear witness of the Holy Spirit in this place than many.  It has taken patience and will require more but you have not fainted under the pressure.

Now we come to the central passage.  Jesus has poured out praise on the church at Ephesus yet there is a limit.  It’s all good but…  Nevertheless, said Jesus!  There is always room for improvement in this life.  We will not be perfect until we see Jesus face to face in eternity.  We have a limit in this life.  In heaven we will be limitless.  There will be no nevertheless there.

Nevertheless you’re here, and now I have somewhat of a criticism for your own good.  This is Jesus lightly suggesting that they consider something which would take them from better to best.  It is a shift from the positives He has been telling.  This is a negative which requires improvement and remembering.

Before it was more praise, but here Jesus is bringing out less than perfection.  They once were heading to that higher place but this is lowering their standing.  They are not fully standing under the countenance of God that they had above them.  The Ephesians had forgotten.

Do you remember?  Of course there is nobody here who was at the conception of this church.  Merry Oaks has been around longer than anyone here today.  So we must remember that which we experienced ourselves.

Tommy remembers.  He still talks about the cotton field.  He still is in love so much that considering being separated from Nancy is too much to consider.  I know you love her Tommy.  I love you too brother.

I remember that little blond standing there at the State Fair.  My band and I were getting paid to play Rock and Roll music in the pavilion at the fair but it was my day off.  The friend who turned out to be our best man wanted to hang out that day.  He wasn’t in the band.  Tommy said, “You want to go to the fair?  We can get in free with your pass.”  I really wanted a day off from the fair even though I hadn’t seen much of it.  Why not?  There she was.  There she is.

Life has a way of making things very hard.  Physical illness makes taking time together into taking care of each other together.  The babies turn into teenagers and then into adult children who don’t hold our same values.  Money gets scarce and having fun times turns into getting by times.  The physical trials tend to try the emotions and then the emotions affect the spiritual person.  We must never forget that day!  We must remember that day!

Can you remember?  What is it about Jesus that led you here?  If it was anything or anybody other than Jesus you came here for, it was the wrong reason and purpose.  Do you remember?  It’s important to remember otherwise it’s time to reevaluate and make a real decision for Jesus.

Jesus told them that they had left the building.  All that you have done in the past has been negated by who you have become.  Thou hast left.  Jesus is where Jesus has always been with the exception of that short period while He was here on that cross for you, for me.  He has not left anything behind.  When Jesus left the Holy Spirit came and He will always be with you.

What did Jesus say that the Ephesians left?  What is the reason that you first came to this place.  What is your first love?  Why did you leave?  Are you coming back or have you gone too far?

5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else mI will come unto thee quickly, and will remove nthy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” [4]  Not a threat.  This is a promise from Jesus.  Why do the good preachers leave?


Invitation:  This that we have heard today is about a local church in a real place that was in the middle of a decision.  Where did they go?  What did they do?

Jesus wasn’t finished with them.  He still had good things to say to jog their memory.  “6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of othe Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7 pHe that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; qTo him that overcometh will I give to eat of rthe tree of life, which is in the midst of sthe paradise of God.” [5]

The Nicolaitans are still here.  Jesus still hates what they are doing and so do we or at least we say that we do.  Why are we leaving our first love to listen to their lies?  Jesus said that we must overcome the junk that we see and hear.  Listen to His Spirit within you if you have an ear to hear.  If we overcome the mess we will inherit from Jesus that which keeps us alive eternally which is in heaven, the paradise of God.

Revival?  Have you been revived?  Is the love for Jesus as fresh as it was when you first received it?  God says in Revelation 21:5c, “Behold, pI make all things new.”  [6]  Your love for Jesus gets newer every day.  Do you still love Him?  Ask Him how much He loves you?  Consider as we worship and sing praise to Him…

l Comp. Jer. 2:2.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Re 2:4). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
a See ch. 1:20.
b See ch. 1:11.
c See ch. 1:16.
d ch. 1:13.
[2] Ibid., Re 2:1). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
e ver. 9, 13, 19. ch. 3:1, 8, 15.
f John 16:12.
g So 1 John 4:1.
h See 2 Cor. 11:13.
i See Acts 14:4.
f John 16:12.
j Gal. 6:2.
k Heb. 12:3 (Gk.). So Gal. 6:9. Heb. 12:5.
[3] Ibid., Re 2:2–3). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
m See John 21:22. Comp. Matt. 21:41, 43.
n ver. 1.
[4] Ibid., Re 2:5). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
o ver. 15. Comp. Acts 6:5?
p ver. 11, 17, 29. ch. 3:6, 13, 22. & 13:9. See Matt. 11:15.
q ver. 17. So ver. 11, 26. ch. 3:5, 12, 21. & 21:7.
r Gen. 2:9. ch. 22:2, 14. 2 Esdr. 2:12. & 8:52. So Ecclus. 19:19. See Prov. 3:18.
s 2 Esdr. 7:53. See Luke 23:43. Comp. Ezek. 28:13.
[5] Ibid., Re 2:6–7). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
p See 2 Cor. 5:17.
[6] Ibid., Re 21:5). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.