Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Powerful Proclamations

1 Thessalonians 5: “14 Now we ||exhort you, brethren, cwarn them that are ||unruly, ecomfort the feebleminded, fsupport the weak, gbe patient toward all men.” [1].

I.   Remind

     A. Disobedient

     B. Disloyal

II. Receive

     A. Unteachable

     B. Unreasonable

III. Reassure

     A. Constitution

     B. Construction

Introduction:   Today we will finish the exposition of Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica that we have in the Bible.  As we read through and examine these words we have found we understand that church has always been church from the time Jesus ordained it until even now.  We all struggle because like all things God created, we are still growing and going!  We are on our way to heaven and we are not there yet so we become impatient where we are.  We know how things are supposed to be and we know that things where we are right now are not the way that the Bible describes paradise so we grieve ourselves, each other, and yes we grieve the Holy Spirit.

In this last of Paul’s first letter we have to Thessalonica he wraps up his thoughts.  Yes this is a hard time because as Solomon learned and said, there is nothing new under the sun.  He said a mouthful there.  The earth is getting old and it is changing.  Aren’t you glad that you won’t be here when everything is old and worn out?  That time is most definitely coming…

John was carried to a place where we will go one day.  That place doesn’t have old worn out stuff.  How do I know; the Bible tells me so.  Revelation 21:5 says this, “And ohe that sat upon the throne said, Behold, pI make all things new. And he said unto me, qWrite: for rthese words are true and faithful. [2]  In these bodies here and now we are putting up with stuff that is getting old and worn out.  We are trying to swim in a mud hole that is drying up like fish out of water.

The Bible emphasizes living water.  We must not allow ourselves to be taken out of that water.  Have you even seen a beach full of dead whales?  One whale went the wrong way and the next thing you know, there’s a beach full of dead whales.  Paul’s emphasis was in keeping us together following Jesus and not those who are trying to lead us astray.  The deceiver will pull us apart from time to time and he invades each and every one of us.  Never think that a preacher can’t be led astray.  If you have a pastor, pray for that pastor because the deceiver will do all he can to turn the one who God has brought to lead His flock.

Scripture:  Today’s scripture is 1 Thessalonians 5:14.  When you have found it please rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  Keep your Bibles open and follow as we read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28.  Paul asked them to remember the ones who were their Spiritual leaders that taught and advised them.  We should always remember and thank God for them in our prayers.  And oh by the way; be at peace with each other.  It was really a redundant reminder.  Paul actually said the same thing twice though he talked about spiritual leaders as well as members of our local church families.

If we truly remember those who taught us spiritually, we will get along with each other.  That is what a true spiritual leader teaches.  If we act as competitors within our blood or church families we are doing something that a Christian teacher did not teach.  We are doing something that the world teaches that is contrary to scripture.

He started out this paragraph saying that we beseech.  In that twelfth verse Paul included himself in the group that he counted as his inner circle of trusted confidants.  We beseech; we ask you as strongly as we can ask.  Know them that labor among you and esteem them.  Think very highly of them as the treasure that they are to you.

In verse fourteen Paul shifts from strongly asking to strongly insisting.  We exhort you!  Here he reminded them that they were family too.  We exhort you brethren!  This is very important.  Do this and pay close attention because much depends on this.  We exhort you!

What could be so important that Paul was using this to close out this letter with?  Warn them that are unruly!  Remind them that refuse to follow the rules that keep peace.  Instead of being obedient to the rules that were agreed to by the church family, some decided later to rebel against the decisions that even they had agreed to.  This is a deliberate act of disloyalty to their church family.

Preacher, how do you know that?  Notice in our focal verse that there are three types of people mentioned; unruly, feebleminded, and weak three.  First we are to remind the unruly that their disobedience to the rules that were agreed to previously, they are being disloyal to those who count on them.

The other two groups might have an excuse for not following the rules.  A feebleminded person might not understand what they agreed to.  A weak minded person might not have the ability to stick with a decision that was easy to agree with when it was decided but now things have changed.  Now it is too hard to comply.  Maybe they are too proud to say that they need help.

So in the case of the feebleminded, are we to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak?  If ya’ll did throw out the feebleminded you wouldn’t have this preacher.  Sometimes I am a little feebleminded.  Ask Rachael!  Sometimes people do not understand so they simply sit there in submission not knowing and before you know it they are not caring either.  What happens?  They leave.  Don’t let them leave because nobody took time to help them.

What did Paul say we should do with those like me?  Comfort the feebleminded.  Receive them as any other member of your family.  I say that but I must confess that I don’t always do that.  When people don’t or can’t see my point of view, I don’t receive them.  I let them go.

All of us don’t have the gifts or talents to do everything that others do.  If Karen were to throw up her hands in disgust because some of us couldn’t learn how to play the organ or the piano; how would that make the others feel?  What does she do instead; she uses that which God has given her as a talent and shares with the rest of us.  Some of us, no matter how much we try, are unteachable about some things.

That takes care of the unteachable part of the outline.  What if a person is unreasonable?  Are they feebleminded or obstinate?  There are certain things in my family background that I can’t or won’t put away.  As I explain one of my pet quirks maybe you have something that hangs you up too.  Mine is alcohol.  Many have family gatherings and though they do not partake, they allow others to bring alcohol into their homes.  When I was in business Rachael and I bought a bunch of alcohol though we never had a problem of drinking ourselves.

When my sister Janice died, we had been estranged for many years.  Alcohol was her crutch that she used it to escape her demons.  Before she died God led us back together and I am here now because God spoke to me through Janice.  We have an eternal relationship now.

I have an unreasonable bad attitude against being around people who are drinking alcohol now.  My mind jumps to the broken relationships and I can’t get past that.  Maybe you have something like that which causes you to be unreasonable about a thing.  I am feebleminded towards alcohol.  Pray for me.  I want you to receive me even with my unreasonableness.

Support the weak.  There are always more aspects to be mentioned in the scriptures than physical things.  There are those who are weak physically and we minister to them.  This church does an exceptional service when we are able for those who have physical needs.  There are also those who are weak emotionally that think differently than others.  Paul said that we must support the weak.  That does not mean that we are to support them in their weakness so that they can stay weak.  We should love them enough to wait for them to grow in strength of spirit.

Follow as I read from Exodus 17:8-12.  This is an example of physical weakness that went over to manifest itself in spiritual weakness.  As long as Moses had the stamina to hold up his own hands, the children of Israel had the power of God that defeated their enemies.  But Moses needed the strength of others to keep holding up.

Often we might have the confidence to keep going but for whatever reason we falter.  Our construction is strong but our constitution begins to waver after a while.  We have the right building but the foundation is sinking in the sand as the waves wash it away.  When we started we were assured in our faith that all would be well.  Now the devil is having his way.  The waves keep rolling in.  If something or someone doesn’t come to bring that assurance back, if God doesn’t send someone to reassure us, we will sink and drown.

Just when we think that we will not be able to stand anymore, there is that patient Christian who has not lost hope and will not allow us to lose hope.  God sent that person.  He/she is a Godsend.

That is what we are to be for each other.  Patent toward all men, women too!  Listen again as we read the rest of the letter again from verse fifteen through twenty eight.

It would most definitely be wonderful if none would render evil to any person; if everyone would only follow what is good among our fellow believers and all people.  Of course we live in a world here and now where that is impossible.  Only when we Christians show the world that we rejoice in all things no matter what comes will the world at large see the difference that God wants us to show.  God’s will is that we give thanks for Jesus in everything.

If we do that, His Spirit will pour through Merry Oaks Baptist Church in such a way that this community will stand in amazement.  Otherwise if we quench the Holy Spirit and throw water on His fire that burns within us, others will see where there was once a fire that has gone out.

Don’t hate these things that we are studying in our evening services.  The prophecies are alive to remind and revive us.  If you hear others say a thing that is against the Bible, they have no basis for that.  Hang on to the Bible and let them make fun of you for that.  Do not fall into the devil’s evil trap.

What will happen if we do that?  The peace of God will clean us entirely from the inside out.  Paul said he prayed for those in Thessalonica that they would be preserved until the coming of Jesus and Jesus himself is praying for you at the right hand of God right now.  He called you and He will do what He said.

Finally, as Paul mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, pray for those who God has called to be Jesus’ under shepherds. Pray for them.  Pray for me.  Ya’ll thought Norman and I were crazy.  That’s OK.  Paul told us that we should greet each other with a holy kiss.  Next time I see Norman I’ll kiss him again.

Why am I reading and exposing this from Paul now here?  Through God’s instruction, Paul charged me to read this epistle to the holy brethren.  You are my holy brethren.  May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us.  Amen.


Invitation:  We are getting ready for Christmas.  Jesus came that first Christmas as a baby.  He is coming again and the world will know.  The prophecies told of the events following up to His first arrival.  Things are getting closer to His second coming.

Can you think of a better way to prepare for Christmas than to fall on your knees before Him at this altar and ask Him to cleanse your soul?  We have an example of an evergreen tree here in the pulpit to remind us of the everlasting life that God provided through His only begotten Son.  I pray that we make a powerful proclamation to love each other as He loves us.

Let us do as Paul reminded and be patient with all those who have yet to receive Jesus.  Let us be patient with each other as our love grows deeper.  Let our patience grow stronger as we wait for His arrival.  Let us devote our lives to Him as we sing…

|| Or, beseech. See ch. 4:1 marg.
c ver. 14 (Gk.). 2 Thess. 3:15.
|| Or, disorderly. So 2 Thess. 3:6, 7, 11.
e ch. 2:11. So Heb. 12:12.
f So Acts 20:35. See Rom. 15:1.
g 1 Cor. 13:4. See Gal. 5:22.
[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 1 Th 5:14). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
o ch. 4:2, 9. & 5:1, &c. & 20:11.
p See 2 Cor. 5:17.
q See ch. 14:13.
r See ch. 22:6.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Re 21:5). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.