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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Four Stages of Salvation


2 Samuel 14:21 “And the king said unto Joab, Behold now, I have done this thing: go therefore, bring the young man Absalom again.” [1]

 I.  Satisfaction

          A. Routine

          B. Rut

II. Surprise

          A. Ready

          B. Realization

III. Surrender

          A. Release

          B. Relief

IV. Serenity

          A. Righteousness

          B. Relationship

Introduction:  Last week we considered David’s surprise in learning of Amnon’s sin against his sister Tamar.  That was just the beginning of David’s surprise.  Absalom saw no revenge taken for the depravity done to his sister so he took matters into his own hands and had Amnon killed.  Someone told David wrongly that all his sons were killed.  After cousin Jonadab informed David the truth his remaining sons surprised David with a visit.  However all of David’s living sons were not there.  Absalom fled to another’s kingdom apparently because he was afraid of what his father might do.  Maybe because he was still bitter towards his father.  For whatever reason, Absalom was gone too.

This is the last verse of 2 Samuel 13:39 "And the soul of king David ||longed to go forth unto Absalom: for he was bcomforted concerning Amnon, seeing he was dead” [2]

David had lost three sons; two to death and one due to a loss of relationship.  Absalom would remove himself from his father’s presence for three years.  Today we will pick up at chapter fourteen.

Scripture:  The scripture today is 2 Samuel 14:21.  Please stand if you can for the reading of God’s Word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Please keep your Bibles open and read 2 Samuel 14:1-14.  This man Joab was a very trusted advisor to King David.  Remember when David stayed back in Jerusalem as the troops went to battle that it was Joab who led the troops to battle.  The Bible is careful to mention that Joab was also a son.  Maybe this is mentioned here because Joab was thinking about how hard it is for a father and son to be separated from each other.  Maybe Joab was thinking of his king and had some perception of the coming battle between David and Absalom.  For whatever reason Joab knew somebody had to make a move.  This thing had gone unresolved long enough.

Joab sent for a wise woman.  Whether she was actually a wife and mother or not is not clear.  Joab knew that she could make David realize that someone else might also feel his pain.  Her story was if someone in authority didn’t pardon her sinful son then she would have no heir.  This was to make David promise that pardon was indeed necessary in her case.

Now she had David’s attention.  When death comes, the chance for the return of relationship is no longer possible no matter who you are.  When it is over it’s over so you must take the opportunity to revive a relationship while you have the opportunity.

Now read 2 Samuel 14:15-17.  When she mentioned that someone was trying to kill both her and her sinful son, and that she needed the king’s pardon and protection, David figured it out.  Somebody sent her to bring attention to David about Absalom.

Go now to 2 Samuel 14:18-20.  She praised David for his wisdom and admitted that it was Joab that sent her in Absalom’s behalf.  David again took Joab into his confidence; maybe too much.  David sent Joab to bring Absalom back instead of going to himself, Joab was overtaken with joy.  This was an honor.  He went to Geshur and brought Absalom back.  Look at 2 Samuel 14:21-23.

David released the anguish that he had been harboring up inside.  After all, he was very concerned over the separation with Absalom but he didn’t know what to do.  Joab was sent to Absalom as a mediator between father and lost son.  We should understand how it is to have someone come to restore a relationship in the place of our Heavenly Father.  In this Christmas season we are reminded that Jesus came for that purpose.  Joab was indeed in an honored position.  Now it was up to Absalom and David to work out their renewed relationship.

David surrendered his side of the argument up to a point.  2 Samuel 14:24 “And the king said, Let him turn to his own house, and let him not see my face. So Absalom returned to his own house, and saw not the king’s face.” [3]

Verse twenty-five begins with that powerful little word “BUT.”  David surrendered.  He called for Absalom to come back but he had nothing to do with him.  Others certainly did admire Absalom.  He had three sons and a daughter who he named after his sister Tamar.  Still David had nothing to do with Absalom for two more years even though he was home.

Absalom sent for Joab to get his father’s attention but still David wouldn’t come.  Instead of taking his aggression out on his father, Absalom had Joab’s barley field burned down to get attention.  Read verses twenty-nine and thirty.

Absalom got Joab’s attention again.  In thirty-one through thirty-two Absalom was begging to see his father.  Even to the point of saying that if David didn’t accept him that he might as well go ahead and kill Absalom.  This would be a prophetic statement.  Though David certainly did not kill his son Absalom, he was killed in battle with his father’s forces later on.

Finally in verse thirty-three David was truly ready to surrender.  It should have come as a relief but it takes both sides to decide when to truly come back together.  "33 *So Joab came to the king, and told him: and when he had called for Absalom, he came to the king, and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king: and the king fkissed Absalom.” [4]

Prayer:  Let us pray.

Invitation:  You might say that this is a story of too little too late.  You might decide to judge the case yourself and lay blame on who you think are the villains and victims but here’s the truth; when a relationship is broken there are no victors until resolution comes.  Our resolution came!  He came!  His name is Jesus.

If there is an unresolved broken relationship that is weighing heavy on you this Bible truth is a reminder of how even the man that God used to bring Jesus into this world can be flawed.  We all sin and we are all worthy of death.  There is no way out for any of us and yet God loved us so much that He is not willing that any die.  God sent Jesus intercede and even to take our place so that we could die to sin and become the person God intended us to be.  Somebody who was perfect had to do that.  Jesus did that!

David had finally surrendered and accepted Absalom but as we read on we know that Absalom was not about to accept the terms of the surrender.  He finally died apart from his father.

The question today is this; have you run long enough?  Have you been angry long enough at what The Sovereign Lord God has allowed in your life?  Are you truly ready to ask forgiveness for the sin even though you don’t feel the guilt?  If you are not ready but remain defiant then God will leave you to your own stubbornness.  He requires humility.

God is holy!  Without Jesus nobody is holy.  If there is anything that you need to lay on the altar today please leave it here so that you can go and show His love.  Consider as we sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 2 Sa 14:21). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
|| Or, was consumed. Comp. Ps. 73:26. & 84:2.
b Gen. 38:12. So Gen. 24:67. & 37:35.
[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 2 Sa 13:39). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[3] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 2 Sa 14:24). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
* B.C. 1025.
f Gen. 29:13. & 31:55. & 33:4. & 45:15. Ex. 18:7. ch. 15:5. & 19:39. & 20:9. Luke 15:20. & 22:47.
[4] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (2009). (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., 2 Sa 14:33). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.