Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

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Revelation 2:21, “And fI gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.” [2]

I.   Room

     A. Grace

     B. Goodness

II. Repent

     A. Grant

     B. Go

III. Refused

     A. Garbage

     B. Gone

Introduction:  This morning we will observe communion and receive the elements that represent the body and blood of Jesus.  Last week we discussed the practice of eating food that was supposed to be for idol worship.

Today we observe the opposite.  We did not create Jesus.  We were created in His image.  We are to worship only God and now we can because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus.  As we partake in communion, we are reminded that we are partaking of the sacrifice that God created when He gave His only begotten Son.

Partaking in the “Lord’s Supper” is to show the parallel of partaking in that which is man-made and that which was given to us freely that we had no part in.  We do not work and die for Jesus.  Jesus came here for the hard work, and He died once and for all for us.  Now we must live for Him.

We heard what Jesus said about the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamos.  Today we will hear what He said to the Angel of the church in Thyatira.  Jesus again starts with praise for the good things that are happening in Thyatira and then shifts to what they need to do to be a vibrant church.

The church of Jesus Christ is and always has been under attack.  Today is no difference except it seems that the attacks are coming more frequently and violently to us in this nation than in years past.  When Jesus revealed to John, the church was going through terrible hardships and persecutions.  John was on the island of Patmos because he had been exiled there as an old troublemaker.

It is not a contest to see which part of the world is harder on Christians.  It is not so that we can tell Jesus how much we have suffered for Him.  It is so that we can possibly realize more how it is to suffer persecution for doing right without caving into the pressure of the world.  That’s what they were congratulated for in Thyatira.  If we overcome the evil that we face now then soon very soon we will be with Jesus.  These seven churches are to remind us of what they faced and what we will face.

The trappings for today are tempting.  It is easy to convince yourself that it is OK to partake in what others are doing.  We fool themselves into thinking that they can do whatever they decide with no repercussions.  Yet that is the real evidence of falling into the trap of perversion.  When Christians feel that their loved ones are innocent because they have been trapped by their own desires; when Christians get immune to the need to confess sin, that is the real horror of this perverse generation. 

When will Jesus return?  That question has been asked for the last two thousand years.  He is giving us time to repent and finally surrender to His call.  Thank God that He is patient.

As we consider the shortcomings of the church let us never forget that we will get through to the place where Jesus has for us to be with Him forevermore.  In each of these narratives Jesus reminds that he who has an ear let him hear.  Not everybody has an ear to listen to Jesus.  Without God’s leading us to Jesus there is no listening ear to hear.  These reminders are for the Christian.  Let us hear.

Scripture:  The Scripture today is Revelation 2:21. Please stand for the reading of God’s word.

Prayer:  Please be seated.

Message:  Follow as we hear Revelation 2:18-19, “And unto jthe angel of the church in yThyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, zwho hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and ahis feet are like fine brass; 19 mI know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.” [3]

Eyes like a flame of fire.  Jesus can see right through us.  His eyes burn into our soul.  His feet are like fine brass.  They will stand forever and beyond and will never tarnish.  Let us so stand.

Jesus knows the works that we do.  Any good works that we do are only because God is doing good through us.  That is what He explained to the Rich Young Ruler when he called Jesus Good Teacher.  “Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.” [4]  All charity (or love) comes from God.  The service or ministry that we do is because of our desire to serve God as we serve others, or else what we do is for the wrong motive.  Jesus looks and sees with His fiery eyes.

Jesus knows where our faith is.  Is what I do for or because of Him?  Do I feel like throwing up my hands and quitting when those I serve act as if I am not there?  Jesus said that He could see the patience of the church in Thyatira.  That makes me shudder.  He sees my lack of patience.  What does He see in you.  What does He see here as we wait to see what happens to Merry Oaks?

Isn’t it strange that Jesus mentioned works twice in verse nineteen?  In the same verse Jesus mentioned their works again and then He said, “and the last to be more than the first.” 

When we start out as newborn Christians, we think we are going to set the world on fire for God.  Then reality sets in.  The pressures of life set in.  Disappointments come.  Old age slips up on some of us if we’re fortunate.  What can I do now that I’m old?  Jesus promises the last works to more than the first.

God is not done with us!  God wants to use us more now than He has ever used us for His glory before.  What are we waiting for?  What are we worrying for?  What are we allowing ourselves to be distracted for?

Let us read on from verse 20, “ bNotwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman cJezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to decommit fornication, and dto eat things sacrificed unto idols.” [5]

Back in 1 Kings we see that in Elijah’s time there was that wife of Ahab whose name was Jezebel.  Is Jesus talking about this Jezebel or is there another one.  Is Jesus using this name as a metaphor as Jesus often did?  Who knows?  I don’t.  This person was a fool to herself and was successful in fooling many people that she somehow had insight into wrong and right.  She was a self-proclaimed prophetess who enticed disciples to commit fornication which is sexual perversion.

There were people in the church at Thyatira who were persuaded to put up with the woman mentioned, that perversion was OK.  Whether or not they had succumbed to it was not the issue.  The real problem is that they had been persuaded against believing God’s commands.

Here we are at our focal verse today.  We are not waiting for Jesus because God is late.  He gives us room or time to change.  We wait because of God’s grace and goodness.  There is no grace without God.  There is no goodness without God.  If it were up to me, I would let the chips fall.  Why don’t we just go ahead and do something?  Because God loves us enough to wait.  Shouldn’t you?  Shouldn’t I?

In the meantime, He is waiting for us to repent.  Yes, Jesus spoke of a person named Jezebel, but He is speaking of anyone who thinks they know what they don’t know.  He is speaking of anyone who thinks it is OK to fool others into their perverted way of looking at things.  There are people who hold on to what they have persuaded to believe and they have a very hard time granting anyone permission to change their mind.  Being stubborn is a good thing unless your mind is set on the wrong thing.

To repent means that you have granted the right for Jesus to change your mind.  Now the Holy Spirit is guiding you into the light of faith if you will only decide to go.  Before a person can do that, they must be willing to hear with the ear that has been given to them to listen to God.

The seductions of this world must be refused.  For some in the church in Thyatira they had refused to repent.  They counted God’s command as garbage to throw away and have nothing to do with anymore.  For them God’s word was gone to be forgotten.  For them Jesus had the following words, “22 Behold, I will gcast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he hwhich searcheth ithe reins and ihhearts: and kI will give unto every one of you according to your works.” [6]

Thank God that for us there is the alternative.  "24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in lThyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of mSatan, as they speak; I will nput upon you none other burden. 25 But othat which ye have already hold fast till ooI come. 26 pAnd he that overcometh, and keepeth my works qunto the end, to rhim will I give power over the nations: 27 And she shall trule them with a rod of iron; sas the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: ueven as I received of my Father. 28 And I will give him wthe morning star. 29 xHe that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." [7]


Invitation:  We come now to this table to observe as the first disciples did with Jesus at their Last Supper with Jesus prior to the cross.  Let us again examine ourselves and know that only because of Jesus are we worthy to partake in communion with Him.

Because Jesus is worthy, we are given this chance to worship in His worthiness.  Let us eat…

f Comp. Rom. 2:4. 2 Pet. 3:9. ch. 9:20, 21. & 16:9, 11.[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version., Re 2:21). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc..
j See ch. 1:20.
y ver. 24. See ch. 1:11.
z See ch. 1:14.
a See ch. 1:15.
m See ver. 2.
3 Ibid., Re 2:18–19). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[4] Ibid., Mk 10:18). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
b ver. 14 (Gk.).
c 1 Kin. 16:31. & 21:25. 2 Kin. 9:7.
d See ver. 14.
e Comp. Ex. 34:15?
d See ver. 14.
[5] Ibid., Re 2:20). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
g Matt. 9:2 (Gk.). So 1 Macc. 1:5 (Gk.).
h See 1 Sam. 16:7. & 1 Chr. 28:9. & Matt. 9:4.
i See Ps. 7:9.
i See Ps. 7:9.
h See 1 Sam. 16:7. & 1 Chr. 28:9. & Matt. 9:4.
k See Ps. 62:12. So Rom. 14:12. ch. 20:12, 13. & 22:12.
[6] Ibid., Re 2:22–23). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.
l ver. 13.
m See ver. 9.
n So Acts 15:28.
o ch. 3:11.
oo ch. 3:3.
p See ver. 7.
q See Heb. 3:6.
r So Ps. 2:8. & 49:14. Matt. 19:28. Luke 22:29, 30. 1 Cor. 6:2. ch. 3:21. & 20:4.
s See Ps. 2:9.
t Matt. 2:6 marg. ch. 12:5. & 19:15 in the Gk.
s See Ps. 2:9.
u See Matt. 28:18.
w So 2 Pet. 1:19. ch. 22:16. Comp. Ecclus. 50:6. Matt. 2:2.
x See ver. 7.
[7] Ibid., Re 2:24–29). (2009). Logos Research Systems, Inc.