Infinite Never-ending Trinity Everlasting Lord Excellent Christ Savior

Once a small company that served control systems, now a couple that serves the All Powerful God.

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All of life's answers are found in His book.

Blinded By The Light

Luke 18:31 Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. 32 For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: 33 And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again. 34 And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken. [1]

I.   Wisdom

     A. Knowledge

     B. Knowing

II. Witness

     A. Hidden

     B. Held

III. Wonder

     A. Unaware

     B. Unawake


Introduction:  Our series concerning the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of the church continues today which is the 9th Sunday since the traditional ascension Sunday.  Jesus was with His disciples during His ministry years and they were raised to understand things that were prophesied yet they did not seem to truly understand.

Judas Iscariot misunderstood so much that he decided to sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  Surely he would not have done that if he had accepted the Truth.

Peter acknowledged that Jesus was The Christ, the Son of the Most High God.  How could he deny knowing Jesus in Jesus’ greatest time of needing a true friend?

Last week I was at a birthday party for an old friend that I went to high school with and worked many years with at the power plant.  I can’t go anywhere anymore without asking the blessing for the meal and most who knew me in the past always expect me to lead the happy birthday song.  The conversation usually turns to Christianity in present day circumstances.  I found myself in the center of a question circle again and it wasn’t my party.  I was careful to invite those who were taking attention from the birthday boy to come here when they can. 

Several wondered how things are so messed up now.  The seemingly majority want lawlessness and anarchy instead of order.  The very ones who are on the screen shouting for anarchy act amazed when these mass murders are happening with more and more frequency.  This thing seems to be getting worse every day.  People are asking why yet the Bible is very clear why.

Amazing how our study of Revelation is so timely.  How can 2/3’s of the population be so against God’s example in the Bible they asked?  It finally came down to this truth when I told them and I pray we, here in this church, more understand after these weeks of acknowledging The third person of the Godhead.

This is what I told them and I tell you: Unless we allow the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we will not be able to witness Jesus Christ and His truth will be hidden from us even though we hear the truth, read the truth, and say we believe the truth.

People without the Holy Spirit do not have the Truth because they deny the only Truth so the Truth is hidden from them.  Instead of hating them, we must pray for them to accept Jesus so that The Truth will not be hidden from them anymore.

Scripture:  The scripture is Luke 18:31-34.  When you have found it please if you are able to humble yourself, rise to your feet for the reading of God’s written word.

Prayer: Please be seated

Message:  Today we heard again from Paul’s companion Luke.  This time from the gospel account that bears his name.   We don’t know where Paul was when Jesus was there at that place with His twelve disciples.  Probably Judas Iscariot was there because this was before the upper room meal in Jerusalem.

Jesus did not tell the twelve things that they had not been made aware of, but they still, though Peter said he did know, acted as if they did not know what it meant to be there with Jesus.  They were surprised that Jesus was going back to Jerusalem considering that He was expecting to be crucified.

He spelled it out in no uncertain terms; delivered to non-Jews, mocked, treated spitefully, spit on, scourged, and killed.  If they knew who Jesus was and they knew the prophecies about what would happen to the Messiah, why did they act like they did not know?

And raised on the third day?  After three days they thought someone had stolen His body!  They still did not know.  How could they now know?  How could Judas sell Him out?  How could Peter deny Jesus?  How in the world do two thirds of the people not know that killing babies is not an OK thing to do?  Why in the world do they not know?  Because they do not allow The Holy Spirit’s guidance, that’s why!

The focal verse today is verse 34.  They understood none of these things.  This saying was hidden from them.  Neither knew they the things which were spoken.  Three statements about the things that Jesus told the twelve.  Three statements about things that they should have known about even before they met Jesus.  Three statements about things that they had always been aware of but now it seems that they had somehow completely forgotten.

First, wisdom.  You can have knowledge of a thing and still not understand it.  Before a thing can be that which makes you more wise, you must own it so that you can defend it.  I’m sure that I’m not alone in trying to figure out arithmetic.  Especially algebra.  Until a person really needs to know how many miles are left in that tank of fuel before they are stranded, long division seems unnecessary.  Run out of gas one time because your gas gauge quit.  Bet next time you’ll know not only how much the tank of gas cost but you’ll be more aware of how many miles are in that tank.  That’s when knowledge becomes wisdom.

The disciples might have had a basic knowledge of the thing Jesus told them but they really did not understand.  Until a person accepts Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s guidance is accepted by that person, that person will never really know Jesus.

Second, witness.  Not only will a person seem to not know, though many of those same people have gone to church all their lives and learned things way back in Vacation Bible School and Sunday School, but they will live as if they forgot everything about Jesus.  They maybe even seemed back then to have a witness as part of those children in the choir singing Jesus loves me but now it’s gone.  If a person refuses the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it will be as if they had never heard of Jesus.  Once they were wide open for Jesus but now that witness seems to be hidden and held far away from them.   Like they completely forgot!  No witness!  Do you know anybody like that?

Third, wonder.  In Romans 10:14 Paul asked, “How shall they hear without a preacher?”  This third observation from Luke is the hardest truth for me of all.  It doesn’t make any difference if someone comes to church and listens intently to the sermon being preached; unless the Holy Spirit opens your soul all you will be able to do about it is wonder what it all means!  Unaware that you are even in a place where the gospel is being preached because if you refuse the Truth, the Truth will be unavailable to you.  Might as well be like some that I have seen from other pulpits.  Not here at Merry Oaks mind you, Oh no!  Never here!  Might as well be asleep because unless the Holy Spirit opens your hearing you are unawake.

Who was this that was talking to the disciples and they had no clue?  It was Jesus!  It was Jesus!  What did He tell them to do following His resurrection?  Wait until the Holy Spirit comes upon you or you will be of no use to me!  Who said that?  Jesus said that.  What are you going to do about that?  I am going to pray that we allow the Holy Spirit’s power to indwell us or this building will be useless except as a place for some who feel comfortable here to congregate here.

There is so much emphasis on a building.  If someone were to ask you where Merry Oaks Baptist church is, most everyone here would give them the physical address of this building.  Much hard physical work has been accomplished here and though it should have been a thing to bring fond memories of working together to accomplish something for the Lord, I hear how much others did nothing to help the few that worked so hard.  And I have not only heard that from a distinct few.

So please know that I am not singling anyone here out in this that I am saying.  We are all here guilty of this including even me.  Being bitter about what you have done for the Lord will not be an acceptable offering to the Lord.  What He wants is what He knocked my dad on his back to give to me.  God is still knocking me back to learn this and still I come up short.  What He wants is for us to have a loving relationship with Him and each other. 

This is a wonderful building that God has indeed given us where we can come and meet and hear His love from each other but this building is not His church.  We are His church!  You are His church!  He wants to show His love through you.


Invitation: I know what has been heard today has angered some because some feel they have given a good part of their lives for keeping this building up to where it is now.  I pray that His truth will sink in after it simmers for a while.  I invite you to something greater because one day this building and this world will be gone as all old things will be,

Behold said He from His throne, I make all things new.  He will continue to provide through each of you for this building but why?  Unless you let the Holy Spirit in so that he will build His church, you, Merry Oaks Baptist Church will surely die.  It’s not about what somebody else has done or is doing, or has not done; it is about the personal relationship that you can have with God and with each other, which the Holy Spirit is trying to give you.

If you think that you must have your way, He will leave you to it.  Heaven help us but if you are ready to be knocked onto your back like my dad finally had to be so that your physical is not taking precedence over your spiritual, then you are finally ready to be of use in His kingdom’s work.

Remember when He performed a miracle in your life?  That was to get your attention that you might listen for His will in your life to love each other, not so you could go back to showing how much you will do.  Before it’s too late will you finally know His will to love each other?  Accept His Spirit.  He will do whatever it takes to get your attention.  Carlie Simon said in a song, “You’re so vain, you probably think this song is about you.”  Was this message directed at you?  This preacher will not apologize for that because it was directed at me first.  How will I respond?  How will you respond?  Consider as we sing…

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version. (1995). (electronic ed. of the 1769 edition of the 1611 Authorized Version., Lk 18:31–34). Bellingham WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.